Monday, November 30, 2009

Directions? Do I need Map?

The second I read this post i was so ready to type about it. I think we are, and have been headed in the wrong directions for along time. I was definitely born in the wrong era, because I don't agree with a lot of things that are going on. For one I hate technology so much, unless it is useful, like medical advances or something that is helpful to people. What I don't believe in is creating new video game systems, and all the different games to them when people could be using that time and money to be finding a cure for deadly diseases. I think that technology is ruining kids and their future, because instead of being outside running around we are sitting around playing games and watching tv. I think that ruins social skills, and imagination, people might not think imagination is a huge deal but I do, because I probably have the imagination of a five year old, where the sky is the limit and you can do what ever you want. I think that kids don't just get to be kids anymore, that we are having to grow up and be exposed to things younger and younger as the years go on. I also believe that stuff like teen pregnancy gets glorified to much and so people think it isn't that big of a deal to have a baby or if they don't want to get pregnant they can walk down the street and get the pill at a public health center, and if they want to they can just go get an abortion.
I think we have enough problems in our own country that we don't need to be fighting other countries to save oil. I use this phrase about the united states, we are the janitor's to wars that will only benefit us. I say if you're going to help, help everyone or stay out of it. So we are wasting money on guns and war fair, and that leaves people out of work, people struggling to get by. And we pay people in countries to do all of our work is also pointless, because that's how we are in the problem we are in now. As you can tell I don't have much positive to say about our country and that is because I think that our government makes stupid decisions, it's ran by rich millionaires, who don't what it is like to have to work and wake not knowing if your going to have a job the next day. they think they know what is best for the people, and they are just doing what they can so they don't have to pay taxes on stuff and lose their summer homes.
We have schools that are overfilled and crappy, and they have to cut classes and do everything to save money when these people making the decisions for us own super nice cars, and multiple houses.
To me when you look at it all it doesn't make sense, everything we do doesn't make sense, if the government would just take a moment to listen to people and actually have an open ear, mind, and an actual heart when they listen, maybe we would actually do something that will fix things.


  1. lol you took the whole rant thing seriously

  2. I totally agree about the wrong era thing. Not for you, for me, silly goose.


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