Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Purlieu of Life

What an interesting topic. I think that people make their own luck, but at the same time, there are things in nature that are working against you, as in "bad luck", and we associate those with certain things, ie a certain shirt, or weekdays. I know that I definetly have certain things that bring me bad luck, and certain weekdays that I can't wait till they're done with, but I try to dig myself out of the rut so to speak. I don't think that we can blame every bad thing in life on bad luck, we need to blame it on ourselves. As to superstitions, I think that what we talked about in AG&R applies here. Myths(Superstitions) were created to explain things at the time, but now, looking back, we've grown as humans, and as a society. We don't need those things to explain luck. I bet, looking back, most of the entries will say something along the lines of" I believe in luck, sort of, but not superstitions, blahblahblah" and, if ou grandchildren were too read that in, like, 80 years or something, they would think that we were ridiculous in believing in luck, like we think that people were ridiculous for believeing in gods, or black cats and broken mirrors.

On a totally different note, how many times can you fail before something has to go right for you? Can you ever be totally happy? How many times can you turn a corner before you make a complete circle, and you're back to where you started?


  1. 4 times and then you click your red ruby heels and POOOOOOOF!!!!!! your home.

  2. There is no guarantee that you will ever win, when there is an element of chance involved. You could literally flip coins for the rest of your life, and NEVER have it come up heads. Though that's really unlikely. And no, there is no such thing as total happiness. But you can get pretty dang close. But you could turn corners eternally and never reach your starting point.

  3. Or could life be a circle, where you never turn corners, and you always go back to where you were?


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