Monday, November 30, 2009

Directions...To The Future.

First of all, I think global warming is increasing at an alarming rate. Second, The landfills are increasing in size and numbers, and have no signs of slowing down. Also, the people of this earth are destroying the natural habitat for all of the animals. The ratio of trees being cut down verses trees being re-planted is also horrifying. So, basically, people as a whole are not taking good care of the planet. There are some things that could be changed, however. For example, if more people were educated about how to take care of their little portion of the globe, it would start to build up in a positive way. Everyone likes to think of the future as a bright place full of wonder and flying cars. This may be the case, according to scientists, because of the rate of growing technology.

what is a PloNKer?

Ok patrick you want to know what a plonker is? well i really dont know but i do have my own definition of it but first lets hear about the history of the word PloNKer (yeah thats actually how you spell it i think)

Ok so one day i was playing dead space and it was freaking me out because i didn't know what to do so i went on youtube to look for a walkthrough and i came across this one video called "paul's gaming dead space part 1" this video didn't actually have the word plonker in it but this paul guy (who i might add is a fat british guy thats kinda funny) had many many walkthroughs of video games and one of them was a game he made himself. it was really random and there was this one level called PloNKer land or something. they where these weird tweeky people that kept freaking out and you had to catch them but they were very bad at hiding so it was really easy. and after a while i knoticed that he used the word plonker alot in his other videos and i really took to the word. so based on the context that it was used in, i came up with a definition for this word.

PloNKer: the act of being stupid, naive, ditzy, irritating, annoying, forgetful, or being a complete tool

Thanksgiving :)

Well, my Thanksgiving wasnt anything special this year. All that happened was my Grandparents came over for dinner, because all the rest of my family is in California, and my parents didn't want to go. So, I spend all of Weds. and Thurs. cooking with my Mom. I did have alot of fun though, because my family is busy most of the time, and so it was a nice way to get us all together. :)

Make a hole, with a gun, perpendicular.

Alright so I thought I'd say something about those craaaaaaaaaaazy agree/disagree questions.

First off, on the censorship thing, like, I think I'm pretty much OKAY with censorship on curse words and such. Because all in all, if you need to hear someone drop an F bomb to enjoy your music, you're probably looking for something that isn't on el radio. I mean, a majority of the things I listen to have someone saying something naughty and hateful but I listen to it in my own time, I'm not broadcasting it to the world. If you're going to be throwing things around in the media, at least refrain from doing something that'd offend your audience, if not for their unexpected listening of your rants, at least to appeal to a larger crowd. I dunno, but I do know that complaining about something being censored because they're saying things that a fair majority of our fine and wonderful country might be offended to, as opposed to settling on a medium that both the rebellious, SAY IT ALLs, and the "keep it away from my children!"s is a bit silly.

And that's all I have to say on that

I was looking at the sheet though and I saw another one that was pretty interesting to me, about how if everyone should follow the law, even if they're bad laws.

I think if there's a law in place, it's probably there for a reason. I mean, we don't murder eachother because that'd cause people to be sad, and it's morally incorrect to pull the plug on another's life when they didn't ask you to. For me it is, at least. I'm not sure about the rest of you. But if there's a law like,

don't play your music above the volume of ten! Anyone resisting this law will face 90 years in prison!

Then by all means, get the hell out of wherever you are at the time, go to another country. And if this is being applied in every darn tootin' child bootin' country, then stand up. Let them know you want your music louder. But seriously, I think people should follow the big things you know, no theft, quit shanking uncle larry, ect. but the little things shouldn't be an issue as long as it's not effecting anyone else.

I'm done now


Someone should find the hypocracy in this post.

society gone wrong?

i think our society, technologically, has vastly improved! just take the time to think about what you had just 10 years ago. no dvd, no digital camera, no flat screen tv, no wii or xbox 360 or playstation 3... no playstation 2 for that matter. that was only 10 years ago! i remember when spyro was top of the line graphics! (what was i thinking?)

but as for politically or our whole as a society, we are still stuck on the same level. we might have gone up a level or two but every level gets harder than the last and we are runing out of levels to conquer! im just saying!

so i really dont have an answer for this one. its kind of a yes/no question anyway and i dont want to go either way.


Well I see it as each area is different. Technologically I say we are going good getting better healthcare(that no one can afford) better entertainment and just random things that make life easier, but I do see us getting too lazy because of it. Politically I'd say we started off with a good idea but now we are at a point where nothing can get done because everything has to be exact please everyone and just the terminology they use is so confusing that no one understands it so we don't even know what politicians are talking about (ballot # 324 do we not as a not country not want to not kill babies in a government based fashion "uh.... yes", later on the news, now 98% of Americans chose that we should kill babies what's wrong with you people). Now socially I think we are doing the worst we have teenagers who only care about looking cool marriages that don't last and severe bullying scornement to those who are not cool or social.

Directions? Do I need Map?

The second I read this post i was so ready to type about it. I think we are, and have been headed in the wrong directions for along time. I was definitely born in the wrong era, because I don't agree with a lot of things that are going on. For one I hate technology so much, unless it is useful, like medical advances or something that is helpful to people. What I don't believe in is creating new video game systems, and all the different games to them when people could be using that time and money to be finding a cure for deadly diseases. I think that technology is ruining kids and their future, because instead of being outside running around we are sitting around playing games and watching tv. I think that ruins social skills, and imagination, people might not think imagination is a huge deal but I do, because I probably have the imagination of a five year old, where the sky is the limit and you can do what ever you want. I think that kids don't just get to be kids anymore, that we are having to grow up and be exposed to things younger and younger as the years go on. I also believe that stuff like teen pregnancy gets glorified to much and so people think it isn't that big of a deal to have a baby or if they don't want to get pregnant they can walk down the street and get the pill at a public health center, and if they want to they can just go get an abortion.
I think we have enough problems in our own country that we don't need to be fighting other countries to save oil. I use this phrase about the united states, we are the janitor's to wars that will only benefit us. I say if you're going to help, help everyone or stay out of it. So we are wasting money on guns and war fair, and that leaves people out of work, people struggling to get by. And we pay people in countries to do all of our work is also pointless, because that's how we are in the problem we are in now. As you can tell I don't have much positive to say about our country and that is because I think that our government makes stupid decisions, it's ran by rich millionaires, who don't what it is like to have to work and wake not knowing if your going to have a job the next day. they think they know what is best for the people, and they are just doing what they can so they don't have to pay taxes on stuff and lose their summer homes.
We have schools that are overfilled and crappy, and they have to cut classes and do everything to save money when these people making the decisions for us own super nice cars, and multiple houses.
To me when you look at it all it doesn't make sense, everything we do doesn't make sense, if the government would just take a moment to listen to people and actually have an open ear, mind, and an actual heart when they listen, maybe we would actually do something that will fix things.


