Saturday, November 14, 2009


for me i think that a totem appropriate for me would be my really old stuffed animal wayco. i have had years of fun with him and now he has all his stuffing in the front and rear of him. i would not trade him for the world and i think that i would be him because he was way abused by me and I'm not physically abused but people give me so much crap for being small, for talking, for us having a terrible skit. one i cant help being small its in my genetics. two i talk because yo talk to me , maybe if you hadn't initiated the conversation i wouldn't be talking. and three i can help that are skit sucked no one wanted to help besides Chris so deal with it. but in the end i know I'm still loved by my family so that is why i think wayco is my totem.


  1. That's an excellent totem. And don't worry: being small doesn't preclude being powerful, influential, loved, liked, or anything else. You probably will always get crap about it (unless you hit some freaky growth spurt, or take steroids [but then not all of you will get bigger . . .] or get irradiated by gamma rays like the Hulk), but it will become much less of an issue when you aren't around freaking teenagers. Freaking teenagers.

    My wife is small, and she's the greatest person ever -- AND she could kick the snot out of me and most other people bigger than her. So I got your back. It's good to see you on the blog.

  2. Thank you very much Mr. H and i finished writing the two book journals now i just need to type them ugh.


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