Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Luck And Fears- Will L

Okay, sorry but I forgot to post last week, so I'm going to post about this topic and last week's.
First, I am honestly afraid of spiders. Really, I cannot stand them. I don't have arachnophobia, but, man I hate them. Also loneliness.

Secondly, I kind of believe in luck, but not superstition. In fact, I make fun of superstition a lot. But luck, I don't know. If you've been playing, say tennis, for a long time, and you bring a friend who has never played before and he beats you, it could be his talent. But if he loses to somebody else who is about your skill, something's wrong. So yeah, I believe in luck, but not superstition.


  1. The suffix "-phobia" is also taken to mean "loathing of." So arachnophobia is appropriate if you hate spiders but don't fear them. You giant liar, you. You're totally afraid of spiders and everyone knows it.

  2. Pwn3d will. I dont like spiders either, but I dont "loathe" them. I just avoid them.


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