Monday, November 30, 2009

what is a PloNKer?

Ok patrick you want to know what a plonker is? well i really dont know but i do have my own definition of it but first lets hear about the history of the word PloNKer (yeah thats actually how you spell it i think)

Ok so one day i was playing dead space and it was freaking me out because i didn't know what to do so i went on youtube to look for a walkthrough and i came across this one video called "paul's gaming dead space part 1" this video didn't actually have the word plonker in it but this paul guy (who i might add is a fat british guy thats kinda funny) had many many walkthroughs of video games and one of them was a game he made himself. it was really random and there was this one level called PloNKer land or something. they where these weird tweeky people that kept freaking out and you had to catch them but they were very bad at hiding so it was really easy. and after a while i knoticed that he used the word plonker alot in his other videos and i really took to the word. so based on the context that it was used in, i came up with a definition for this word.

PloNKer: the act of being stupid, naive, ditzy, irritating, annoying, forgetful, or being a complete tool


  1. What a wonderful word.

    Which level in dead space did you get stuck on?

  2. well i wasnt really "stuck" on anything cuz i got my blue glowy light thing, i was just really freaked out and i wanted to know when the monsters popped out haha!! -_-' but right now im on chapter 6 and that regenerating thing keeps killing me and i keep panicking!

  3. Sorry my damn internet's shut off. BUT thank you for giving me that because that word is damn hilarious to me :d


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