Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Health care

Honestly I don't know much about health care right now and I don't want to try and sound like I know what i'm talking about. I pretty much stopped listening after all the town hall meeting and when everyone was freaking out about "death panels". So yep.


  1. Death panels? Oh my gosh, what is that?!

  2. yeah seriously! whats a "death panel"? it doesn't sound very nice...

  3. who is this?
    serious? death panel?

  4. Aaaaand that's why people stopped paying attention (and also why the political folks who want all Americans to stop paying attention so they can go on screwing us all and doing themselves lots and lots of favors started using the term "death panels").

    There are no death panels. What the health care bill offered (and for all I know this might be eliminated now because of all the BS) was coverage for what is called "end of life counseling." It means that a person can go to a doctor and talk about different options for the end of his or her life, as in, would you want to be kept alive in a coma? for how long? Do you really want a "Do Not Resuscitate" order? Do you want to be an organ donor? That sort of thing. It's just a chance to get advice from a doctor, about something that people should at least think about a little, and have the consultation paid for by your insurance. People started yelling that the program pushed doctors to recommend DNR orders for everyone, which means they wanted old people to DIE, BECAUSE THEY'RE DEATH PANELS!!!!! AAAAAA! RUN FOR THE HILLS!

    Such nonsense. I swear.


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