Wednesday, November 18, 2009

H-H-H-Health Care! Cole

What do I think about health care? Heck, I dont even really know about whats even going on with the healthcare "industry" (idk what to cal it). As far as I know, theres just not enough peple out there who can afford health care, but need it. The way to fix it? I have a coupla ideas. 1) make customizable health care plans, like Progressive insurance. Make it so that people can choose what kind of health care plans they want, and what coverage they want to ay for, so that they dont need to pay for health insurance they dont need. 2) have u seen those Good Spirit magazines or whatever they are, where u can like, buy 2 cows for a family in Africa so that they can get milk? or how you can like buy a share of a cow so u dont have to pay quite as much? Well what if they did that for health care? Like pay 2000 dollars for a share of health care for a needy American individual for a year? You know? That might work, but those are my two ideas.


  1. Ooh! Good idea! I really like the 2nd one.

  2. I like the first one, i think that would solve a lot of problems. sometime people can be overcarged for this insane healthcare plan they hardly ever use. Why pay so much when you only go to the doctor once a year? But then again something big could happen and you would be wishing you had health insurance. Like that one commercial, would switch to some guy really beat up and the narrator guy coming up and being like "this is not the time to wish you had health insurance." Hmm, goes both ways.

  3. I like the first idea! Then people can just get what they want and don't get what they don't.


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