Friday, April 30, 2010


His murder still a crime if the perpetrator lives in a society where people condone even applaud his behavior?
I was reading a book and it asked this question, and I just wanted to add on Mr. Humphrey's question. I thought that it was interesting. Take the Iranian Spider, for instance. He wandered Mashad for over a year, killing women, and people supported him. Is it his fault, when he only thought that he was fullfilling muslamic law? Just a thought to turn over...


I think men perceived stronger then women, but thats a complete lie. It is proven that men develop physically faster then girls, but girls develop mentally faster then boys. Without us (as mothers) guiding the boys as young adults, they might all just kill each other with sticks and plastic swords before they make it to adulthood. In todays society women are gradually building themselves a title and their are some very powerful women in places where only men used to be. For us to break the common outlook that men are the only ones who are suppose to do anything in itself is a big achievement. Both sexes have things that they are good at, but women are better.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

And here I sit, typing away

In my mind, I don't think that any of those are seriously a reason for a person not to be responsible. If you're stupid enough to become inebriated enough to break the law, then you should probably stay away from alcohol for a while. And how is it that a high schooler is responsible for making decisions about the rest of their life, like what they want to be, etc. but not do follow common sense rules? If you're dumb enough to be coerced by another person into doing something stupid, then you probably deserve to be in jail or wherever. Personally, I don't think that insanity is a good enough excuse. If you can live in everyday society and people don't tell you that you're nuts, then it's no excuse. If you can wake up and get dressed by yourself in the morning, then you can decide not to kill someone. I think that it mostly depends on the situation, if the person is ignorant of the consequences. If they kill someone, then the consequences are pretty obvious. But if it's just like, going a little bit over the speed limit, then I think that they're OK. The only reason that anyone follows the law is because there are consequences. But there are consequences for everything, so I sometimes wonder why people do stupid things.

I think that there is a certain degree of guilt to everything. There should be a little bit of a consequence, but nothing super major. There's so much gray area in this that it's hard to say anything on such a broad topic. I love it though. I think that that's terrible that that happened, but I'm not going to lie, that's probably what I would do. It's Portland, no one really knows what's real and what's not. I think it was the person who stabbed him, because he made the choice to stab him, and that sucks.

Our society is based on a major trust relationship. We trust that people will have a little bit of common sense, follow the traffic laws, that the people who are making the laws will know what they're doing, the doctors who are operating on us, or that the teachers facts are straight, etc. How ridiculous are we? But that's what happens. That's what we have to do to survive. So the person who sold him the knife trusted the stabber not to do something dumb with it. The person who was stabbed walked out his door that day, trusting the people on his way not to kill him, and it turns out that his trust was misplaced in that one person. It's solely the persons fault. He didn't have to view the violent images, or whatever made him do it, he didn't have to do anything. No one held a gun up to his head and said that he had to stab someone. It was all his personal choices, and we are responsible for what we do. I think that's what it comes down to.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I agree with most of those reasons why people shouldn't be responsible for their actions except a person being coerced by another person because it is still pretty much their choice and if a person is under 18 because there have been studies that have shown most people completely understand right from wrong at age 12.
About that stabbing I think the person who stabbed, the person who got stabbed, and the people that walked by are all to blame. well obviously the stabber needs to find a better outlet for his anger and the guy who got stabbed probably provoked him and the people who walked by should of helped in some way. usually in situations like this no one person is usually to blame like I explained but the stabber should still go to jail.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Topic #12- Will L

People are always responsible for their actions, it's just that other people make excuses for them. It is your decision if you are heavily influenced by drugs or alcohol. If you are clinically insane, you are still responsible for what you have done. Don't listen to the other person if they are telling you too. If you are under 18, you should still know what is wrong and what isn't. And if the person is ignorant of these consequences, of course they are still responsible.

Topic 12 - Grant P.

That is extremely sad that no one did a thing I think the punishment should be mostly put on the stabber but the simple fact that the man could of been saved if someone just took time out of thier day to help him is just pathetic I think the people who witnessed it should be ashamed but legally they're not obliged to do anything to help another person it's just the fault of the world that we live in. I agree with the laws that we have placed but there are so many loop holes in the laws that they cannot be fully expected to protect or serve justice on the people that should be. (I dislike periods for reasons of my own do not expect me to change)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Responsibility - Will C.

How are people not responsible for their actions if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol?! You made the decision to take drugs, it's your responsibility. There should be an extra penalty for being under the influence, maybe people wouldn't abuse it as much. Other than that, the others seem pretty reasonable. The people who walked by the stabbing aren't responsible for his death, they're just jerks. Or afraid. The guy who stabbed him is to blame. That's not to say it's not wrong, just not their responsibility.

