Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mr. Humphrey.

He's a nice guy. I miss having a classroom I could play guitar in :(

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Dang I miss this class! Junior year is so freaking hard compared to sophomore year. Essays and tests left and right. It's getting to the point where it's becoming unbearable.. and it's only November. Ouch.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Q: Would the world be a better place without the internet? I've recently seen two disturbing videos one of a gril throwing dogs into a river and another of a guy lighting a cat on fire =( both were very sad. I was wondering if people do these just to get noticed on places like the internet were the line between being famous and infamous is distorted. I would wonder if those poor animals would still be alive if we didn't have the internet... I realize that the internet has done alot of stuff but I mainly talking about things like youtube because that's were both of these started.
~Grant. =D

Sunday, August 22, 2010


People are still blogging about stuff? Nifty

Friday, August 6, 2010


I don't know if it's just me, but it's been...weird not to be writing on the blog. I keep freaking out on whatever day, thinking that I haven't written on the blog, and that I'm going to be late, etc. At least, at the begining of the summer. Now, I'm feeling just fine. Finally.

Ok, topic for...the summer, I guess. I think that the part that I love about the summer, is that I go into the school year, feeling like I have my life sorted out. I've had three months to go through things in my head, decide who I want to be, and stuff, and I'm ready to go back to school and just finish out the year. I've spent the summer looking at my cousins wedding pictures, talking to seniors about college, and jobs, and visiting college campuses. It's weird. I feel like life is passing by, and I don't know if I'm ok with that. At one point I am, but at the same time, I dread it. Sorry for the random rant, I'm waayyy low on sleep, and it's starting to effect my brain. Hehe. I hope that everyone had a great summer! See you in a few weeks!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Topic for this week: Back to school
This blog is one seems to care except for a select few...if anyone is out there post!! or something....anything...
SO tell me what is your favorite part of going back to school?
Or tell me your least favorite part about going back to scool?
Just tell me something...

Friday, July 23, 2010

FAILing Blog

This blog is dying.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Can't sleep

So I'm sure by now everyone has pretty much forgotten bout this blog I know I did untill tonight when I couldnt sleep due to damn fuckin stupid bad dreams (you can tell how I feel about them I'm sure) and yes I still have them and it sucks. It's feels strange being on vacation and not beng at school but I thats sort of normal....then again I'm sleep deprived and am just trying to keep my mind busy so I don't think about scary stuff....It's kind of interesting to think that no one will prob ever read this......oh well mmm sigh I should try and sleep this seemed to help alittle.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'm really late with this.

Seriously. 11:20 PM Wednesday. Technically speaking, I've got 40 minutes before this is late. YES.

Back : This class has been.. interesting. Honestly, the past few LA classes I've been in have been annoying. Last year, too much busy-work writing. Year before that, a teacher who in my opinion went a little TOO far to be the "friendly inspirational English teacher" from a bad teen movie. But this year? I liked it. Humphrey, you're a good teacher. Entertaining without ever feeling overly quirky. I wasn't a big fan of some of the literature we had to read, but NBD.

Foward : This being June 16th, it means yesterday was the Nintendo E3 Press conference. Which means currently, I'm shaking with nerd energy over the Nintendo 3DS - a bloody 3D handheld system. No glasses, just METAL GEAR SOLID 3 IN THREE DIMENTIONS. But that's completely irrevelant to an English class, so let's jump to something real. I'm looking foward to next year, mainly because I'll only be taking classes I'm genuinely interested in. Spanish - GONE. My GPA will no longer be a golden lifeboat tied down with a lead anchor. Instead it will have gold anchor - still a bad idea for an anchor, especially considering the fact that an inflatable lifeboat doesn't need one. A golden lifeboat is an entirely stupid idea, in fact. Metal foil is delicate.

Upwards : I have no idea how "looking up" = A wish, but I'll list my 3 wishes here. YES THREE. There's never been a genie in history only giving away ONE wish. Well, there's never been a genie in history period (RECORDED history, at least). But regardless - genie wishes.
First wish - A pen and paper. This way, I can write down the wish - ensuring that the genie gets ALL of it.
Second Wish - This is the backup wish. On the offchance he doesn't like my third one, and vanishes out of anger. So I'd wish for the ability to back up time. Not by much - I don't want to screw something up. If I only can go back 5 minutes, I can't do any serious dammage to the time-space continuum. But what's the purpose in only going back in time 5 minutes you ask? Horse races, I reply. By the end of the day, I could turn $50 into riches. I then bet it all on the Kentucky Derby, get discovered, thown in an Area 51 jail cell, break out with a lovable gang of mutant misfits, and then go on to win the National Spelling Bee. Speilberg will direct.
Third Wish - Ability to grant my own wishes. Not become a genie mind you, just gain wish-granting powers. I then become a supervillian in the sequel to Wish #2.

Twirling : An idea of my own birth, and I'm now regretting it. I've backspaced twice, and now I[m not even looking at the screen. Just at the jkeybopard, desperately trying to not notic all the horrific typos. Plus, Top Gear is on in hte background. TOP GEAr. It's a british car show that's not too british, and notto.. car. Juast 3 funny people, taslking about cars and being general pricks to each other. Is pricks accebable ina schol blog. You have no ida how many tim e to I want sweat want to. GOOD GO D THAT SENTICE IS BAD. Swwet Jesus, this is awful. WHAT HAVE I DONE. But to conclude, I made chilli today. it sucksed. Crap this is only two minutes. AWWWWHHHHHHH.. I also make Cinnemon bun pancakes. SO AMAZING. LIKE PURE GREATNESS IN YOUR MOTHE. They were even covered in icing. IO made then around 11 though, so it doesn't count as breakfast. Or lunch. Or Brunch. Or Brinner. Or Linner. Or Leckfast. Or Supper. Is supper even a thing? Has anybody legitimately had ":Supper"? ONE MINUTE EFT YES. SO to conclude agaio, I've abckspace. that like 10 time snow, maybe more. zTotally guessing. Blah blah blah That came out what to clean. William sa\hater's on the tV boxz
Looking back on this year, it was okay.
I took honors for the first time, i could've done better..
I want to do better next year. I made more friends(;
But, i also lost some..
Sports, i lettered in 2 out 3. I'm happy with the progress i've made.
I went to districts, and placed 5th in Triple Jump.

I'm looking forward to summer. (:
I also need to start driving hahaha.
I am going camping a lot this summer, and that's always fun.
I'm looking forward to seeing friends, and making new ones.

I wish that I do better next year, because i know i'm capable.
I wish to just be happy.

I don't really know what to talk about for five minutes, but here it goes.
I'm sitting at home doing nothing ha. I'm watching princess diaries. I can't believe that schools out already, i feel like we just started. It's gonna be scary being a junior! Maybe we'll do bettter at pep assemblies if people would participate once and a while. The lakers beat boston last night. That sucks aha. I'm hungry.. hmmm what to eat, i kinda want brownies. I'm excited for volleyball camp in july! Hopefully theirs not gonna be a whole bunch of drama, but houses full of girls...vurtually impossible. I just want to get better! I don't know what position i'm going to be playing, hopefully left back. Well, one minute left. Finals were'nt to bad this year. I did good on my biology test. mr. Prunty is my favorite! I drew him a doodle, and he gave me like 20 points extra credit(: haha well, times up.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

nothing like waiting for the last minutes...

I think technology is a good thing, and a bad thing. like i hate how some parents buy their kids one baby sitter, the tv. when they make there children go in there room, and then threaten to turn the tv off unless they go back into their room. but its good, because we can figure so much more out now.

i think you should fight if you feel strongly about something, and stop, if your point isnt getting you anywhere. you should stand up for what you believe in, and not stop.

i think the next blog topic should be summer plans. my mission statement would probably be something like get a good job, supports my family, have a family, stay in school and sports.
its funny, because right now im trying to think of a mission statement for my volleyball team, not as easy as that was, because its gotta rhyme and sound smooth. i deffffffffinately need some help.

i lettered in two of the three sports i played this year. and im upset that i didnt letter in softball, because i should have pushed myself harder.
next yeaqr, i hope to get a 4.0
i wish for my family to be healthy and have money to buy stuff for us, and oince we buy the things we wanted, we could help out many other people.
five minutes of continuous writing are you serious i admit i have already hit back space once, crap almost didn it again. wow i really suck at ti-ping hahahahahaha.
pokay like a minute down so i really dont wanna do this ksit thinkg for volleyball camp. everything is getting dso outtta hand. there is way to much drama going on for a stupid skit and wherther people are going or not and whos rooming with who i just dont like it but im excited to go camping in july i think its gunnna be sosoooo funnnn im going to lincoln sity at the end of june i dont really know what else to wrtite i type so slow. why did we get out early today? thats wierd did the busses come for other people? i olny like have a minute yayaayayyaya okay sweet crap oi udes backs[ace agaiun......

Last blog post!!!

