Saturday, November 7, 2009

AHH!!! Fears.

Fears. I have a LOT of fears! Some would be failure, being alone, how I die, and to go with halloweeny things, zombies.
I am afraid of failing in life. Ending up with nothing. No job, home, family, friends, and no where to go. Because of this I'm a big bundle of stress. Always worried about what I do and how it will effect me later.
Alone. I hate feeling alone, and I can be in a room full of people and be alone. In fact when there is a lot of people around me is when I am most alone. Odd right. I am afraid that later in life when I move out I'll live the rest of my life with no ffriends or anything. Then eventually I'll become a nutcase because I will have no human contact and start talking to objects.... maybe my flute.
I don't really mind the thought of dying. I am not afraid of it, people die and the circle of life continues. I am afraid though of how I die. I want to believe that I will die in my sleep in my home but there are so many ways people die. I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY DON'T WANT TO BURN TO DEATH!!! That scares the crap out of me. To be stuck in a building with no way out and have a fire inching toward you until you're surrounded and all that's left to do is feed the flames.
Onto the next part of the blog, Halloween. I'm not afraid of witches, vampires (my mom is though and its really funny to scare her), ghosts, or any stuff like that... mostly. I don't believe in those kind of things so I really am not afraid. Its the same with paranormal stuff, I don't believe in aliens (but the show x-files scared me so much when I was a little kid because of the theme song) or big foot. The one hallowenish thing that really gets to me is zombies. I hate zombies and they scare the crap out of me! My brother can prove this, one time we were watching a zombie movie and I flipped. Also it is possible to have zombies, they can exsist! I just... AHH!!!
Finally scary movies, haunted houses, and deathtrap rides. I myself do like scary movies, the other two though I am not a fan of. I think that people like these kinds of things because there isn't really a chance of something happening to you in these situations. Its a fun fear not a scary fear. In haunted houses when something jumps out at you its not actually going to hurt you.


  1. The middle part of my blog is gone.

  2. Oh dear. I must already be a nutcase. I already talk to my bassoon.

  3. That's okay I talk to my flute.


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