Sunday, November 22, 2009

Topic #9: Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is this week! Time for large meals, family visits, leftovers, and football. And time for us to pause and take stock, examine what we have been given, and be glad for it.

Let's talk about food.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday for one simple reason: I love food. I like to eat, I like to be full. I particularly love turkey and mashed potatoes with gravy, not to mention leftover turkey sandwiches that last for a week. My wife and I make the full Thanksgiving dinner every year -- and then the two of us eat it all ourselves. Well, not on Thanksgiving Day -- we eat leftovers for the rest of the weekend. And the dog helps.

This Thanksgiving will be a little less enjoyable because we're having guests, which means the focus will no longer be on the massive feast, but rather on visiting with family. That's fine, I look forward to seeing my family, but I am saddened that there will be less food for me to eat. On the plus side, we're planning on having turkey again sometime over Christmas break, when we usually have something else, roast or ham or something not as good as turkey, so this year I get an extra turkey dinner.

Anyway. The blog topic this week is food. How do you feel about it, what are your favorites, what foods make you turn your nose up in disgust or horror, and are there any good stories that involve you and food? Some response by Saturday, November 28, please. And enjoy your vacation.

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