Back: this year has been interesting. I have patched up friendships and I have made many new ones as well. I think I have grown a lot this year, I feel like I am finally figuring out who I am. Memories that stick out for me would have to be the majority of my spanish class, since my best friend sat infront of me and we would always joke around. I wish that I could of patched up my friendship with her sooner and spent more good times together before she leaves. This year was also a crazy year for my health, I got races, had a tonsilectomy, then got sick 3 times after that, not to mention i had already been sick multiple times before it as well. I turned 16 which is exciting in itself and my dad got engaged so that was pretty big as well. I feel that i can look back on this year and think that it was pretty dang good.

Forward: I am excited for summer cause I will hopefully have a job, and I am taking a college class over the summer. I am slo driving so that makes everything exciting. Next year I am looking forward to all my new classes, and they will be hard so I am looking forward to a challenge. I can't wait to meet new people and make more friends. And other than that I am just waiting to see what comes my way and hoping for the best.

Wish: My wish is that I get into my summer math class with no trouble, and that I get a good grade in it.

Twirl: I really don't know what to write about so here it goes, crazy week so far and it is only tuesday, yesterday I had to go to the DMV to take my drive test that didnt go so bad especially sinced i passed. But then at lunch i had to call PCC admissions office and by the time you press all the buttuons to even get to what you want the stupid said, "There are 9 people on hold ahead of you please wait." I did not have the time to sit there on the phone to wait for nine freaking people to get through, and i had only one tiny simple question. Then I had to call the testing office, I was hoping they would say I didnt have to take a placement test because I had just finished a math class but nope i still have to go take the damn test. Later in the afternoon I had to go down to the insurance company to get my car insurance, that wasnt too bad, but i was suppose to watch this video and answer questions about it at their office, well they told me to go home and do it and you could get the video but i couldnt get the questionaire it was ridiculous.

Mission Statement

My mission is to graduate high school with an honors diploma. I also plan to do high school and college at the same time my senior year. After completing that I will go to a four year college and major in biology. Next I will go to medical school to become a pediatrician. My plan has always been to be a pediatrician and I want that career because I love to help people, and i enjoy working with children, and the general public. I have spent a lot of time in hospitals when my mom was sick, and everything in them is so fascinating, that i always just want to learn moe about them. I think health is important and a lot of people don't take care of themselves, I think being a pediatricain I can help younger and younger people start off with healthy lives and maybe move forward in having a healthier future of people.

Monday, June 14, 2010

And in the end, the love you make is greater than the love you take

Looking back it’s been a good year. I feel like this is the first year that it’s been the first year that I’ve had a somewhat normal experience, and it’s kind of the last year that I’ll have that. So I’m glad that I’ve been able to experience high school that way. I’ve enjoyed it, there’s no doubt, but I also encountered drama for my first time, which I guess is normal, but it wasn’t exactly enjoyable. I’m proud to say that for the most part I’ve avoided drama (or as Humphrey calls it: crap) and I think I’ll intend to continue that.

Looking forward I’m excited. ONE MORE YEAR OF PRISON, oh, I mean high school. And I know this next year I will be more focused on my school work. My distraction will be living in Bend which will help me get things done better. I hope not to procrastinate as much, start cleaning out my room before I head to college and I hope to become more organized.

Looking up I wish that I felt loved and accepted by my family not just a tool to make them look good.

Alright I’m spiraling I don’t really know what to talk about, I mean I am really tired and looking forward to summer, that’s for sure!!!!!!!!!!! I have one summer left before I have to start worrying about ma packing and going to college. So I plan to make the best of it. Of course I’ll be loaded down with my work from summer school, but you take what you get. I really want to go to bed and I really hope I pull my stuff together and get the garade I need in this class. I can only hope that I do. I think I did okay on the test, gradnted I have done better on tests before, but worse things have p happened then not to doing perfect on a test. Life goes by fast but I’m enjoying it. It’s turning intoa whirl wind and it’s a crazy ride, but I’m enjoying every last second of it. Seriously I just wanna turn out the ti lights right now, but I won’t. I’ll keep writing because I’m a good girl. I went shopping yesterday that was fun, almost as fun as giving random funning I mean funny shartpie tattoos. One more minute. Score then I can stope and get the sleep I so depesperately need. I got skiny jeans for like 50 dollars off, I’m pretty proud. It’s now 11:11 so I’m done and can make a whish but I think I’ll keep it to muy sefl so there is a chance of my wish coming true. GOODNIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last Topic :)

I am so happy about how this year turned out. Although I am somewhat disappointed in myself for not trying as hard freshman year, I am still glad with my 3.8 or something GPA. I just wish one year didnt affect my whole life. I am also sad to see this year go by so fast, and angry that there will be MORE horribly annoying freshman. I just hope I graduate next year.
I wish, in all my heart, that there was nothing to really stress about. Even if things are going good, there's always that one thing to stress about. I hate stressing over chores and school, simple things really. I stress over everything because I'm OCD. It's the most horrible thing in the world! It causes all sorts of problems for me.
So now I'm twirling. :)
I can't believe that I'm already a Junior and that Sophomore year has gone by. I can't wait to go to florida and see my dad and my dads girffriend candy and my little sister abby and my brother alex and my sister kayla ( well they're not really my brothers or sisters but i call them that) only one typo so far yuaty! oh god now two lol. Anyway. I can;tw ait til i go do my BYU courses online. I dont know what to take first... AP bilolgy? Precalculus? LA 11? i dont know. I just want to get school done with now. I wonder how many credits i need. so ui f have 14 or 15 credits now then all i need it slike 5 or 6 credits over the summer and then i can do the rest during school. Well i can do both at the same time since BYU give me a year to complete things. Ill probably do like 3 credits this summer and then some during school and then the rest during next summer. When would i graduate? would that work? oh well. I cant wait to get out of here!!! I hear college is so much fun too!! so excited. I wonder what classes i want to take. I know im really into being a doctor but im also in love with life itself - biology and such. What should I do? I love animals and i love studying them and plants. Animals more though but whatever. And i love c atching things like crabs and lizards. hehe!! Oh i went krawdadding yesterday but i didnt catch anything. How sad. The water was sooo cold i dont think there was anything in there. at mccormick park creek btw. I did see a baby catfhish though. it was freraking huge. Oh my 5 min is up thank goodness i need to go to bed!1 tomorrows the last day! hurrah!

Last Post

The past school year has been pretty great. I managed to maintain my 4.0 GPA last semester when I wasn’t sure if I could. And hopefully I’ll still have it at the end of the next few days as well. I quit band this year, which was probably one of my better decisions. I got a lead in Children of Eden. That was an accomplishment because I’m only a sophomore. If I could change something I would have made myself not procrastinate things. I didn’t procrastinate as I much as I did freshman year so I suppose that was an improvement.

Next year I hope that I’ll have a 4.0 still. I’m excited for Zombie Prom, the spring musical. I’m planning on competing in Solo and Ensemble and Acting Competition next year, both singing. I can’t wait for my little sister to be a freshman. I’m gonna take five billion art classes. Next year I’m going to get a little more organized than I was this year. And hopefully my procrastination habit will continue to decrease. Also I plan on starting ballet again because I miss it and I need the exercise.

My wish is that I’ll be accepted into the animation program at BYU in a few years.

Kay, now to twirl.

Pixar is awesome. I just love that place sooooo much. I really really like finding nemo. Wall-E is awesome too. Probably my least favorite, but they’re still good, are bugs life and up. Up is funny because of dug. And my favorite line is “I was hiding under your porch because I love you!” It cracks me up and I like telling people that. Haha. Finding Nemo is fabulous. I love the music and the story line and the characters. Just everything. I listen to the Wall-E soundtrack quite often. Especially when I am doing something and I don’t want to get really distracted by music. The good things about the wall-e soundtrack is that hello dolly music is on it. I love hello dolly! I love musicals period. I really like Les Miserables. It’s just perfect. A lot of people I know are Phantom of the opera fans, but Les Mis is better. Sure Phantom is good, but not as wonderful as les mis. But that’s an opinion so don’t freak out on me or something. I also really like scarlet pimpernel. It’s so BIG. Like all of the songs end with a huge bang. Thing finale at the end of each song. Weird? Yeah. Cool , definitely. It’s just great. I’m tired of school. I just have nothing to do. Except some of my classes are giving me way too much to do. It’s stressful! But boring at the same time. Like right now during 5th period I have a ta period so I’m bored to death doing nothing. Blah!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

yay!!! last topic thing!!

backward: i dont feel like i really accomplished anything... im serious! i feel like i have been doing the same thing my whole life for the past 10 years! it just feels like one big continued year! uuummmm.... looking back on the past isnt really my thing. i guess my good grades?

forward: lookin at the future! i already talk about this anyway! so i dont think next year is going to be any different from this year... i will just be older and finally get my drivers license. and the anime convention will be a fun thing that i cant wait for.

