Friday, November 6, 2009


I fear a lot of things, I may not show it or I try to put off a I'm not afraid of anything attitude but really I have fears. One of the main things I fear is failing, I fear because all my life I've gotten good grades, made sports teams, got involved in clubs and activities, and i always feel like that if something fell out of place or went wrong I would disappoint to many people, or I will not feel like I am up to my standards. I also fear losing more people that I love, been through it once and I don't want to for a long time.

I fear other things like getting hurt physically, I don't do well with pain. I wish I was more of a daredevil but I am always afraid I am going to get hurt which would be bad cause usually I am in a sport and if I get hurt that isn't good.

I just thought that fear reminds me of being a kid, when I was little I feared everything, fires, someone breaking in, and the dark. Its weird how fears change as you get older, but you still have those things in the back of your mind that kind of put you on alert every once in awhile.


  1. oh! I like that thought! I've never thought about it that way!

  2. Maybe we shouldn't use this dark blue font color anymore, hmmm?


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