Friday, November 20, 2009

Health Care (Chris)

The Health Care debate has been long and rather annoying. Simply enough, our current system is crap. For-profit insurers constantly screw people over when they need it most, and usually for absurd reasons (typos, "pre-existing conditions" that aren't linked to anything). The bill would make it harder for insurance companies to deny people, and would also create a government-run health care plan for those who can't afford it.

So why is it taking so damn long? Simple, the debate isn't really about Health Care. It's about Obama. The Republicans don't want Obama to have a major successful legacy so they're pulling out all the stops (Every possible senate vote, their own personal news channel (Fox News)), to keep it from passing.
Conversely, the Democrats are fighting this with baseless Senate votes for the bill, sometimes without considering how the bill would effect the already plummeting economy.

So what's the answer here? Not a damn thing. This is how two-party politics work.

1 comment:

  1. Well Chris I agree that they should just pick a plan already and go with it but also you have to realize it will take time and DEEP consideration.


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