upward: hhhhmmmmm how far into the nerdy relm should i go for this wish? THAT is the question!! eh... im not even going to get into any of that stuff... ok! i wish i was super smart and amazing at everything and everybody would love me even if i hate them!!! mwahahahaha!!! i would never have to try at anything ever again! the perfect wish for a lazy bum like me!!

twirling!: oh this is going to be fun! and..... start!! oh my.... my mind just blanked!! ugh! i dont know how to deal with this! lol thats an anime reference! ugh why did i just type that?! damn i wish i could have erased that... oh well i guess i should just go with it and explain the whole anime!!!! hahahahahaha!!!!! ok so the anime is called soul eater and it is amazing! i just finished the whole thing this morning! and i started it a week ago! aaahhh yes.... 51 episodes of amazingness and excalibur... he is funny.... oh i have to tell you about excalibur!!!!! ok so in the anime he is this little white, cute, animal thing that has a deep mighty voice and turns into the sword excalibur!!! and no one can stand him because he calls someone a fool like every 5 seconds and there is this one part where he dances and sings his name and then i couldnt get that song out of my head for like 2 hours!! oh great.... now im thinking about it and my mind has blanked again! so yeah it was rrreeeeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyy funny and i think i just wrote for more then 5 minutes but im not done talking! so anyway! excalibur was not the character i wanted to talk about! the character i wanted to talk about was crona because thats where the reference came from! ok so he is like this dude with pink hair that wears a dress and he has like black blood that makes him go crazy and the demon sword ragnarok or however you spell it like comes out of his back and its made with his black blood! but anyway he is like this nervous wreck that is always scared of everything and his mom (medusa) is a bully and i want to kill her because she is really mean to crona! and anyway! he says that he cant deal with things alot!! *sighs a sigh of relief* i did not mean to get into that much detail about an anime! sorry! i just couldn't stop myself!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Last Topic

Crazy it is the last blog topic of the year! Now we are juniors and it feels to me like I was just a freshmen.
Backward: Some things that I accomplished this year would be keeping a 4.0 up this year (well last semester I did I'm not sure how this semester will turn out), getting into the symphonic band, and playing on the varsity soccer team. Most of those shape my memories this year, well not the grades so much. Band went to state, I actually got to know some of the band kids unlike last year, marching band, getting announced at the soccer games, and getting injured... ouch.
Forward: Next year I look forward to new classes! Even though I don't know what they are yet. I'm hoping the girls soccer team will be awesome next year! I'm also hoping the band will make it to state again next year! Marching band will hopefully be awesome next year too.
Up: One genie wish, I wish I wasn't injured anymore. Physical therapy and not being able to do anything just suck!
Twirl: twirl twirl twirl trw twirl twirl this is not easy to do. twirl twirl twirl. I really want to backspace! Twirl twirl. This makes me mad at the simpsons. twirl twirl twirl twirl. I feel really uncreative because all I can think to say is twirl twirl twirl. Twirling twirling twirl twirl. Really long five minutes its only been three. Last blog topic! Four minutes. Twirl twirl twirl. Forward, backward, up, and twirl. And......... Five minutes!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Topics #15-17

Topic # 15

I think you should give up when you feel like it's not worth it anymore. Unless you are playing a board game. For example if you are failing a class and you have no idea what is going on and there is no possible way that you are going to get your grade up, it is probably just better to give up and drop the class. I don't really think it's a good thing to always keep fighting either because in some occasions you will lose the fight and it would be better just to run.

Topic #16

When I grow up I would like to be someone who is very wealthy who never has to worry about money. I want to be a person who gets to choose whether they work or not and when they do work it's something they have fun doing and get paid lots for. I want to have many different houses, a few on the beach, some in the country, and a few in the tropics. Although none of this will ever happen it's nice to think about.

Final Topic

This year I haven't really accomplished much, I got horrible grades because for some reason i just didn't care. I did do pretty good in tennis this year though. Don't think I really changed too much this year, except I did get a lot taller. I don't really have that many memories that i'm fond of. Maybe just a few. Overall I'd say this year went "okay" this class was one of the better parts of my year.


Since the beggining of this year i have learned alot about myself and became more confident and less worried about talking to people. I have made alot of new friends and some that have became good friends. I have accomplished alot of my personal goals this year.

Next year and this summer i hope to have a great year and alot memories. Im not worried about being a junior exept i would like to improve my grades some. Im looking forward for football games to start and am just exited for all of the things junior year my bring.

If i had one wish i would probly wish to see what kind of things the future has for me but then again i like the suprises that happen in life but i think it would be nice if your feeling low to be able to know that it's not always going to feel like it.

Alright so i guess im going to try to type for five minutes straight with no editing but i think i can just keep randomly saying things im watching the NBA finals right now or atleast its about to start . Im kinda worried i think im getting my hair cut for gold beach into a mohawk but i know im gona look ridiculous. i can believe that this is the last blog and we only ahave a few days left of school in are sophmore year. Im trying to type kinda slowly and i only have like a minute left. Im doing pretty good for not getting to edit but thier the five minutes up

Last one! Sad Day!

I don't know. I have definetly changed since the begining of the year. I feel....more self fulfilled, I guess. I know mysefl better. I know what I really can and can't do. I've had my first panic attack/hysteria fit. That was weird. I've met alot of new people, and even became friends with some of them. I definetly learned how to think, thank you, Mr. Humphrey!!!

I'm hoping for forgiveness, and I really want to grow out of the people that I'm with right now. They're holding me back, and that's not cool. I also want to take more leadership-typey things. I want to feel good about myself, and be better about not doing stupid things. I want to take things lighter, and not freak out.

I think that I'm going to have to go with what Will said, I would wish for happiness. That's what I, personally, aim for, and it seems really cool. Either that, or I would wish that I had way awesomer music capabilities. Like, I could arrange a Star Wars version of Pomp and Circumstance..... :D

Ugh, I'm not going to lie, I cah'en't looked forward to this at all. I hate to do things that I can't erase. I guess that's why I"m typing a little bit slowe. Ugh, ky music just stopped. I hate this not editing thing. I guess with the seniors graduating, it's made me think a little bit more anout what I'm going to do in cooledge. I'm really nervous. I don't know, for sure what I want to be. I't s a little bit nerve wraking, and I hate it. But this summer, I'm going to the coolege that I want to go to , so taht willl ne good. Do you know what really bugs me? wWhn stupid people try to annyo you m adn they think that they know you, and they're just annoying, and you want to straingle them, and you have to seit by them for two ohours. That's what bugs me. Theu thing abotu this tyoping thing, is that when i think about it is when I make the most mistakes. When I'm not htinkging about it, tha't swhan I screw up the most.

Wootwoot! I'm done!
Backword; I look back this year, and i see a worthless, piece of shit that let others take advantage of himself, who wanted nothing more than to just dissapear into nothing, who felt hated himself so much, he couldnt stand living. I see a kid who felt so akward with people that at this very moment, i feel tears of shame come to my eyes. I see someone who thought that he could never grow into a leader, who felt that he could take charge, and maybe show that his poems, stories, ideas and opinions deserved and needed to be heard. I see a kid empty of passion, full of despair, and missing an identity. Its hard to think that im that kid i see, and its unfathomable that its been only ten months since i started my healing process. Ten months since i found out that i was meaningful, and worth something.

Forward; Im a juinor next year, probably to be a crucial leader on my football team, baseball team, and a leader for my class. I plan on taking my grades mroe seriously, and i plan on working on my responsibility issues, and continueing to grow, not only as a person, but as a leader. I plan on creating Slam Poetry, regular poetry, and writing my own personal blog.

Upward; My wish....I wish that every single person, every Heart in this school realizes that we all are people, and that we leave this place being empathetic people, working with others to fill this earth with art, and love. Thats my wish, and no...IM NO HIPPIE.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More Late Blogs!

Topic 9: Battle of the Sexes
I think women have it tougher in society because they have always been "at the bottom" of things. They gey labeled "over emotional" or.. "crazy"  I think men are better at solving problems then women because they can keep cool about things and not think about it on an emotional side. Women are better at reading people. I think men wouldn't be able to handle a world without women. Haha.

Topic 10: Hidden Wonder
I think people DO see mystery and wonder in the world.. But they walk on by because it's sometimes too good to be true, or along those lines. People usually think that theres always a catch to something good. Like dating, it has to end one way or another. Orrr those free samples you hear about on the radio. They ask for your email address so they can spam you (usually)

Topic 11: I think I already did this one?

Topic 12: Responsibility
Well... I do agree with the legal terms of responsibility because theres no point in disagreeing, it's the law and they wont change it. If you had the chance to prevent something from happening vut you didnt stop it, then yes I think you were partly responsible for whatever happened. For the stabbing of the guy, I think whoever was involved was responsible. I can't even imagine why those people didnt stop and help that guy? It seems odd to even think about.