I know its late but oh well. This year my thanksgiving wasn't what it normally was, this year we went to my aunt's house which we never do. I love thanksgiving because I like food, but it wasn't my favorite this year. In the past my mom always loved making all the food for two days then having everyone over at my house, that was probably the best and we did the same thing every year.
Then after she passed away we started doing thanksgiving at my grandma's house which was great too, i would stay the night at her house and help her make everything. But once my other aunt and uncle got there big new house they started doing there own thing and invited my grandma so we couldn't do it at her house. After this my dad's girlfriend did thanksgiving at her house after she finally moved into st. helens, and that was okay too, but not as good as before. So I guess each year my thanksgivings have gotten less exciting. I also think that is because I love to cook and I like to help with the dinner, so when I don't get to its kind of pointless for me.
And another thing is I love traditions, i don't know why but for some reason I love them i always get told, "Change is okay, we don't have to do the same thing every year." But the traditions were fun and there was always something to look forward too. Being the kid you never get asked what you want to do, you get told what you are going to do, so I wish the traditions would go back, but i guess i can just wait until I am doing my owe traditions.


As far as I can tell, technologically we're heading in the right direction. We're creating safer cars (Acura now a full lineup of 5 star Crash and Saftey rated cars. (I wasn't paid to say that)). But to me, it seems as though are youth are slowly deteriorating, and being more concerned with being cool, than whats going to come ahead of them in life. So I think that our ideas and technology are good to go, but the youth needs to step up their act, other wise we're gonna be stuckwith a heck of a lot of gas pumpers and burger flippers, but no nanophysicists, or engineers.


Well to start off I went to (local news channel) and looked at the headlines. Here they are:

1. "Presidential party crashers called to go before congress."
2. "Man with colorful past shot in local trailer park."
3. "Police: Man kills girlfriend at Hillsboro hair salon."
4. "'Horror scence' as 4 Lakewood police officers shot, killed"
5. "Second body in two days found in Portland waters."
6. "Ore. woman, shot from back seat, still struggling."

I think problems are just getting worse. Everytime I turn on the news it's shootings, going green, and political crap that I have no understanding of.

Just yesterday I turned on the news and heard about a shooting right off the bat. This is obviously number four on the list, the one that starts with "horror scence." Three officers were having coffee and some guy comes in and shoots them. Wow. Is that what the world is coming to?
Police- the regulation and control of a community, esp. for the maintenance of public order, safety, health, morals, ect.
Is that something people seriously have hatred for? Killing the police officers having coffee and harming no one, ha, that's nice. Looks like I won't be hitting up coffee shops anytime soon.

This whole going green thing is really starting to get on my nerves. Look. You've made the cars, and eco-friendly water bottles; hell, you've even came up with eco-friendly houses so quit pushing it! I do the best I can, and so do many people. Recylcle, Reduce, Reuse. I know, I know.

Like I said I have no understanding of the political crap so I'm just going to skip over this one.

One other problem I can think of that isn't discussed everyday, is the growing population. We have so many people and limited resources. If the population continues to rise at this rate, our resources will begin to deplete! We don't want that. China already has their one child rule, (thank God!) so maybe Americans should begin to be aware of that to. Now I'm not saying we should have some kind of law saying we can only have so many children, but please, don't have ten children!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Problems... Will C.

Well, I think the greatest problems in the world today are probably global warming, the population, and our economy. All of which could be solved by nuking China. (just sayin'). I mean the average chinese person puts out 1/5 of the carbon of a US-ian. Which is all changing as they start improving their country and lifestyle. So, in a couple of years they are gonna be putting out like 3 times as much gas and garbage and evilness as we are! Agghhh! And The other problem with them is outsourcing and globalization. We're sending all our money to China for plastic garbage that we throw away the day afterward. Darn Commies are takin' all our jobs! And they breed like rabbits! Well, not anymore, I guess. Two kids or you get forcefully aborted! Still, they are many times more populous than us, and in a smaller area. (Easier to nuke!). And you know what they say, "waste not want not". You know, we've got a lot of nukes wastin' away in concrete boxes. Maybe we should make use of them! On China! (just sayin')

It's a cold world

I don't think that the world really gets better or worse, but it does change over time and changes can be looked at either for the better or the worse. So it kinda depends on how a person looks at it.

With that in mind I would say that the World is kind of going down that slippery slope. When people say that it's a cold cold world out there they weren't kidding. In some ways more than others the world seems to be becoming a more dark and sinister place. For example my mom when she was a young woman could, in fact, walk out her front door and walk down the street at night without having to worry about being kidnapped, raped, robbed, asked if she wanted to buy drugs, and or getting blown away by the local gang lord. I wasn't able to do this, I grew up for a little while, when I was younger in NE Portland were half the time our front yard was a prime spot for police officers to cuff a perp., so we moved out here where I guess it's a tad safer.................................. I was just told a couple minutes ago that my Mom's hairdresser's daughter was shot and killed at a great clips by her son of a bitch ex-boyfriend................he tried to kill himself as well, but now he is the hospital with severe brain damage............I hope he survives so that way he can rot in jail and live with the guilt of it for the rest of his pathetic meaningless life. This is how the world is now a makes me feel scared. Another thing that scares me is, When did humans start caring more about money than other humans lives? Or I really want to know what gives someone the right to kill another human being? That's not our job. Why do some people out there think "Hey if I'm gonna kill myself then I'm going to take out this person as well." That's a load of crap!!!

Although this all is true there is some good coming out of moving into the future, and that is the medical field has grown in leaps and bounds. So this would be one of the better things that have been happening, but sometimes it's really hard to look at the positive things in life when so many bad things are happening all around us. All we can do is try and find the things in life that make us happy and focus on them.

I don't even know if any of this makes sense lol.

Me, Myself, and I

A rant? A teacher has asked us for a rant? Ask, and it shall be given!
This is most definetly a subject that I feel strongly about. Or, at least, I can babble forever about. Hrm. Are we, as a society, going downhill? Well, I think you need to have an end place to sort of "fall". Could it be bad that we, as America, have influence everywhere? No, I think not. I think what's bad is that we have that influence, and that we are spreading corruption to those places. Could it be that we know what is good and bad? No, I don't think that's the worst of it. We know that drugs will kill us, and yet we still smoke, and get high, and do all the crap. I think that the worst that America can get is when we have spread corruption, and we do know what's right and wrong, and yet we decieve ourselves into thinking that we're ok, or we're helping people. We are losing our morals, because we try to please everyone. We try to hide our problems behind a facade that we are ok. I think that, as a society, we, individually have adopted that attitude. Can you justify a stupid choice? We can't even get out of debt! I was reading a newspaper heading today, and, if I remember correctly It said "Did Christianity Cause the Crash?" When we can own up to our own mistakes, then we will be getting better.
So, to make a long story short, yeah, I think that American is going downhill. I think that's the only way that we can justify our actions so far.

Thanksgiving and The End of Society, a double feature!

One of these days that's going to be a movie and I'll be sued for copyright issues or some ridiculous pizazz like that.

