Sunday, November 29, 2009

It's a cold world

I don't think that the world really gets better or worse, but it does change over time and changes can be looked at either for the better or the worse. So it kinda depends on how a person looks at it.

With that in mind I would say that the World is kind of going down that slippery slope. When people say that it's a cold cold world out there they weren't kidding. In some ways more than others the world seems to be becoming a more dark and sinister place. For example my mom when she was a young woman could, in fact, walk out her front door and walk down the street at night without having to worry about being kidnapped, raped, robbed, asked if she wanted to buy drugs, and or getting blown away by the local gang lord. I wasn't able to do this, I grew up for a little while, when I was younger in NE Portland were half the time our front yard was a prime spot for police officers to cuff a perp., so we moved out here where I guess it's a tad safer.................................. I was just told a couple minutes ago that my Mom's hairdresser's daughter was shot and killed at a great clips by her son of a bitch ex-boyfriend................he tried to kill himself as well, but now he is the hospital with severe brain damage............I hope he survives so that way he can rot in jail and live with the guilt of it for the rest of his pathetic meaningless life. This is how the world is now a makes me feel scared. Another thing that scares me is, When did humans start caring more about money than other humans lives? Or I really want to know what gives someone the right to kill another human being? That's not our job. Why do some people out there think "Hey if I'm gonna kill myself then I'm going to take out this person as well." That's a load of crap!!!

Although this all is true there is some good coming out of moving into the future, and that is the medical field has grown in leaps and bounds. So this would be one of the better things that have been happening, but sometimes it's really hard to look at the positive things in life when so many bad things are happening all around us. All we can do is try and find the things in life that make us happy and focus on them.

I don't even know if any of this makes sense lol.

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