Topic 13: Gremlins (Technology)
Technology CAN be a good thing but sometimes its better left to the old fashioned style. If you're crunched for time to read a book, but it has a movie version out, then you could watch that. Or if you feel like relaxing, read the book. Me personally, I like having written journals better then blogs because I always forget to do my blogs! This is proof. Technology IS making people have not as good as memories as we have before in the past. Back then, if you wanted a friends number, you had to REMEMBER it. Now, we can just look in our cell phones and get it out. I have a feeling in the future, it'll make everyone more lazy and probably dumb too. It reminds me of that movie Wall-E. That movie has a lot of truth in it.

Topic 14: Did it! :D

Topic 15: No Retreat, No Surrender
You should give up when you lost. And you can keep fighting if you KNOW you're right and you have a full proof way of proving it. You should never surrender the truth, freedom, beauty, and love (well maybe not love because you cant really KEEP trying to make someone love you) ( Moulin Rouge anyone? :) )

Topic 16: Mission Statements
I will go to Hawaii Pacific University and major in marine biology. I will become successful and discover a new species. I will live in an old white farm house by the beach in a tropical state (or country!) I will have a wonderful husband who likes to travel with me when I go on the field. I will do yoga every morning and be healthy. I will be a successful photographer and own my own gallery. I will be in a comfortable financial situation. And I will live a happy and exciting life.

Topic 17: Last Blog!!
This past year I feel that I have accomplished so many different things. I feel that I have grown more confident in myself and I can actually get up in front of a class and speak! Doing the apprentice )even though it was like hell on earth) helped me a lot. And even though I was stressed about it MONTHS afterwards, it all payed off in the end. I won the competition with a 1000 dollar scholarship and gained confidence in the skills I need in life. I discovered a new sport that I love, which is tennis, and I lost a few friends, gained a lot of friends, and grown closer to old friends. I had a few relationships that taught me a lot about myself. (well maybe not ALL of them) and I was sad that they ended. But oh well! It's not like it's gonna matter 10 years from now anyways! Outdoor school was an experience I will never ever forget. It was an incredible week and I made such close friends in 4 days. By the end it felt like we were family even though we hardly knew anything about eachother. We didnt have the high school social statuses to put road blocks up.
       For the future I hope I will have more rewarding experiences and hopefully gain a lot more friends! I am going to try and get a job this summer and I'm going to do soccer again this summer as well. I'm very excited to become a junior, but I'm also anxious to get the heck out of here! I want to travel in Italy! But anyways, I cant wait to get my own car either. If that ever happens. This summer will be a lot of fun, I'm hoping. I have a pretty good feeling it will. So I am ending this blog with a thank you to Mr. Humphrey :) Thanks for being there all year and a laid back teacher at that! I know sometimes we got under your skin buuuut the year is over and youre free from us :D


Man, it has been a fun year, looking back on it. Also, it seems a lot longer than it actually was. This school year flew by for me. My accomplishments have been retaining a 3.5 GPA or higher (barely. I might not even get one this semester), placing top 12 in swimming in each event, and going to state for four events in track! I got fourth place in the 400 and third place in the 4x4! But those are sports accomplishments. I made a ton of new friends this year, and my self esteem feels better than it did last year. If I could change some things in this past year, I think that I've also lost a couple of friends along the way, and it would be quite nice to be friends again.

Genie wish... If I could have one wish, I would just wish for happiness for the rest of my life. I don't really care where I find it, so long as it isn't in an illegal way. So yes, happiness would be my wish. If that is too general, then my wish would be for telekinesis, because that is awesome.

Start the timer. One day I was walking down the street when brother Bear started walking with me. He came out of a building that was on fire. Brother Bear was on fire too. So was I. Wait no, that's just my skin. My name is Will, and I'm a beet. Wait, no i'm not. I'm a human being. Anyway, we were walking down the street when 80 billion ninjas popped out of nowhere. I would have been fine with that, if one of them didn't flip me off. I then knew that is was my old nemesis, Austin. I quickly pulled out my ray gun, also referred to as ray dick, and started zapping all of the ninjas like a mad dog. brother bear did the same, and before we knew it it was only Ausitn and us left. Brother bear attacked him first, but Autstin stabbed brother bear with his middle finger, paralyzing him for the time being. Austin then looked at me, holding my ray dick, and flipped me the angriest bird I have ever seen, I thenstarting zapping without looking, screaming "DO IT FOR THE DRUGS AND TH DI!" I opedne my eyes to see autsin layingon the the ground dead. missiona accomplished. I picked up brother bear and we made our way tp egypt so he could get laid.

OK, there's my 5 minutes. Don't ask questions, just enjoy. There's a ton of inside jokes in that story.

The Last Blog - Will C.

Looking back on this year, I'm pretty content. The only thing that really pisses me off is that I didn't get a 4.0, especially because my older brother is about to graduate as valedictorian. For this, I hate spanish, but it was actually really fun, because I sat next to Nate and Cole and Josh. (could that be connected to my bad grade?) Nah. I made some new friends, Sam Rose and Kyle Roby. They're both really short, though. Weird. Anyway, I had a lot of fun, and we got alpacas. So then, looking ahead. I pretty much just did this with my mission statement, but whatever. Maybe I'll do it for real this time. I'll probably go to OSU or U of O or something. I'd like to go to the same college as Cole, because I don't really know how I'd do without him. We've never really been apart before. I just don't know if Cole will be accepted to Harvard... Oh well. Next year, though. I'm kind of upset about that, because I still don't have any electives. Just between band and spanish. And I really want to take Pre-engineering, too. What's more, I haven't taken any P.E. at all, so I'll have to do that. I really hope I don't have to do that with Freshmen... Anyway, five minutes of typing. Alright. I'm not really sure what to type about, so I'll tell you about our alpacas. We got two of them, one is named Captain Chaos and the other is Shogun. (We did not choose the names, they came with the alpacas.) Chaos is really cool, he follows you around and eats out of your hand, but Shogun is a loser. He just hides behind Chaos all the time. They don't really get along with our dog, so we have to build a new pen for him. (He used to live in the field, but now the alpacas have it.) So yeah, Chaos is dark brown and Shogun looks like a camel. Stupid Shogun. Before we got the alpacas, we spent a couple weekends building them a huge shed. Now, when it rains, they stand in the opposite corner of the field and get drenched. Silly alpacas. Woop, time up.

Missions Statement - Will C.

So, just because Mr. Humphrey said to do our mission statement by Tuesday, I decided to wait until Wednesday. I'm just a rebel like that. So, here's my mission statement:
I will get pretty good grades, but not a 4.0 (thanks Spanish). However, I will make up for this with a 2400 on the SAT and get numerous full-ride scholorships to everywhere. Because they're free, I will go to every single college at the same time and graduate summa cum laude from every one of them. I will then build a spaceship from scratch and mount it on a rotating platform and live in it. That's pretty much a basic guideline, I'd say. Oh, and I'll feed a seagull alkaseltzer, just to see if it really explodes.


Looking back on this year, I remember mostly goodtimes, and some struggling w/ school. However, there were bads. Like the reluctance to do chemistry, my mom freaking out because I got a B in Spanish.... among other things. But my friends Nate, Emily, and then pretty much all the band kids, we all had great times. It was fantastic. Even got to know Haven (Jack, I guess) aot better than I used to. Now we're tennis buddies.

As for the future, Im sure Junior year will just... IDK, happen, and be fun, and then senior year will be done. I'm thinking college will be good. Definitely do that. But Im just not sure if I should go to a community college for my core classes, and then go somewhere like U of O for my business egree, but Im sure Ill get it all figured out. Well this is really boring, and kinda sucks, so Im just gonna type for 5 mins. Here Goes:

First off, I need to et this out of the way. This keyboard, when typing fast on it, will sometimes leave letters out, and so my words might look weird, plus on top of that, since Im typin really fast, Ill probably screw up quite a bit and hit extra letters. So pretty much, alot of this is gonna be hard to red. Anyways, I think the year jshould just be over, I mean, pretty much everyones done teaching anyways. Well never mind. Thats a lie, I guess Ms. Birmingham plans on drawing it out till the last moment. Yay for final test on the last day. So far I haven't backspaaced once. Im proud. All these typos are gonna bug the carp out a me tho. I dont even know what to type anymor, And I m pretty sure this just looks like a bunch od crap, and I still have 2 mins left of this. Blast. Ah well. I can just hold down the c key until the time runs out. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
Ohp, times up.

Mission Statement-Cole

#1 I think next weeks blog topic should be about something... Wow, looks like my idea w the favorite. Well cool. EC, Humphrey? (Hah! A rhyme.)

#2 Mission Statement: I Don't realy know what I'd like to do, but I think that I'd like to go into business. I think being a teacher might be cool though. I'd like t thnk I'd make a cool teacher, but probably not. I'd like to go into management. That would be good. As for the rest of my statement, I don't really know. I'd like to live on the coast, definitely, maybe on Lake Michigan, becvause it's way cool there (Since the water is freshwater!), and it's still JUST LIKE a beach. Down to dunes and sand. At least to the part where I went. Getting married would probably be good too. Maybe a coupla kis, who knows. Im not sure if his is even following the statement guidlines or not, because I didn't read them. :D But yeah, thats pretty much it.