Alright, thanksgiving pretty much blows. Too much food. I'm not a heavy eater like, at all, I give away 50% of the food I buy usually. And when the whole celebration is flippin' tastical eating I feel like a jackass because I'll have a super small plate of food and everyone will have these mountains of food, so I feel like I'm not doing my part in finishing the meal off. I dunno. Dumb holiday. Probably why we didn't celebrate it this year!

And about where our country/society/planet is going: I hope it doesn't go south within the next fourty or so years, but I wouldn't mind anytime after that. As long as global warming and the economy don't kick my life in the pants, I don't see any reason to worry. I don't want to live anywhere past sixty, so I don't have to see the grandchildren that my generation and myself may or may not have ruined the lives of. And from the looks of it, things will be fine, as they always have been. Someone's in a war, somebody's been robbed, those guys are standing up for their beliefs, ect.

To me, it seems society just goes in a giant loop of freaking out about one thing and improving another. And as long as it keeps doing that, we should be fine. But that's just my opinion, I'm usually pretty uninformed and ignorant of my surroundings.

Topic #10: Direction

Do you think our country, our society, our world is getting better or worse? Are we headed in the right direction, or going the wrong way?
What is going wrong, and what is going right?
I would love to see a rant about the biggest problem you see in the world today, or a paean to the nicest thing about life, if you're feeling full of puppies and rainbows.
Are you afraid of what the future holds, or looking forward to reaching it?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Do over Thanksgiving

I love thanksgiving....normally. This year my thanksgiving was not what I had been hoping for. I had to eat in an old folks home with a bunch of old people who were complaining that the food sucked.....because it did. I swear my thanksgivings get worse every year..........the degradation of gets harder and harder every year to be excited for it. Anyways sorry that sounded really emo.

Ok so my favorite kind of food is my mom's pasta salad, any fruit, cheese it's (you can't eat just one), olives, and In-n-out hamburger (only get to eat it once a year). I can't eat chicken......I'm allergic to it. I hate brussel sprouts, beats, pancakes, french toast, and gravy. Yep pretty much. Hope this isn't late........

Friday, November 27, 2009


I like to think of myself as a bit of a foodie. I enjoy the flavors of life, and wish to explore them. But fine caviar or lobster tails are not my fortee' - no, I think of myself as a junk foodie. I adore the world of obscure snack foods - Chocodiles, cheesebuger-flavored Doritos, and "premium" M&Ms are par for the course.

Food is wonderful

Food is so much fun. I absolutely love to cook and do it all the time. This year I made the entire thanksgiving myself from scratch for the third year in a row. This year we had a Scandinavian themed dinner, last year I made Chinese and the year before I made a traditional thanksgiving. Next year I hope to cook something German or Indian, I'm not sure yet but it'll be fun none the less.
My favorite type of food to cook are desserts. They are so much fun. I love how I can make them look beautiful or fun or pretty and they'll still taste great. I also love to cook breads and fried food. Frying things is a lot of fun, especially when I DON'T ketch something on fire.

Food- Will L

I love food. I like Thanksgiving, but turkey is not my favorite thing to eat. Yeah, it tastes good, and so do mashed potatoes and gravy and pumpkin pie among other Thanksgiving foods, but what if we ate different kinds of foods for Thanksgiving? Say, what would you think if somebody said, "Hey guess what I had for Thanksgiving? Bacon and eggs!" How weird would that be? Just a thought.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Food is great. I love to make food. I love to eat food. My favorite food is pineapple. I also like spaghetti. Thanksgiving is an excuse for fat lazy Americans to eat food and watch football. The message we are supposed to pass isn't really passed so its just an excuse to gorge yourself.

Health Care

Health care is obviously a good thing that everyone should have. But I think that insurance companies have way to much control over everything and that people should be able to put restrictions on health care to make the system better.


One of my biggest fears that I have is of water. Mostly the Ocean. Anything past the waves scares the hell out of me. I think this is because I'm afraid of being stuck in open water and being lost with out anywhere to go. I have no idea how I would ever get into this situation but I think I would be overwhelmed if it ever happened.

Food - Will C.

Obviously, I'm not really into food very much. Or, for that matter , Thanksgiving. I don't like turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, or cranberry sauce. I like my relatives, though. My favorite food is cheddar cheese and rasberry flavored confections. Other than that, I don't really like any food.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I really like thanksgiving and food in general. It is up there with Christmas because it is the only holiday that you can survive off of that one meal for a week. My favorite foods would have to be the traditional thanksgiving dinner turkey mashed potatoes gravy rolls and cooked carrots with butter

lol, wuts food?

Can anyone here tell me what food is? Because I'm sorta in the blue when people bring up food. So could anyone explain what it is? Thanks.

A Stupid Citizen.

Well, Mr. Stupid Citizen, food is the stuff you eat! Now I know this may be hard to grasp at first, but you'll get used to the idea the longer you think about it. I'll admit, when I was 2 years old, I had a tough time learning what food was. You'll get used to it.


I'm 47, you insensitive prick.

A Stupid Citizen

Duely noted, Mr. Stupid Citizen.


What are some good foods then?

A Stupid Citizen

My personal favorites are mashed potatoes and gravy, spaghetti, Pillsburry Rolls, Chicken Fried Rice, and bacon. Some rather disgusting foods are mushrooms, onions, mustard, and grizzle and cartealage from chicken and other such meats.


Thank you.

A Stupid Citizen

Don't know why I wrote my blog this way guys. Just sorta happened.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I really should have brought my laptop with me... I'm such a plonker. And ham is better! Yum! Honey baked!

I posted this from my itouch :D the only problem is it all has to be in the title! This is going to be fun... I will just keep it short. Turky sucks.

Kim loves food.

Yep, true statement. I'm a food fanatic. I'm usually eating all day, everyday. Thanksgiving is a total treat for me because i have a family of cooks. When they get together, things get amazing. I like getting to see my family, but somehow i always seem to embarass myself. Last year i dropped the mashed potatoe spoon and flung mashed potatoes across the floor. My favorite thanksgiving food is this orangeish jello. I dnot know exactaly how to explain it but its basically orange jello mixed with lemon pudding. Its really good (even though it may not sound like it.) But yeah anyways, i like food, and thanksgiving for that matter.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I think my views on Thanksgiving have changed a lot in the last year. Since I went vegetarian a little over a year ago, I no longer look forward to the turkey or the gravy. Thanksgiving for me has turned into a day where there is an abundance of vegetable dishes and desserts. I also still like eating my mashed potatoes, which I thoroughly enjoy even without gravy, actually I think I like them more without gravy, who would have thought. Also I don't get to look forward to leftovers like I used to. In recent years we have begun going to visit my dad's parents in Medford for Thanksgiving, they live in a swanky retirement home where every meal is catered. So turkey there doesn't seem like such a big occasion as it is offered every night for dinner 365 days a year. In theory I guess if you ate turkey there, you could feel like you were having leftovers every day... But in any case what I look forward to the most for Thanksgiving are the desserts. I will openly admit to having a sweet tooth, and I like pie a LOT. So naturally I look forward to the pumpkin and pecan pies every year.

