Monday, November 16, 2009

Oh my...Health Care.

Well I'm going to be perfectly honest, I really don't know much about it and i'm tired so I dont really feel like researching it so I can sound like I know what Im talking about. Sooooo I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I think Health Care is contributing to how in-debt America is. I think Obama is going trying to fix it though. But when your in a hole that deep and it wont stop long enough for you to fix it, how do you CHANGE IT?

1 comment:

  1. Rachael I'd have to agree with you that it is contributing to the debt of America, now I can answer your question on where the money to change it is coming from. So everyone knows how America is in debt mainly to china and everything we buy is made in china so what actually is happening is china is giving our government money to spend on the country so we'll have more money to buy Chinese products and they never can collect the debt because that would increase the value of all their goods so we wont be able to buy them meaning they wont be earning money anymore so basically Obama is just going to borrow more money to fund the healthcare plan (I saw this on the news if you were wondering


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