Sunday, November 15, 2009

Change, for the better or for the worse?

I have nothing against President Obama, he's an O.k. swell guy and all, but I think he is trying way to hard to be the best President in history by taking all of the US's problems in one sitting and trying to resolve them. I think it would work allot less problematically if he took on like one or two big issues at a time. That way he could focus all of his time and energy on them, so that way they can be taken care of all the way instead of just enough to get by for now, because sooner rather than later the problems are going to get worse and will be even more complicated than they were in the first place. Sorry that was a bit off topic but kind of on at the same time.

Anyways the Health care reform...........what can I say? I don't want to sound rude but why does the entire US need Health care coverage? Sure we can dream about it and say "Hey wouldn't it be cool if everyone got free health care?" But all I can think of is "Great now the Government has another bill to pay for." I mean hey if they want to pay for it more power to them, but I've noticed that the country is kind of in debt already and I don't think that we necessarily need another thing to pay for that we can't afford. I mean maybe if we didn't have this ridiculous war to pay for it would be a little easier, but we can't keep paying in IOU's. I also want to point out one of the reasons why health care is so expensive. When illegal aliens or hobos, people without health care, get sick they go to the emergency room to get help, when anyone goes to the emergency room they can't turn anyone away, they have to help everyone and anyone who comes to get help. So when you, someone with health care, goes to the doctor and gets all fixed up, you have to pay about triple the amount you are normally supposed to pay. Why? Because when Hobo Joe goes to the doctors he can't pay for it so the hospital system has to get the money some where else right? So they get it from you the person with Health care, you, and they do it by adding on all the extra charges they need to to get the money they lost on Hobo Joe. So basically there is already free health care you just have to be an illegal hobo to get it.

Wow that was really long and ongoing. So no, I would not vote for a Universal Health Care System, I like the Health care system we have right now. In my opinion it works just fine. I almost dread the day, if it comes, that they vote this through, because do we really now if this change will be for the better, or will it turn out for the worse?
Oh and for those of you who don't know who I am, the name's Amy, nice to meet cha', but I'm afraid I won't be changing my screen name anytime soon, so hopefully you read this and see my name lol.


  1. it seems like my posts keep getting longer...... T_T

  2. i completely agree Amy. i think that we should vote no on this bill. if we were to pass every bill that goes through right now that is supposed to make everything easier but will also cost a whole bunch than what the heck. i wish that we were able to vote since we have strong opinions and are only able to voice our opinions, well at least we can do that.

    BTW thanks for saying your name i just wanted to know who people were and this is Tyger if you didn't know already

  3. Holy canola oil, after reading this I think I get the idea of what's going on here. I like what you did with the red white and blue too, that was CLEVER


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