Health Care

In my views a lot of the things politicians are turning the healthcare reform into are excessive, though some parts are good. I remember watching Obama address Congress on such matters and agreeing with what he had to say. But for me in the end what I see is important is that we find a way to ensure that uninsured children receive coverage along with those who have disabilities. I feel that we should have a public OPTION, but it shouldn't be forced upon anyone who would rather have private insurance. So primarily what I hope to see is that we find a way to help those who are unable to help themselves.


I don't feel that I genuinely believe in any superstitions. I have often said things that should have "pressed my luck" without knocking on wood without any consequence. I have stepped on many cracks, and my mother's back has yet to be broken. However I will admit to knocking on wood after saying things sometimes, more often than not just because I find it humorous that people believe it'll work. But who am I to judge? We are all entitled to our opinions.


In my family I am the picky food eater. My family says, they don't want to ask what I don't like to eat, they want to know the one food I do like. It is true I am a picky eater, but I like more then one food! When it comes to Thanksgiving I don't like most of the food served, but I do like the turkey sandwiches from leftovers.
I guess the most disgusting foods I can think of would be cranberries, pot roast (pretty much anything made in a crock pot), prime rib (my family thinks this crazy), most fish, pork loin, okay a lot of stuff. I really can't think of any funny food stories, but I can say that spaghetti is my favorite food.
OOOh thanksgiving.
i love it.
My favorite would be turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and rolls.
I also like seeing my family(:
Even though it gets pretty chaotic.
BUT, i hate stuffing!!!
i dont really know why, i think its the texture.
I just think its really gross.
But other than that, thanksgivings a good Day


I like thanksgiving because its a time to have food that you might only get once or twice a year.
Also I have it with my family, and for most people families dont get together as a whole but holidays!
My favorite is deviled eggs.

Health Care

i dont really know too much about health care....
but i REALLY agree with Kelsey....
read hers
health insurance seems to be a better thing than health care.

Topic 7

I believe in superstitions and luck to an extent.
the whole you cant wash your uniform cause its good luck, now thats nasty and not sanitary.
(i wash my jersey)
but when it comes to other things i DO knock on wood, and i ALSO throw salt over my shoulder.
it kind of depends for superstitions, but some i think are real.


So Thanksgiving is like my least favorite holiday but that's not saying much cause I love all holidays. Plus during Thanksgiving it kind of sucks because im vegetarian and no one else in my family, well at least the ones that come to it, is so I usually only eat mashed potatoes and like biscuits. But mashed potatoes rock. Yep.


I'm not going to lie, I LOOOVE food. Turkey and stuff is ok, but this year I wanted to do something different for Thanksgiving, so I suggested that we do hamburgers instead. No one agreed with me. My favorite food is, hands down, mac and cheese. I am a killer mac and cheese maker. I think that food is the one thing that can bring anyone together. I also love a really good hamburger. I will eat just about anything though. I did a fear factor thing and ate sardines( which are not bad at all, I don't know why people complain.) I hate mayo though. That is the most disguisting thing on earth. This is really scatterbrained entry, but whatever.

I <3 FOOD!!!!

my dad is a chef so i get to eat some pretty good food most of the time. when it comes to thanksgiving i go to my grandma & grandpa's house to engorge on this immaculate feast. my favorite part is probably the mashed potatoes that she makes. i also am a fan of cranberry sauce with my gravy. on thing that i always remember about eating at their house is the croissants and sparkling cider. so thats my veiw on food oh and also i hate condiments I.E. ketchup, mayonaise, mustard, and pickles all that crap blegh. okay thats it.

Topic #9: Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is this week! Time for large meals, family visits, leftovers, and football. And time for us to pause and take stock, examine what we have been given, and be glad for it.

Let's talk about food.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday for one simple reason: I love food. I like to eat, I like to be full. I particularly love turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy, not to mention leftover turkey sandwiches that last for a week. My wife and I make the full Thanksgiving dinner every year -- and then the two of us eat it all ourselves. Well, not on Thanksgiving Day -- we eat leftovers for the rest of the weekend. And the dog helps.

This Thanksgiving will be a little less enjoyable because we're having guests, which means the focus will no longer be on the massive feast, but rather on visiting with family. That's fine, I look forward to seeing my family, but I am saddened that there will be less food for me to eat. On the plus side, we're planning on having turkey again sometime over Christmas break, when we usually have something else, roast or ham or something not as good as turkey, so this year I get an extra turkey dinner.

Anyway. The blog topic this week is food. How do you feel about it, what are your favorites, what foods make you turn your nose up in disgust or horror, and are there any good stories that involve you and food? Some response by Saturday, November 28, please. And enjoy your vacation.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Health Care- Will L

To tell you the truth, I do not follow the news very well. I find it depressing, and would rather do other things with my time. So I do not know a whole lot about the new health care plan. From what I do know, though, I'm not sure that I agree with everybody paying taxes for every single person to have health care. Yeah, it's important to have it, but what if people don't want health care? Yeah, I have a ridiculous take on this because, like I said, I don't watch the news, so I really don't know what I'm talking about right now. =)

Health care

About the health care thing it makes sense and it is a good idea, because with today's economy and so many people out of work a lot of people can't aford health insurance. Health insurance is so important because, if you aren't covered and someone has something happens or needs surgery it usually costs a lot of money and then you have loads and loads of bills if you don't have insurance to cover it. I also agree with it, because I want to work in the medical field, I want to be a pediatrician so I believe that no one who is in the need of health assistance should be turned away because they can't aford it. What, really makes me think is why didn't we ever think of doing this sooner? And what amazes me is that it actually made it to where it is being voted on and people are voting for it, I think the legislation branch has realized what needs to be done and is acting on it.


The way I see it is that our system is completely screwed up, and what Obama is doing is trying to change things but he's is trying to do things way to fast to change the way the government and healthcare systems will take a long time not just a few years. Now here is my idea of what the healthcare should be (and I take this from a country that has tried it with success) the government funds the hospitals and staff and the citizens just pay extra taxes based on how much they make so rich people pay more and the poor people pay less so everyone still gets healthcare. Also I realize this solution is a little late for our country

Health Care

So my opinion of the health care plan is that there are a lot of good ideas such as helping everyone young, old, people with or without health issues. I read one of the articles about patients in the ER being more likely to die if they didn't have insurance, this is a concern because people in the ER are all supposed to get equal help.
The health care reform has a lot of good ideas, helping people who financially are on boarder line to get medicare, not differing who pays certain amounts based off age or health, and it tries to get everyone to have health care. But there is the issue of money. How they get money and the different fees people will have to pay. One of the fees that people have to pay is that if someone in your business is on medicare you'll have to pay extra taxes for them. Also the inital money to pay from the plan all comes from people who make a certain amount of money a year... rich people. Some people don't have a problem with this, its like the modern day Robin Hood, socially acceptable discrimination. The whole plan makes people who earn in this income range have to pay extra taxes in all the changes.
The time for health care reform is now but we need to straighten out the payment plan before it can be effective.