Forward backward inward and outward bottom to the top!

I like this quote haha it makes sense...any who lets see here...
Backwards: I look back on school and think it went by so freakin fast and I mean fast! But then I remember all the work I've done and things that have happened and realize it must have taken time for those things to happen, but still the days blur together and it seems to fast. I feel like I did allot this year and saw allot of things and experienced allot of new stuff as well. I got to participate in a school play, go to DC, and make some new friends...over all the year was good and it seems that high school gets better every year. I wouldn't change a thing...well except for competing in the apprentice...I would go back and would never have wasted my time with that.....*inhale* I wont say anything bad, because this is a school site.
Forwards: I hope that I can keep a 4.0 some how, but remain calm while I'm doing it....hahaha right...and I hope that I can keep the friends that I have right now because they are all awesome : ) I don't think there is really anything I want to change, for the most part I'm just happy to be where I am and where I am heading to.
Upward (wish): I wish for happiness. I just want to be happy with what I do.
Twirling Twirling Twirling!: Ok so I find it really funny cuse this is alot like the song we had to siing in the Play alice in wonderland and it goes alittle something like this: Forward backward oinward and outward bottom to the top never a begining there can never b a stop to ski[pping hopping tripping clopping fancy free and gay (hahaha she said gay :P thats what all u immature people are probably thinking...just saying...) started it tomorrow but will finish yesterday round and rounf and round we go untill forebver morefor once we find we are forward backward inward outward come and join the chase nothing could be dryer than a jolly caucus jolly caucus jolly caucus race!!! hahahaha yep we had to sing thatand dance can you imagine!?! hhaha oh and it speeds up in tempo so u have to sing and dance faster :D isnt that just peachey :D :D anywho haha that felt good...I have a headache hahaha bye bye blog I'll miss u so!!!!!!!! for the last time this is Amy Masoni signing off : ) sorry for the spelling errors but you did say no back button lol

Last topic

damn theres not a whole lot i've accomplished, well i geuss ive grown a little bit in some areas,as do every year though so theres not a whole lot new still. memories typically stand out best when you have emotion so sadly the only thing i really remember, and i dont even remember it that well, is me getting mad at Mr. humphrey for justify-ing abortion by saying that the chances are really low that people will get pregnant, so its not there fault.most people that had said anything about it to me tryed to say that it was there body or its not alive or other stuff that i found stupid actually a couple of people tryed to say that the babys a parasite which pissed me off and i replyed if there is a sybiotic relationship then it is mutualism because the mother got off in exchange.besides that you get a fucking child the only freaking innocent and pure thing in the world in my eyes. of course until stupid parents raise them to be little shithead teenagers, anyways, i just couldnt understand him saying its ok because theres a large chance that it wont happen, and it pissed me off.Its still there fault. they took that chance.Yeah, jonah needs to be less judgemental, its sad that there is nothing really memorable, but thats how it is. whats even more sad though is that i probably wont make anything out of next year, wow,ill probably try and just adjust the many imperfections that i have. if you've read any of my previous blogs you wont be surorised that id wish to be a father and husband later in life, i geuss if i could soon id take that too but i find it sickening the age people are having sex these days. were still kids for fucks sake why are we getting pregnant, were not even fully developed!

anyways onto the last part by twirl do you mean in your chair or stand up and twirl ahhh whom cares . shit well im watching emily right now sort of shes supposed to be cleaning her room so every minute or so i get up to make sure shes not playing with her toys (which most of the time she is) once sheas donr thou gh which will probably be in a n hour i can play with her though . well maybe ill write the lyrics to a the song im listening too right now until the next two minutes are over...

oh its screaming by the way so imagine angry music-

your only out to lose your self in a whirlwind of hedonistic sunsoaked booze drenched depraved fornication
whree-where is your spine its been quite some time since it packed irts shit up and t left you behind
weve all been fooled
into believing your well
i was crazy to think you had a chanc in hell.
times up a kind of want to finish the song though but i have to get back to folding the laundry i could write a little bit more though because ive had a bunch of half ass ones throughout the year .

i think of my brother jake when i listen to that song because i idlized him for most i of my years and recently i think hes been acting like an idiot. i found it ironic that humphrey posted a topic for giving up and when we should and such when i was trying to deal with jake, well i still am.
thats all i geuss, i dont think i did too bad wit spellin but i always forget to puncuater
have a good summer

topic - 16

(Sorry the last topic i did was actually 15)

well im a bit late to decide the first part, sorry, so i geuss ill get at the next one.

really i could care less what i am or what i am doing I would do anything i could really though to provide for a family... yeah thats what i want to be when i grow up a. A Father, its funny the other day i had just read a book to my niece Emily about either a mouse or a bunny family i cant remember exactly. but all that happened in the book was all of the family members- brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and what ever else there is were geussing at what the little baby mouse would be when he grew up.and the whole time they were saying what he would be(a fireman to save people, a policeman to protect people......)the baby just smiled because he knew what he was going to be when he grew up.and at the end we are finally told that he wants to be a father when he grows up, so that he can tuck his children into bed, and read them storys and love them all he could....... Shit that makes me freaking sad, if only all parents actually felt that way, what a world we would live in, sigh. Im going to be less judgemental,i think im getting a wee bit better at it though.all right i dont have anything else.


Depending on the situation, being something serious, -I dont think that you should give up until you are sure that its lost. No i dont think that you should never surrender, there are some things that arnt worth fighting about and times that you need to give up.if its something petty then there is no reason not to fight for it, I think that some people get too worked up about minor stuff, especially if they have no control over whats happening, why would you get worked up over something that you cant do anything about. well, i geuss im a little bit of a hypocrite concerning that.well i think thats that.
I want to figure out what i want, what im willing to give, and what im willing to take.
so, while i write for five minutes, i think about what going on in this room. Pats playing guitar, and im just listening to how blakes in mexico. Wierd. My hats on the computer.....ha! lol this is so funky looking. Just like me. Im kinda weird if you havnt noticed. Just sitting chilling enjoying life. fuck, i have loud sneezes. now pats joining the party hahaha. that sounds dirty. Anyways, sam just walked in and now im just rambling, and im about at three minutes......SHIT!!! anyways, schools almost out, and im like way excited. hahaha summmer should be intresting. between really having no one to hang out with, and being gone on baseball trips, i really have no summer

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Topic 15 - Grant P.

So I missed this one I don't believe you should never give up because lets face it sometimes your going to loose... It doesn't matter how long you practice sometimes you should just accept your bested. NEVER admit it though it would just give the other person gratification and who wants that?

Topic 15 & 16 - Grant P.

For the recored this shouldn't be considered late as it was put up today even if was after you looked at everyone elses, but regardless i'm getting them done. First i'll tackle 15 so i did some outside research on the mission statement but im confused still so don't be expecting the next great quote.
Part 2.
I will ensure that I am responsible, even if it is difficult
I will ensure that I am respectful of other, even if they are wrong
I will ensure that I am Polite, Curdious, and Hardworking.

I will strive for excallance, even if i only become average
I will strive to become the best I can be
I will strive to topple those who stand in my way to achieve my goall

I will become the best there is, and I will best everyone who thinks otherwise.
=P well that sounds really stupid now that i write it but w/e it's out there so im done
Part 1. I am not so sure what a better topic would be than to jst reflect on the year as you have chosen but if I had to create a diffrent topic it would be to tell of something that you wish you could of redone or done diffrently.

I really wouldn't know hot to sum up the year or even really begin to describe it; fun, quarky, strange, ackward at times, stressful, but overall it was good i wouldn't have changed all that much. I would of wish I had done some things here and there but most of all I had a damn good year I got a 3.6 I think or something closeish to that so kudos to me and I liked my teachers so that's a plus. As for the class itself it was fun, never boring, and very very very unique to say the least I had a great time and some fun memories like: "Buy american Heroin!" or the time pay taught the class or my personall favorite the you a nazi arguement for the confederate flag. I wasn't a Huge supporter of the blog throughout the year only because I forget to blog sometimes and that doesn't help my grade much but I liked sodme of the activites that got me thinking about abnormal stuff. O and heres a link the the comercial about the jean snuggies if anyone wanted to see it
---------------> <--------

Humphrey's Response

Backward: The past year? There's a lot to say. I will come back to it at another time, before next Tuesday. Main thing: this class, teaching Honors, will stand out to me. I am proud that I didn't once lose my temper and scream at any of my classes; I will change the way I handle my students next year. I will probably be changing some curriculum too, but I can't think about that now. I'm proud of what I have done in my regular life, though I've spent a little too much time on Facebook.

