Monday, November 16, 2009

Just a suggestion

i think that it would be a cool idea for next week's blog if we did it on your favorite movie, or something like that if you don't have one.

we could also have it be that you need to say what your favorite scene is in the movie as well.

please comment with your opinion


  1. We'll get to movies, but it will probably wait until next semester, when you all will have to compare and contrast books and their movie versions.

    One favorite scene just to assuage your obvious crack-addict-like need: The Matrix movies are some of my favorites -- the first one is the best movie, but the story that carries through all three is fascinating, and they all have some incredbile action scenes -- and one of my favorite scenes in the first movie is when Neo and Trinity bust into the secure building to rescue Morpheus. I love the lobby shootout, especially when Neo sets off the metal detector and the guard's all like, "Wuh-HUH?" And Neo's all like, "Yes, you noticed that I am mighty like a Jedi on a Harley, with all my guns and my raised eyebrow." That was sweet.


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