Friday, November 20, 2009


zombify-To cause to become a zombie
In honor of our vocab list this week, and just because I thought this was funny. This is your guide to surviving the Zombie Apocolypse:

Health Care (Chris)

The Health Care debate has been long and rather annoying. Simply enough, our current system is crap. For-profit insurers constantly screw people over when they need it most, and usually for absurd reasons (typos, "pre-existing conditions" that aren't linked to anything). The bill would make it harder for insurance companies to deny people, and would also create a government-run health care plan for those who can't afford it.

So why is it taking so damn long? Simple, the debate isn't really about Health Care. It's about Obama. The Republicans don't want Obama to have a major successful legacy so they're pulling out all the stops (Every possible senate vote, their own personal news channel (Fox News)), to keep it from passing.
Conversely, the Democrats are fighting this with baseless Senate votes for the bill, sometimes without considering how the bill would effect the already plummeting economy.

So what's the answer here? Not a damn thing. This is how two-party politics work.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Check it out: there's going to be a nationwide shortage.

Of waffles.

Start hoarding now.

health care? really?

*big long sigh* health care... that topic seems to be the only thing anyone talks about anymore besides obama or something like that. yeah i think that health care in america sucks. why do we have to pay money to live when alot of other countries get it for free? i just dont get any of it and i dont find it pleasing to talk about it because honestly at this point in time... im just sick of talking about it! lets do something about it for once! gosh its like complaining that you have a stupid gameboy and you want a psp but all you talk about is getting one then you live out the rest of your days with no psp and thats a sad life to live!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Totem ( I thought about it)

So this is really for Mr. Humphrey. I was reading my comments and I came across the totem one and I did think about it. So let's get started. Like I said i'm not really serious. But I thought that over and i'm serious when i'm with a small group of people that I know and I care about. I'm serious when I talk about my brother Nick because he is the most important person in my life. And then I thought about who I am. I'm a person that likes trouble, I hate being censored and I especially hate authority but think it's nessecary, I love music and I connect with people whom I think have a good musical taste immeidiately. I dont care what others think of me and thats the truth. If they're close to me yeah I guess I do but thats if I respect them. I like being a funny person and I like being pessimistic. Ok i'm done now I might comment more on this but yeah I wanted to put something better than a lame ass duck. God damnit this wasnt a totem screw totems.

Health care

Honestly I don't know much about health care right now and I don't want to try and sound like I know what i'm talking about. I pretty much stopped listening after all the town hall meeting and when everyone was freaking out about "death panels". So yep.

Health Care

I personally think the news is blowing the health care problem way out of proportion, but that doesn't mean it's not an issue. I don't pay attention to the news at all so I am not very up to date about the whole thing but I think it is something we should be concerned about. Don't you think it could have a link to the crimes and lazy people in the country? Or even people who do illegal things just because they're illegal? That's not to say that it's not linked to other things too but it could have an issue. I think it has something to do with the people dealing with it too. Some people just don't know how to handle a problem.

H-H-H-Health Care! Cole

What do I think about health care? Heck, I dont even really know about whats even going on with the healthcare "industry" (idk what to cal it). As far as I know, theres just not enough peple out there who can afford health care, but need it. The way to fix it? I have a coupla ideas. 1) make customizable health care plans, like Progressive insurance. Make it so that people can choose what kind of health care plans they want, and what coverage they want to ay for, so that they dont need to pay for health insurance they dont need. 2) have u seen those Good Spirit magazines or whatever they are, where u can like, buy 2 cows for a family in Africa so that they can get milk? or how you can like buy a share of a cow so u dont have to pay quite as much? Well what if they did that for health care? Like pay 2000 dollars for a share of health care for a needy American individual for a year? You know? That might work, but those are my two ideas.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Healthcare - Will C.

Well, like everybody else in the class, I am clinging to my youthful ignorance and trying not to learn anything about our dysfunctional world. I fear that if I contemplated our depleted oil supplies, global warming, food shortages, health care system, dwindling natural resources, and the immenent 2012 end of the world, I would go crazy. So, I will sit here in front of my computer blissfully ignore the world until it crumbles around me. The End.

Luck - Will C.

I personally don't believe in luck or any superstitious nonsense like that. For instance, one time, me and Cole were at a friend's house, playing some game. We were just about to beat the final boss, and Cole said: "we can't possibly lose now!" Well, naturally, we were horrified, and he went to go knock on some wood. Unfortunately, Cole tripped over the power cord and turned off the console. We gang beat him to a bloody pulp and fed him to the ferocious dolphins. So, the point is that belief in superstition will only feed the crazy dolphins, enabling them to reproduce and take over the world. Not to mention the senseless violence of beating up suffering trees to try and avert evil! Tsk Tsk.

Monday, November 16, 2009

school spirit

alright , well I think that school spirit is important for the people that what to be involved it gives people something to do at school and is sometime somewhat fun. i enjoy pep assembles and class competitions i mean i am the class vp... but more of the reason i get involved is because if no one gets involved then our class would always lose everything(more then we already do) and who wants to be a loser?so i think our class and our school should have more school spirit.

VERY VERY VERY VERY late truth and lies post

I think that lies can be told and that truth shouldn't be told all the time. I know that sounds mean but it is true and I will stick to it. If my friends comes to school and they just got a terrible hair cut and asks me what I think I am not going to tell them they look terrible I am going to say that they look nice. It is one of societys socially acceptable lies but that is because it doesn't hurt anyone, its not to important. If I were to tell a friend that their hair looked nice and it didn't no one is going to die and in the end they will feel better then if I had said that their hair looked like crap. I think that lying is okay as long as it doesn't hurt people and its not a serious matter.

Superstitions and luck (sorry its late)

I personally don't believe in luck or any superstitions. I don't think knocking on wood will keep you from breaking a bone, in fact when I was younger and I hadn't broken a bone I told someone at the doctors office and did knock on wood. I broke my wrist in sixth grade, ya knocking on wood didn't help.


I find myself very unlucky at times. I always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Have you ever had this thought? "WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME!?" I do!! All the time. But I can also feel really lucky, like when things work out the way I wanted them to. Or when I take a test and forgot everything and still Ace it because I seem to be so good at guessing? So yes, I believe in luck. I don't really believe in all the "If you break a mirror you will have 7 years bad luck." Atleast I really hope not because I've broken several.(:

Biggest fear

I really hope these arn't late, and I just realized I'm doing the topics out of order but oh well. I tend to jump a bunch and scream during scary movies, but I don't have any nightmares about them. I am, however, very scarred of hights. I like to be up high but I don't like the unsafe feeling. When I was younger I was afraid of mimes. And I also used to be very scared of deformed people. Like in The Hills Have Eyes if anyones eve seen that, perfect example. (:

Oh my...Health Care.