Forward: I'm looking forward to having Juniors again (Though only one class, and not Honors.), and not teaching only Sophomores. I'm hopeful that my students will be at least as good as the good ones this year, and better than the bad ones. I intend not to allow my former students to repeat the class with me, because that really didn't work out this past year. I'm hopeful that our new principal will do a good job. I fear the budget crud will get worse. I'm going to finish my book this summer.

Upward: If I could make any wish, I would wish for a million dollars. My wife and I deserve to live as we want to live, rather than as society forces us to.

This isn;t entirely fair because I started thinking about this at school, and I kept thinking Don't stop! Dont stop! and that makde me think of Journey, and so for the last half hour IO've been singing "Don't stop believing" in my head, over and over again, since I only know a couple of lines. I have found that those are the songs that get stuck in my head the worst, those ones that hacve catchy hooks and that I ojnly know a few lyrics from, because they don't ever resolve and reach the ending, so they keep cycling around and aroun d because I don;t know the ending. This is why I tend to try to listen to my favorite songs over and over until I know them by heart, because then I can justs ing them and not worry about them getting stukc going {"I'm just a smalltown boy . . . living in the " I don't even know the rest of the lyrics. Screw it. I don't actually want to talk about Journey, ebcaue this is not what I think of as a good band. I think the singer had an excellent voice, and I wish I could sing that well, but otherwise they were njoth8ihg but a cheap 80's schlockfest and who wants that? Dogs are barking outside my house right now; makes me think of the comic Brian Regan who talks about barking dogs as saying "HEY!HEY!HETY!HEY! opver and over again, because really, what have dogs got to saty? Well, if you ask my wife and I, our dog has quite a lot to say, because we talk for him. Tghat's right, we talk for our dog. It's fun. I used to do it with my stuffed animals, too. Thart's right, I had stuffed animals. I still sdo/ Want to make somethihng of it:? Y3eah, I did't think sio. MAn, this not editing part is hard; Ikeep teictching that's twitching over towards the delete/backspace key, since I am(obviously) not a very clean typiost. I can type pretty fast, though, and the greqt part is, when I have something IO definitely, clearly, strongly want to say, I not only type a mile a minute, I type clean. It is one of the reasons I like argunig on line so much, because that's when it is most likely to happen: when I get in the zone in an argument. I really hope that you all learned something this year. I hope this hasn;'t just been a waste of time. I won't necessarily feel guilty, because not everybody can learn all tghe time, and lord knows I dind;t klearn a whole lot from my high school english teachers, but still. I don't want you to reassure me, I;mn not fishing for compliments, I just wanted to say that: I hope you learned this year in this class. That's five minutes, but I'm not going to end with "Peacve outm," even though that's what I thought of.

May the best of your past be the worst of your future, and may the road ever rise up to meet your steps.

!42! THE LAST BLOG TOPIC!!!!11!!!1!

In honor of The Simpsons, whose day tomorrow is (June 9!  Mark your calendar!  Celebrate by watching 42 episodes of the Simpsons!), we will begin with a quote from Kang and Kodos:

"We must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"

Look back on the last year -- in this class, on this blog, in school as a whole, and outside of school as well.  What do you feel you have accomplished?  What memories stand out?  What would you change, if you could?

Now that you have looked back, look forward: what are you hoping for next year?  What are you giddy with anticipation about?  What changes, if any, will you make?

Now that you have looked back, look upwards:  Make a genie wish.  (Magic lamp, genie, only one wish here.  No wishing for more wishes, no wishing for world peace.)

And now twirl!  Write for five minutes without stopping.  Don't edit, don't delete, don't stop.  Anything that comes to mind.

blogs # 12 and 13

Blog #12
I think that it is ridiculous that people can just sit there and watch as a man sits there and dies on the sidewalk, the people should be arrested as an accessory to murder. as far as the legal reasons i think the only reason you should be void of your actions is if your mentally insane.

Blog # 13
I think technology is useful and it helps get jobs done faster but you should not always chose technology over the old fashion way; for example if you are writing someone a personal letter it should be hand-written not typed, but if your digging a swimming pool a backhoe might be better than a shovel.

Blog # 10 and 11

I think that there is wonder in the world in lots of things that just goes unnoticed , even when looking for wonder it is not easy to find.... but its there.

# 11
list: Favorite type of cookie and why,What is the worst injury you have ever acquired?,Do you think aliens will attack us? Why?

and I'm going to awnser the third one.

I think aliens will attack us because if there is ever any alien contact i believe that it Will be because they have drained out the resources on their planet and have come scavenging the universe for resources. the way they would get those reuses would be destroying are civilization with there technology advanced weapons.

My Mission

As for our last blog I'm not too picky. I don't want it to be something super spacific though. I'd prefer it be something I could be a bit more pensive about. So perhaps regarding a philosophy or something.

My mission is to make the world a better place for those less fortunate than me or any of us. The average american considered to be in the poverty level has cable TV and cell phones. But in other countries there are people living in mud huts, barely able to survive on the food they can grow and hunt themselves. Those are the people I'd like to make the world better for.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Topic #16- Will L

Part 1- I believe that the last blog of the year should be on The Ultimate Question-

Which are better, pirates of ninjas?
You already gave us your opinion on this, but I think it would be nice to hear some pro-ninja essays, as well (not that I am pro-ninja, I just think it would be fun).

Part 2- I don't really know how to organize a mission statement, so I'm just going to answer the questions you asked.
I would like to be a professional track runner when I get older. I know it's a long shot, but it is my goal. I wouldn't mid being a professional singer, either. As for who I want to be, I just want to be the nice old man that always helps people out. Ha, just kidding. Actually, I'm not. I want to be a nice person that people always like to see, and mostly I just want to be a good person. I don't really care where I end up, as long as I'm happy.

Key values that I am commited to include being a good Christian, being a nice person, and just fun to be around. I like to be the person that people look forward to seeing.

My major goals are to win a few Olympic Medals, and singing as part of a professional band. Representing my country well, and making all of my friends and family proud would be a great experience. I want to be that role model that kids look up to and say "Hey, I want to be like him when I get older!" No scandals, no drama, just a good human being that can sing well, run fast and get medals.

So there is my mission statement.

Topic #15- Will L

I do believe that you should never give up, if the topic is important enough. If you are arguing about what type of ice cream flavor is better, or something along those lines, then yes go ahead and give up that conversation. But if you are playing in a soccer game, for instance, and your team is down by 4 goals with a minute left to play, don't give up. I believe that it shows quite a bit of character if you don't give up in those situations.

Gotta Keep Moving On

I don't think that you should never give up should mean you should always exert your energies to one thing just because you initially started on it. I think that it means you should never give up one your passions and dreams which can be forever changing. So I think you should never give up fighting for what feels right for you. Thats what never giving up means to me.


Well I'm behind and I know it so I guess I'll just have to clap my hands...

I think one should be responsible for their own actions once they are able to truly understand what it is that they are doing. So at the age you can fully comprehend how horrible a murder is, that is when you should be tried as an adult for that. And I realize that's a hard thing to figure out exactly when someone is capable of grasping something but I believe that it is possible.

I also believe you should be held responsible for what you do while you are intoxicated. After all you made the decision to be intoxicated and your actions while you're intoxicated therefore should be your responsibility.

Topic 16

I think our last topic should be what our goals our for the next school year like how we can do better than we did this year.

Here's my mission statement: It is my plan to graduate high school with a 4.0 GPA. Then I will continue my schooling at Brigham Young University and hopefully be accepted into the animation program there. My goal is to become an animator at Pixar Animation Studios in Emerysville, California because I like the passion behind the films created there. I also appreciate innocent humor and cute almost "childish" things. I am, for the most part, very efficient and thorough in the things I do. I have high expectations for myself. I know that I can achieve my dreams if I work at them, and I will. I try to do well in school so I can get into BYU. I plan to take many art classes through the rest of high school so I have the skills needed to be accepted into the very competitive animation program at BYU. If I don't make it I'm prepared to go in a different direction and do my best in whatever other area I choose. To work at Pixar is my ultimate goal and a pretty big one, but I have confidence in myself that I can someday achieve it.

Haley Mission Statement(:

Well the last blog could be about how we liked our sophomore year, and how we think about being halfway through highschool. Or about summer..

Mission Statement:
I plan to finish out highschool, with a good GPA. I want to get in the medical field, or do something that involves being around kids. I love helping people, and biology, and health interests me. I also love volleyball, and maybe i could get a scholarship for that. That would help out with money, and i enjoy it (: Im not sure what school yet, but maybe go to a small community college to get credits, then transfer to a university. Also, if i do attend college, i will be the first person to accomplish it, which makes me want to perservere more.

Humphrey's Mission

I will see everyone around me welcome knowledge and reject ignorance.
(This means I will no longer be a teacher. I am tired of fighting a battle I cannot win, while everyone else fights against me.)
I will seek truth. I will seek beauty. I will experience it for itself, in itself, of itself.
From this truth, and this beauty, I will create art.
With my art, I will make my family safe.
With my heart and mind and self, I will be happy. I will see my family happy.
I will die alone.

