Sunday, November 29, 2009

Problems... Will C.

Well, I think the greatest problems in the world today are probably global warming, the population, and our economy. All of which could be solved by nuking China. (just sayin'). I mean the average chinese person puts out 1/5 of the carbon of a US-ian. Which is all changing as they start improving their country and lifestyle. So, in a couple of years they are gonna be putting out like 3 times as much gas and garbage and evilness as we are! Agghhh! And The other problem with them is outsourcing and globalization. We're sending all our money to China for plastic garbage that we throw away the day afterward. Darn Commies are takin' all our jobs! And they breed like rabbits! Well, not anymore, I guess. Two kids or you get forcefully aborted! Still, they are many times more populous than us, and in a smaller area. (Easier to nuke!). And you know what they say, "waste not want not". You know, we've got a lot of nukes wastin' away in concrete boxes. Maybe we should make use of them! On China! (just sayin')


  1. There goes my family heratige.

  2. Lol. Well that's one way of looking at it i suppose.

  3. wow...o.0 I'm never gonna get on ur bad side....

  4. i think we should just get rid of the nukes and act liked this never happened...


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