Well I'm going to be perfectly honest, I really don't know much about it and i'm tired so I dont really feel like researching it so I can sound like I know what Im talking about. Sooooo I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I think Health Care is contributing to how in-debt America is. I think Obama is going trying to fix it though. But when your in a hole that deep and it wont stop long enough for you to fix it, how do you CHANGE IT?

Just a suggestion

i think that it would be a cool idea for next week's blog if we did it on your favorite movie, or something like that if you don't have one.

we could also have it be that you need to say what your favorite scene is in the movie as well.

please comment with your opinion

LAUGH U PEOPLE!! Dont forget to comment. :P

Alright guys. Here's some pics that (should) make you laugh. Its to make up for my lateness for the last 3 topics. Enjoy. :)

There is superstitions...

I think about the only thing Im superstitious about is when Im counting something, like, trying to get a record, or something, and I end up on 13. Its dumb, but it just makes me feel unlucky. I also feel like I get bad luck sometimes.

Topic #6 - Cole!!

Sorry if this is late Humphrey. So what scares me? Not necessarily heights, but unsafe heights, like standing on a pole 50 feet up in the air. Also, I have an unreasonable, unrational fer of people in gas masks. I always think they're gonna get me in my sleep. like, no joke. And playing Medal of Honor Airbourne for the Xbox 360 didn't help either. There's these (best unit in the game) Nazi Storm Elite guys, and they have portable miniguns and gas masks. I call them Super Nazis and they scare the living crap (Yes, my crap is alive. :) out of me.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A triple feature

Well, this is going to be the most huge crazy blog I've created yet but I've been so distracted around my PC with projects and my nonexistant social life that I've completely put this off.

I scare easy, well, not easy, but if something seems real enough to me, I'm going to piss myself like the stereotypical girly guy that gets decapitated after the dumb kid in some ridiculous knife chase. But I'm pretty good at convincing myself things aren't what they seem, I.E. tapping against a window could be a tree nearby or something else grinding against it, and not a pedophile getting off to my sweet young face in half sleep. (There's no trees by my window. I have to pretend there are.)

Now, TOPIC 7! Luck & Superstition!
As far as superstition goes, I'm all for it. And I think this goes hand in hand with luck, because me wearing a charm to increase my chances of getting a date for the dance would be a superstitious belief that a charm would grant me luck, would it not? (seriously is that right or not? am I mixing this up?)

AND WOWZERS! TOPIC 7(.5)! (there's two topic sevens, at least that's what I can see.)
Hot diggity damn, health care is really something I don't worry about, but that's because I'm still in my "my parents can deal with it" status, so when I'm in my 30's and someone guy runs me over I think I might be worrying about my health care. I don't really know what the fiasco is with that right now, nobody in my house really watches TV unless it's Hell's Kitchen or some other ridiculous reality show we can all point and laugh at. After I'm done writing this I'm going to go to bed and completely forget about the whole deal, I'll probably be thinking about where I'm eating lunch tomorrow, what I'm getting there, that girl I winked at while I was at the store, something along the lines of that. I just, I don't have any reason in my mind to care. Call me ignorant or whatever you want, but, yeah.

Have a fantastic future from reading this post, I'm glad I was able to shift control from your mind with my typing for a minute. (Unless you just skipped to this part, thanks for ruining my hopes and dreams.)

Health Care.

Personally, i have no idea about our countrys health care system, or the issues that surround it. I find that ironic considering the fact i want to be a doctor.
First of all, i would like to mention how annoying the priority level is at urgent care places.
When i broke my elbow two years ago i sat in the hospitals EMERGENCY waiting room for 45 minutes. I watched as the people who clearly shouldnt be in the emergency room (like the mom and her kid with the sniffles and the lady with a bruise) got served before me. Now i know that sounds greedy, but i have a shattered elbow and can barely stand the pain, you have the sniffles; step aside.
I also think that healthcare should be provided to children if the parents arent able to afford/get it. I think everyone under 18 should be given healthcare services whether they have health insurance or not.

Well like i said, i dont know much so this will just have to do for now.


I dont know if i exactaly belive in "luck." I am a person that believes in karma (good and bad) and the golden rule (treat others as you want to be treated)

If you do good things for people, and do the right things even when people arent watching, karma will do good things in return for you. But i will admit, in some situations it seems like luck sure plays a part in things. Most of the time though, its either chance, or just plain good karma.

Health Care..

uhh... to be honest, i dont keep up with this health care stuff.
i dont know anything about the government, i only know that obama is
president haha, literally. so maybe ill look at other peoples.


Hmm i dont really know if i believe in luck.
Well in basketball, if someone makes a shot ill say, that was "lucky"
but im really joking. its kinda confusing when you really think about it.
Like i dont believe that if you find a penny and its heads up, its good luck i mean come on.
But i will say that i do believe in karma. So i guess thats a form of bad luck.
I think for some reason, more people tend to believe in bad luck rather than good.

And superstitions, i just dont know about that one.


What an..interesting topic. My parents and I were just discussing this sort of thing at the dinner table a few nights ago. I'm going to keep this post sort and sweet, so here goes!
In my opinion, I don't think that this should be the big issue right now. I think that the president should be more worried about the recession that we are in. We are approaching the Great Depression numbers, no matter what the television/radio people say. We need to worry about how we're going to be able to be here for tommorow, instead of worrying about what we can do to help a year or two from now, if that makes any sense.

Change, for the better or for the worse?

I have nothing against President Obama, he's an O.k. swell guy and all, but I think he is trying way to hard to be the best President in history by taking all of the US's problems in one sitting and trying to resolve them. I think it would work allot less problematically if he took on like one or two big issues at a time. That way he could focus all of his time and energy on them, so that way they can be taken care of all the way instead of just enough to get by for now, because sooner rather than later the problems are going to get worse and will be even more complicated than they were in the first place. Sorry that was a bit off topic but kind of on at the same time.

Anyways the Health care reform...........what can I say? I don't want to sound rude but why does the entire US need Health care coverage? Sure we can dream about it and say "Hey wouldn't it be cool if everyone got free health care?" But all I can think of is "Great now the Government has another bill to pay for." I mean hey if they want to pay for it more power to them, but I've noticed that the country is kind of in debt already and I don't think that we necessarily need another thing to pay for that we can't afford. I mean maybe if we didn't have this ridiculous war to pay for it would be a little easier, but we can't keep paying in IOU's. I also want to point out one of the reasons why health care is so expensive. When illegal aliens or hobos, people without health care, get sick they go to the emergency room to get help, when anyone goes to the emergency room they can't turn anyone away, they have to help everyone and anyone who comes to get help. So when you, someone with health care, goes to the doctor and gets all fixed up, you have to pay about triple the amount you are normally supposed to pay. Why? Because when Hobo Joe goes to the doctors he can't pay for it so the hospital system has to get the money some where else right? So they get it from you the person with Health care, you, and they do it by adding on all the extra charges they need to to get the money they lost on Hobo Joe. So basically there is already free health care you just have to be an illegal hobo to get it.

