Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My Fears - Will C.

I'm not afraid of ghosts and such, simply because they don't exist. I fear horror movies, not the gore or scary-looking things, I just get freaked out when something jumps out of nowhere screaming and latches onto somebody's neck. I hate scary music and suspense, in other words. And surprises. Spiders are cool. So, I'm just really afraid of movies where the person is walking through an abandoned building with hidden zombies that leap out. And the music that accompanies it.


  1. God damn those hidden zombies. I swear, if they weren't fake, I'd assume they were real.

  2. i hate that suspencful music where you think something is going to happen and then nothing happens like in dead space!! dadadadaaaaaa!!! "what?! what is it?! oh its just a toilet..."


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