I will read 365 books in one year (They will probably be short books.), for then I will be able to allow myself to stop counting. I will write an entire novel in one year, to show myself I can and to give my fans a shorter wait. I will publish in different genres, in different styles, because I am a talented writer and not simply a producer of genre schlock. I will be welcomed as a speaker, so that I can use all of my communicative skills. I will win awards, because I am sometimes the best there is. I will sing in a band, because it will be fun, and I will conquer video games, and then go out the same day and buy new ones, because fun is as important as accomplishment and survival. I will grow my own food, because it is the right thing to do and it is deliciouser. I will coin a new term that other people will use frequently (And it will be better than deliciouser) because I love my language. I will purge myself of corn, for it is my enemy. I will stop hating people, because it hurts me more than it hurts all of you. But I will not stop hating the qualities that make me hate people now, for they, like corn, are my enemies, and I will never surrender.

I will never give up.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Topic 16

Last blog topic. The last blog topic could be about summer, what you're looking forward to, plans you have for summer. The topic could also be reflecting over the year, academically etc..
Mission statement. I haven't decided exactly what I want to do with my life, for a job that is. I know that after high school I want to go to college, which is just great considering I don't know what to do so I won't know what college would be best for the career I want. I do have some plans for college though, I know I want to play soccer in college. After college I want to find a job of course and travel. I haven't really been anywhere so I want to go out of the country. That is what I know right now that I want to do, for now I just have to focus on figuring out what I want to study in college.

Mission #16

Part 1: I think the blog should be about what have we learned this school year? How did you change over the amount of time? Just a general reflection or overview if you will of the school year, and possibly any goals we'd have for Junior year.

Part 2: This is a tad tricky. I feel like this mission statement has to be epic and, I don't know, awesome somehow and express our true inner being....but I'm kinda at a loss for words...
I want to be in a place where I love my life, where all the people around me are friends or family, I want to be a person my parents are proud of, I want to be a good person. I want to be someone I will be proud of. (If that makes any sense) I want to be a doctor of some kind or an artist. I just want to be happy.
I will be committed to my job, my schooling, my family, my friends, my children (if I have any), and I want to be myself and always stay true to myself. I will not smoke, or do drugs, and drink only when I need to unwind. I will be a good person and an asset to the community not a burden.
I will finish high school with honors. I will do this by studying my butt off and working my hardest to be a good student. I will go to college, and get a degree in something that will better my life, and help my family and myself in someway. I want to do something to help others. I want to better my life but I want to better others as well.


I think the next topic should be what was the best part of this school year and whether your looking forward to next year and if so what are u looking forward to.

mission statement

I want to go to college after highschool in order to do that I need to increase my gpa and work hard next year and the year after. I would like to do the best I can at everything I do. I would like to spend my life doing a job I enjoy.

Topic #16

#1: I watched Alice and Wonderland, or whatever that new movie is this weekend, and the Mad Hatter said something that I really liked:"You've lost your muchness" I think that we could tell what our muchness is, and if we lost it, what would we do. Idk though.

#2: My Mission Statement
My goal is to go to college, not do stupid things, and get a pre med degree, and then continue on to a pharmaceutical job. I will accomplish this by never drinking, smoking, or doing anything else to harm myself or others, and focusing on doing my best at academics while in h.s, applying to college, and then getting accepted and going. This will make me a better member of society, and better able to make proper decisions for myself, and my children/posterity, and allow me to better assess situations. It will allow me to feel good about myself, and to be happy.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Topic 16

My mission is to go on to College and graduate with a PHD in medical. The reason I want to do this is because I am interested in biology and the chance to save lives. I'm also interested in the puzzle that comes with diagnosing someone; the different symptoms associated with different diseases/ailments.

Friday, June 4, 2010

do i have to?!

ok so for the first topic i have been reading a couple of the peoples responses to and i like the whole "write nonstop for 5 minutes" thing because that sounds fun to me. one of my favorite things to write about is nothing at all! i just like to ramble or talk about whatever pops into my head! but lets bump up the 5 minutes to 10 minutes! yyyyyyeeeeeeeeeessssssss!!! that would make me happy!

now do i really have to do this next one? why?! i really dont feel like it right now... so i just have to talk about what i am and whats going to stay the same or change in the future? uuuuuuummmmm... ok i will try my best! i will read atleast 5 books over the summer because i have alot of books that i bought and need to read! i am going to finally get my drivers permit after arguing about it with my mom for almost 2 years! (for some reason she doesnt want me to drive) i will go to the portland anime convention with all my friends (you hear that anthony and patrick?! your coming with me weather you like it or not! and your bringing blake with you!) i will stand up and speak my mind! (maybe) and i will finally be finished with blogger! finally!

i give up!

ok well it just depends on what your fighting for! if its something you really care about then you should never give up on it. if it is something you can live with out and its not that big of a deal then you can consider giving up if you just want to save your energy for fighting for something thats worth fighting for. i dont really have much to say about this one.


Final Topic - Type nonstop for 5 straight minutes. Whatever comes into your head, type.

My Mission Statement(s?) -
* Above all others, work to please yourself. But once you are content, shift focus otherwise.
* Follow through on your ideas. As dumb as they may be when they start, don't stop working it out until you're sure it's done.
* Double check everything.
* Break free from the mission statement when you feel it's too constricting.

Topic 10

Mysteries. Hm. Well i think that there are mysteries all around us. Sometimes we may not even know that they are mysteries because they are covered up by secrets. You can take the smallest thing and make it out to be a mystery, or you can do something on a larger scale. all the way from who stole my cookie, to who killed who. This is exactly why i want to be in the law field. Everyday is something new, and a new opportunity. Now, wanting to be a lawyer, i understand that im not always going to be the one cracking the mystery, and even if i do i may be on the wrong side. But thats whats so exciting about it. This world is full of things we dont know, therefore i think that the world is full of mysteries.

Blog #13

I think that technology can be just as a bad thing as it is a good thing. Without technology we wouldn't have the cures for things we have now, and we sure would have the source of entertainment. Technology has made the world a lot easier. Like right now for example: I'm laying in bed with the flu, and i am still able to do some make up work. Without technology that obviously would not be possible. But it making everything easier, or more fun always a good thing? I think not. Now the world sort of relies on technology to solve all its problems. When something goes wrong, we put it up to the computer to figure it out. Like the Gulf Coast Oil Spill for example. We used technology to figure out how to put oil pipes in the ocean, and now look; our seabirds are glued to the sand by oil. Just yesterday i was watching the news and they were talking about how much the oil was going to spread in how long and how they had typed it into 6 different computer systems. Well, there we go again, replying on technology. Lets just get it fixed.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

i love technology.

I Love Technology!
I think that technology is a good thing for the most part.
A lot of it is used to help us out. Some people can abuse it.
For example, the cell phone. We use it to communicate with people, and keep in touch with friends. People abuse it, like talking or texting when driving. Very dangerous and stupid.
Technology comes and goes all the time.. It does get annoying when some things aren't being sold anymore, or come out with something "better".
Other than that, technology is somewhat needed.
I don't know what i would do without it.


I think that if you are under the age of 7, or if your insane then you should be held responsible.
And about the stabbing thing. Obviously, the person that committed the crime is gonna be responsible. But the people who just stood there and watched, should also be held responsible.
Why wouldn't you do anything? that's horrible!

Haley- #10

I do think their are mysteries in the world. Whether they have been found, im not so sure.
Maybe if people payed more attention to things, and people around them they would learn more.
they are hard to find.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Eminem Till i Collapse lyrics

'Cause sometimes you feel tired,
feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.

[B/W Intro:]
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left

[Verse #1:]
Till I collapse I’m spilling these raps long as you feel em
Till the day that I drop you'll never say that I'm not killing them
Cause when I am not then I am stop pinning them
And I am not hip-hop and I’m just not Eminem.
Subliminal thoughts when I'm stop sending them women are caught in webs spin and hauk venom
Adrenaline shots of penicillin could not get the illing to stop.
Amoxacilin is just not real enough.
The criminal cop killing hip-hop filling minimal swap to cop millions of Pac listeners.
Your coming with me, feel it or not you’re gonna fear it like I showed you the spirit of god lives in us.
You hear it a lot, lyrics the shock is it a miracle or am I just a product of pop fizzing up.
For shizzle my whizzle this is the plot listen up you bizzles forgot slizzle does not give a fuck.

[Chorus - NateDogg]
Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth.
Till the smoke clears out - am I high? Perhaps
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse.
Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth.
Till the smoke clears out and my high burn out
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse.