Wow that was really long and ongoing. So no, I would not vote for a Universal Health Care System, I like the Health care system we have right now. In my opinion it works just fine. I almost dread the day, if it comes, that they vote this through, because do we really now if this change will be for the better, or will it turn out for the worse?
Oh and for those of you who don't know who I am, the name's Amy, nice to meet cha', but I'm afraid I won't be changing my screen name anytime soon, so hopefully you read this and see my name lol.

UGH Here We Go Again

Well i personally dislike talking about the government and all these stupid packages and bills they are trying to pass. My dad watches FOX News Network 24/7 the one that has Hannity and The O'Rielly Factor so I'm just plain old annoyed with the subject all together.

immigrants should not be able to get health care in AMERICA. They should have to be an But that was not the question. to answer the question if i understand correctly what the reform is for, than i think i know what my opinion is. I think it is a stupid idea to do what he is saying he is going to do. So i think that is Mr. Know-It-All Can-Do attitude Obama is crazy. The illegal aliens should not get FREE health care they should have to be an American citizen, or just go back to where they are from. So know i disagree with the new health care reform.

Topic #8: Health Care

We have now finished our study of poetry, and so we now begin our time digging deep into cold, hard reality: non-fiction reading, state assessments, formal essays. In order to reflect that, this week's blog topic will not be concerned with touchy-feely personal matters, not with delving into your values and idiosyncrasies -- this time, it's just going to be the facts, all the facts, and nothing but the facts.

Actually, this kind of discussion often tells you more about the individual communicating to you than any personal exploration would. But we'll keep that a secret.

For our first issue, I thought we should begin with what seems the most contentious and controversial issue in the country today: health care reform (Thank Eldon Ralls for the suggestion.). Here is a page full of stories, from MSN -- forgive me if this is what you consider a biased source; it is not my intention to suggest you lean one way or the other with your opinion on this. Feel free to suggest another source if you find it more objective and reasonable. At any rate, the page has several articles that explain different aspects of the debate over health care reform, if you want to do any research or don't feel informed enough to state an opinion. Click here.

Some possible ways to respond to this are:
*Quite simply, what do you think our country should do about health care reform?
*What do you think is the real problem? What is the source of the problem?
*How would you describe our national politicians, and/or our political system, after seeing how this issue has been handled? Has this changed, or confirmed, your opinions?
*Since more Americans get their primary news coverage from either Jon Stewart on the Daily Show, or FOX News, how much of this debate, and this issue, is exaggerated? How much of the struggle we are seeing is political maneuvering? How does the media influence our nation's handling of this and other similar issues?
It is not acceptable to simply post that you don't care, don't want to care, and have nothing to say on this issue. I am open to suggestions for future topics that might be more interesting to you, but this is the topic for the week, and you will all post a reasonable response to it. Thank you. Oh, and no: I'm not going to post my opinion.

**Special Note:  Since this week's topic is a matter of debate, you will also be required to comment on two posts from your classmates this week.  Please be polite and respectful, but also substantive and genuine.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I guess I believe in luck, in the aspect that just good and bad things happen to people all the time so the word luck is just tacked on there to give what just happened more of a meaning. Also I guess you could look at it as just a lot of mathematical cauincedences that happen to benefit one person over the other.
Just as a side note because I know you were wondering yes I was lying in bed when I remembered this and got up to do it at 11'O clock at night on Saturday.


I'm so happy I've finished 1 book journal and all the blogs now all i have to do is 1 more book journal and math yay

Natural Disaster

that's the name I gave my sister because she had all bad luck that could happen to her happen
as for me I don't have good luck and don't have too much bad luck

jinx's are myths and should be erased from our minds

Your Afraid of What?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA

noctophobia i believe it is called but i could be wrong anyways i feal like something is going to attack me and it is only outside so there you go

also when i did spellcheck on that phobia it gave me technophobia ha afraid of either technology which can be scary or



Okay really i don't know who half the people on this blog are because their names are stuff like i see dead people , boulderr, nanowaffle, fear and loathing in st Helen's, etc. etc. so people please at lease edit your name is you can because i like to know who s commenting on thing and it is really annoying for.

so please comment on this and tell me you side.


I think that school spirit has the purpose of getting people who have school spirit extremely pumped and those who have nil a Little spirit and those who despise it tolerance of school spirit. i like that are assemblies are usually in school because then those of with jobs and play sports are able to attend those favourable assemblies. but i think if the ultimate goal was to get more people involved should we have more of them???

that's just me thinking if we want more people involved in school activities we should have just random assemblies for fun to get people pumped it works for other schools why can it work for us? so i like school spirit and everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion


for me i think that a totem appropriate for me would be my really old stuffed animal wayco. i have had years of fun with him and now he has all his stuffing in the front and rear of him. i would not trade him for the world and i think that i would be him because he was way abused by me and I'm not physically abused but people give me so much crap for being small, for talking, for us having a terrible skit. one i cant help being small its in my genetics. two i talk because yo talk to me , maybe if you hadn't initiated the conversation i wouldn't be talking. and three i can help that are skit sucked no one wanted to help besides Chris so deal with it. but in the end i know I'm still loved by my family so that is why i think wayco is my totem.

Tangled Web Full of Prey

well in my opinion i think that in some circumstances lying is OK, or merely hiding all the truth. for instance say your mom was in the hospital on her death bed and you broke you arm in a bar fight and were late seeing her. if she asked you why you had a broken arm don't you think it would be better to say maybe you tripped and fell that's why you broke your arm. not that you are an out of control alcoholic

Friday, November 13, 2009


wellll id like to say i dont believe in that stuff but to be honest i dont like saying stuff like
" im never going to break a bone" i don't think i sincerely think that if i say that then ill break a bone but my mom always believed in jinxes, and well id just rather not risk it, and even if a superstition is irrational it doesn't really hurt anything if you have it so i dont relly care that i fell that way.

I Fear For the World

I think my biggest fear, is of what is already happening in the world. There is genocide and crimes against humanity happening as I write this post. No one is going to deny that, and those who would are a part of it. But in relation to to that I fear that I won't be able to make a lasting impact, a difference the the way people view the world in order to raise the quality of those people's lives. So often you hear people complain about the state that our country is in, that we no longer have any freedoms, that we're paying taxes out of our noses, but is this really that much of a concern? I tend to argue that it's not. I tell people I don't care about US politics, and they are shocked, even concerned. Instantly they are lecturing me about the importance. But I wait until they stop and I tell them that I understand that things have been "better" here, but somewhere else in the world people are being murdered in large amounts, and to me helping them is of greater importance. So my fear is that people will continue thinking the way they do, and won't learn to put the well fare of others before their own luxuries.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fear and superstitions and luck and all my past blogs i havent done

Ok so fear. So i'm not really afraid of anything i'm not afraid of reallly anything truthfully. Maybe not having a guitar or breaking my guitar. But other than that nothing.

Now luck and superstition. I don't belive in luck or superstition. That's it. But you know what's funny. Superstition - an irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear. (examples - God, God, God, God, God.)

Well aren't you just lucky

That title is one of my sayings that I use often because, I swear I have about no luck what so ever. Any type of drawing or contest I never win. I guess my brother got the luck out of the two of us because he is always winning tickets to something, and when my mom and I had went to get Michelle Branch's autograph we put all four of our names in so that we had a better chance of winning some other prizes, and of course my brother's name was drawn.

I don't really have any superstitions, I make jokes like, oh no a black cat crossed us, or I say knock on wood but I don't really think that just because you say something means it is going to happen. But I do believe in karma, because what you do can come back and bite you in the butt.

Other than luck of things happening out of the blue, I think in life itself, I am pretty lucky to have what I do, I mean I lost my mom, but I have people around me who care about me a lot, I barely fight with my dad or brother, and my dad does everything he can to help us have a good life.

Luck and superstitions

I don't really believe in luck or superstitions. I pretend I do. Like when someone spills salt, I'm ALWAYS the one to throw it over my shoulder. But it's a joke. I don't believe in luck. No lucky charms for me. And as far as superstitions go, I believe in the old theater superstition that it's bad luck to tell someone good luck. So say "break a leg" instead. Yeah, but that's it. I don't know. I just don't really believe in them.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Luck And Fears- Will L

Okay, sorry but I forgot to post last week, so I'm going to post about this topic and last week's.
First, I am honestly afraid of spiders. Really, I cannot stand them. I don't have arachnophobia, but, man I hate them. Also loneliness.

Secondly, I kind of believe in luck, but not superstition. In fact, I make fun of superstition a lot. But luck, I don't know. If you've been playing, say tennis, for a long time, and you bring a friend who has never played before and he beats you, it could be his talent. But if he loses to somebody else who is about your skill, something's wrong. So yeah, I believe in luck, but not superstition.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

lucky ducky

so yeah i believe in luck but not so much superstitions. why? because everyone knows luck is real. there would be no gambling if there was no luck! everyone would just win nothing if there was no luck!! but i guess thats bad luck huh? well i do believe in karma though... don't you knotice that people who do bad things end up being worse off than people who do good things? for example artist grrl ws getting picked on by this mean lady and the mean lady got in a car accident!! karma beotch!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lucky, yeah right

In my opinion luck is something used to describe why things happened before science had really evolved, like mythology. People wanted to blame things that happen on something else so they blamed the ladder they walked under or the black cat they crossed paths with that same day. I don't think luck really has anything to do with what actually happens. I don't think you can control everything that's happening to you but you do have control over your actions. It's not fair to blame things on cats or inanimate objects. It's not their fault. I think, in a way, someone can be more 'lucky' than someone else but only because they tend to do or recieve better things.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gettin' Lucky (Oh get your mind out of the gutter.)

I think luck is an interesting idea. The concept that every random decision has meaning, and that one person can have an advantage over others in a random situation - just for being them. It's interesting, but that really doesn't make it true. Or even close to true. Random is random, regardless of who you are, or what the situation is (unless the situation is rigging the "random" outcome.). What's even weirder is how obsessed people get over luck. The artificial high you get when you win, and the "trends" you discover from your winning, fuel a billion-dollar industry known as gambling. So why is luck so appealing?

The answer is that it isn't. Luck only becomes interesting when you apply a penalty/reward to it. Just guessing numbers with the hope that the ones you guessed will fall out of a machine isn't fun - until you give several million dollars to whoever can pull it off. Poker itself is a fun game, but that's because it's a mix of luck AND strategy. Knowing the exact odds of every outcome would give you the best chance to win, but it'd also take all the enjoyment out of it.

The Purlieu of Life

What an interesting topic. I think that people make their own luck, but at the same time, there are things in nature that are working against you, as in "bad luck", and we associate those with certain things, ie a certain shirt, or weekdays. I know that I definetly have certain things that bring me bad luck, and certain weekdays that I can't wait till they're done with, but I try to dig myself out of the rut so to speak. I don't think that we can blame every bad thing in life on bad luck, we need to blame it on ourselves. As to superstitions, I think that what we talked about in AG&R applies here. Myths(Superstitions) were created to explain things at the time, but now, looking back, we've grown as humans, and as a society. We don't need those things to explain luck. I bet, looking back, most of the entries will say something along the lines of" I believe in luck, sort of, but not superstitions, blahblahblah" and, if ou grandchildren were too read that in, like, 80 years or something, they would think that we were ridiculous in believing in luck, like we think that people were ridiculous for believeing in gods, or black cats and broken mirrors.

On a totally different note, how many times can you fail before something has to go right for you? Can you ever be totally happy? How many times can you turn a corner before you make a complete circle, and you're back to where you started?


Luck is realy confusing for me. I think i have pretty good luck if there is luck thing are bound to either go good or bad so i feel things just happen. I feel luck is not a real thing but some things just dont turn out good for people.

Mama needs a new pair of shoes!!!!!!!!!!!

Well o.k. here's the thing, I sort of believe in luck, but what if nothing good ever happens to you? Then are you considered to be cursed, or just have a dark rain cloud hanging over your head? So I don't look at anything as being lucky, because I believe people make their own luck in life. Things can be looked at half full or half know what I mean? You could take a bad situation and look for the good part about it. Hey I broke my leg, sad face, but at least I broke it before I went to summer camp, cuse I could have broken it there and my parents wouldn't be there to help me. So I don't know maybe it's because I don't consider myself to be a very lucky individual, but I know I'm lucky to be where I am right now in life, I have two parent's, a house, food, and good friends. I find myself really happy about all of that, and I couldn't really ask for more.........well except for a new Spanish teacher, I wouldn't mind that so much. Oh and I suck at board games.....except Disney scene it......but maybe that's cuse I play against Kelsey Oliver, and she is a bit slow at shouting out the sorry Kelsey. I can't bet either cuse I always some how loose in the end, so I just don't do it lol.

Superstitions are kinda funny, sure I knock on wood, but I do it because hey maybe it works! And I want to cover all my bases. I can't really say "I've never broken a bone in my body" cuse would you look at that! I have twice already so I think I'm good......knock on wood. Oh and if I cross a black cat I would probably end up petting it and going on my merry way without a second thought. Who decided that cats of the black persuasion are bad luck? What do people got against them? I think people made superstitions up so that people would be more aware of what they are doing and possibly to scare them. I'm not sure though. So I'm not an overly superstitious person, but I love the song!!!!!! you are going to go listen to it cuse I got it stuck in ur head. Hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!....I can be so mean sometimes.