[Verse #2:]
Music is like magic there’s a certain feeling you get when your real
and you spit and people are feeling your shit.
This is your moment and every single minute you spend trying to hold onto it
cause you may never get it again.
So while you’re in it try to get as much shit as you can
and when your run is over just admit when its at its end.
Cause I'm at the end of my wits with half this shit that gets in.
I got a list here's the order of my list that it's in.
It goes, Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and Biggie, Andre from Outcast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me.
But in this industry I'm the cause of a lot of envy, so when I’m not put on this list the shit does not offend me.
That's why you see me walk around like nothing's bothering me.
Even though half you people got a fucking problem with me.
You hate it but you know respect you’ve got to give me
The press's wet dream like Bobby and Whitney. Nate hit me.

[Chorus - NateDogg]

[Verse #3:]
Soon as a verse starts I eat it at MC’s heart
what is he thinking? How not to go against me? Smart.
And its absurd how people hang on every word.
I’ll probably never get the props I feel I ever deserve
But I’ll never be served my spot is forever reserved
If I ever leave earth that would be the death of me first.
Cause in my heart of hearts I know nothing could ever be worse.
That’s why I’m clever when I put together every verse
My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I’m an addict
I rap like I’m addicted to smack like I’m Kim Mathers.
But I don’t want to go forth and back in constant battles
The fact is I would rather sit back and bomb some rappers.
So this is like a full blown attack I’m launching at them
The track is on some battling raps who want some static
Cause I don’t really think that the fact that I’m Slim matters
A plaque of platinum status is whack if I'm not the baddest.

[Chorus - NateDogg]

[Eminem & Natedogg Echo:]
Until the roof
The roof comes off
Until my legs
give out from underneath me

I will not fall,
I will stand tall,
Feels like no one could beat me.

This song really summarizes how i feel about giving up, and being under pressure to give up.

Number 15

I think it is important to know when to stop and when to keep going. Sometimes it is hard to know this so it is important to pay attention. Some people will keep bugging someone about something they believe in but if the person being bugged is not interested they will not listen and all the bugger's time has been wasted while they could have been using it somewhere important and impactful.
Some people don't realize when an argument is won or lost and they keep trying and not getting anywhere. These people don't usually win arguments. Of course, if it is something you believe very strictly and it is very important to you, you should stick with it and try to make the best of it. If you cannot convince one person maybe you can convince someone else.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Topic 15

I think that it's definately neccessary to give up on some things. Like if you know you're just bugging someone, or if you're only doing something for your own benefit and no one elses. Like asking to get a ride to the mall or something. If someone says no, give up! It's their right to say no and by saying no they're setting a boundary. By not giving up, you make the other person (not necessarily, but if they're sensitive/fragile) feel like they're only being used and have no say in the matter. With other things, though, like Karate or a video game, you shouldnt give up just because the odds look bad. Keep trying! :P


I believe you should stand up for stuff You believe in but if its just and argument or a topic that isn't a big deal you need to be able to drop it and just walk away. If you think it wouldnt be the same world if people in are history would of just gave up and walked away because it was to hard.

#15 and #16


I think that you should always try your hardest, and that means never stop trying, and therefor never give up. If you have a goal always try and achieve it. Though sometimes goals may change I think that a commitment to reaching that goal should not. If you run into an obstacle it may either be a mere bump in the road or if big enough can change your original goal.... But you should never give up.


Part 1

Next weeks blog topic should be one of 2 things, preferably the second because I think it would be cool to leave something behind for the next year, and Because I chose this blogs title.

1) Plans for next year or the summer
2) Come up with a title for next years blog (eg. Phrey Space or The Zebra Ponders...)

Part 2

For my Mission statement I think it would go something like this...

I Austin Sandford, who hopes to become a great person. Spreading some excitement, randomness, intrigue, and wit into everyone and everything. One who hopes to become one with the world and the world one with me, sending all of us far into the future.

!42! Topic #16: Mission Statement and Final Topic

A two-parter this time.  You have to put something down for both parts, though you are welcome to focus on one and keep the other small/short/light.

Part the First:  Last Blog
Quick question: next week's blog will be our very last blog in this class.  What would you like the topic to be?

Part the Second:  Mission Statement

This is the mission statement for the St. Helens School District.  It is worded as a series of beliefs -- well, sort of.  It starts that way, then they throw in a couple of statements that seem more like promises or definite goals; then back to the beliefs.  Then it ends with another self-affirming descriptive sentence.  Okay, this one isn't very well written.  Here it is anyway.

St. Helens School District
Our Mission

Our Beliefs

We believe all individuals will be SAFE, RESPECTFUL, and RESPONSIBLE.

We believe students with a mastery of core subjects will be successful in the ever-changing world.

We believe students are lifelong learners with critical and creative thinking skills.

A wise stewardship of resources must provide 21st Century educational and technological facilities.

District resources will be aligned to the advancement of K-12 programs.

We believe the community actively participates in defining high expectations for students, education and well-being.

We believe that safe, nurturing and inclusive school environments provide opportunities to expand world views by promoting good citizenship, fostering tolerance and broadening the mind to new ideas.

We believe students shall be challenged to learn at their full potential through rigorous instruction while providing tiered levels of support.

We believe it is our role to help students discover their strengths and talents and encourage creativity and individualistic approaches for the success of every student

We believe in engaging students in the learning process by addressing individual needs and learning styles, recognizing that each student can learn and learn well.

We believe that learning must be relevant to real life situations, utilizing technology as it adds value to the learning process.

We believe it is critical to communicate to all stakeholders the importance of student achievement.

We embrace human diversity seeking to recruit and retain culturally rich and diverse perspectives.
Here's a better one:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America

A mission statement is supposed to communicate, to yourself and others, exactly what you intend to do, and why.  According to Wikipedia,
Mission statements often contain the following:
Purpose and aim of the organization
The organization's primary stakeholders: clients, stockholders, congregation, etc.
Responsibilities of the organization toward these stakeholders
Products and services offered

According to Hill, the mission statement consists of: 1. a statement containing the reason for using your product 2. a statement of some desired future state (vision) 3. a statement of the key values the organization is committed to 4. a statement of major goals

So: leave out #1 there, since you don't have a product (Unless you are a creator, in which case you might).  Give me the other three: a statement of some desired future state (What you want to be, and who you want to be, and where you want to be, when you "grow up"), a statement of the key values you are committed to, and a statement of your major goals -- specifically what you want to accomplish.  Try to dress it up all pretty, if you can.  Here is a brief how-to guide for business mission statements, though the examples are a little too brief. I like this one, personally: Starbucks Mission Statement.
Mine (which I will try to compose properly soon) would include some of the following.  There will come a day when I am a full-time writer of novels and essays, when I set my own hours and answer to nobody but myself and my vast legions of fans.  I will live on a large, isolated property fairly close to some civilized city, most likely outside the United States.  I will still be married to my wife, and we will have many pets, including dogs, cats, birds, and goats.  I will have an awe-inspiring library, and my house will have secret passages and hidden rooms.  My key values include compassion for my fellow human beings, and contempt for their ignorance and stupidity.  I believe art is what sets humanity above other animals, and it is the only thing that does so -- which makes it the highest calling.  In all other things, we should act first with love: in art, we must first act for the truth, and for beauty.  My goals include winning awards, becoming a bestseller, writing an epic fantasy series, breaking genre lines, and never selling out.  I want to found scholarships and fellowships and support education, particularly for artists.  I want to inspire people to speak out, and to create art of their own.
Please write some kind of mission statement for yourself by next Tuesday, June 8.


It's always disheartening to have to give up on something you love. No matter what it is, accepting defeat is a tough challenge. Being deeply invested causes us to go blind to the obvious. Every problem becomes invisible, since there's no way that this - what you've been devoted to for months - could be failing. Learning to see through this haze is tough, and takes real motivation. Giving up is seen as cowardly, but in the right situation - when all hope is truely lost, giving up can be a sign of bravery.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Never gonna give up

I think that there are definitely times when you should give up. I mean, if at first you don't succeed, try a couple more times, but know when you need to give up. I think that you should give up and walk away if you get in an arguement with a stubborn person, or someone who just has stupid arguements, and you find yourself thinking, "Why am I trying to argue this when this idiot just keeps saying "Why?"?" For instance, I know someone who says that apple trees aren't grown from seeds, they're grown by grafting two existing trees together. No matter how much common sense and logic I use, they still won't believe that apple trees grow from seeds. I say yeah, you can graft them, but they naturally grow from seeds. As far as giving up and not giving up, i think usually a person knows when to give up as long as they are right in the head. Also, when it comees to something very close to someone, they won't give up as easily. As for NOT giving up, I think people sometimes have a harder time with this. Like school, for instance. There are lots of kids who just give up in school and accept F's, and don't give a crap if they have to take Integrated Math 1 and Future Focus for the rest of their highschool career. I know I've slowly been getting lazier in my highschool career, but that's just because Everything from the eigth grade and below was never a challenge, and now that classes are actually hard, I need to not give up on some things, but it's just so hard sometimes, so I can understand why some kids might give up. But I don't do it in such an important way, I guess. i go "Meh, a B will be fine with me", but other kids just don't know how failing highschool will affect their lives.