Twvelve Cole

I think that unless someone is clinically insane, or 8 and under, they should be held responsible. Also, if they are ignorant, and it is something that could possibly seem okay, like peeing in a garbage can. If you're foreign, maybe that's what you do where you come from, who knows. As for the people who did nothing, that's just downright bad. A man is BLEEDING, and you do nothing??? Obviously it's mostly the stabbers fault, but it should also be considered the pedestrians faults, because why wouldn't you do anything??!! That's outrageous!!

responsible people topic 11

ok for one, that news story is horrible!! who wouldnt help a bleeding guy who is going to die?! i would!! that almost made me cry... poor guy... those people who let him die should go into some class that helps them with compassion! who does that?! maybe the are the ones that need to go to the hospitol because there is obviously something wrong with their hearts! anyway i suppose i agree with those rules of responsibility... people should be responsible for there own actions and if they are doing something that they shouldnt be or ignoring something they should be doing, then thats irresponsible.

i would love to write about... topic 11!

i love the spinal tap reference by the way! awesome movie! anyway, i would love to write about anything that has to do with making up a story because that is the most fun thing for me as a writer to do!! they may not be well written but i think i have some pretty crazy ideas that need to be written down on paper! or not... well i would choose to write a horror story just because that is the easiest thing for me to do! even when i try not to make my stories creepy and weird they end up that way! like my short story for example! i wanted it to be fantasy... yeah that didnt work out to well... but actually, that would be another topic i would write about! a fantasy story! or that one about zombies... im not sure what it means but it has the word "zombie" in it so it MUST be good!! ok this is turning into some weird rant...yeah those are the topics i would write about! but not on blogger where anyone from my class could read it... that wouldn't be good... at all..

hidden wonders! Topic 10

ugh another one where i have to think?! well i liked the video! it made me kinda sad to see that no one stopped to listen to him and i am ashamed to admit that i would have been one of those people... everyone is always in a hurry and never stops to look around! i have never seen a hidden wonder before but that doent mean that they dont exist. im just one one of those people that pays attention only if im bored and have nothing else to doo but look around the room... which actually happens to me alot! ive seen things that my friends havent because they wernt paying attention.

!42! Topic #12: Responsibility

Let's talk about responsibility.

A person is responsible for his or her own actions. Unless:
*The person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
*The person is temporarily or permanently insane according to the legal definition.
*The person was coerced by another person.
*The person is under 18 years of age (In some situations; in others, minors are still held responsible.).

There may be a few other exceptions, but these are the main legal ones. Do you agree with all of these? What about if a person is ignorant of the consequences of his or her actions? Should the person still be held responsible?

What about a LACK of action? If you could have prevented something from happening, but you didn't, are you responsible for it? For example: this weekend, on the news there was a story about a man who was stabbed in Portland, and collapsed, bleeding, on the sidewalk. Several people walked by and did nothing to help -- one person took a photo on his phone; another lifted up the body and then put it back down and left -- and the man died, at least partly because nobody called 911. Were those people responsible for his death? Or was it the person who stabbed him? Or was it the society that created a culture of violence, and also allows people to stay out of other people's problems? Was it the person who sold the knife to the stabber? Was it the victim for starting the fight? The police for not stopping it? The parents of the stabber for not teaching him or her right from wrong? God's fault? The devil's?

Answers of some kind by next Monday, please.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Silence is Golden

I think silence is truly golden. I think that it is in the silences not the conversation that you can learn how close to someone you really are. If they are awkward it is a sign that you don't have a fully developed relationship/friendship. If they are comfortable you are close to the person. And if you learn more about the person in your silences and they feel golden and special you know you are with someone special. So I think silence is golden because it tell you a lot about people around you and yourself.

The World Has A Secret!?!?

I think there are mysteries to the world, but they aren't secrets. They are more things that the average person manages not to pay attention to. Like make a list of twenty people you know, how many of their eye colors can you list off? Exactly. But it's not to say that everything isn't noticed by at least one individual if not twenty, but compared to all the people in the world that isn't many. And they aren't secrets because nothings stopping them from telling other people, they just seem unimportant.

GIRLS! lol

Girls have it harder. I mean if you really think it through, we deal with blood a LOT better than most guys, and if most guys bled as much as we do... they'd die. Simple as that, so that makes us physically stronger. As far as living experience let me point out the stories Mr. Humphrey has told about his college years. Not knowing you can wash cupboards, really!? So let's face it, without women men would be living in their own grime and would be covered in dirt and bacteria and likely wouldn't be very healthy.

Topic #8 ~ Elisa

So, I feel pretty good seeing that at least one person was further behind than me because I was feeling pretty pathetic. I won't even lie about that one.

I think what I like in my life is feeling loved. And I don't mean that in like boyfriend-girlfriend love because, let's face it - despite everyone who claims to be in love during high school - one out of 100 couples will actually have high school relationships which last their whole lives. I mean like the love of your family. Like don't get me wrong, my parents don't not care about me, but I've never got the feeling from them that they loved me, well especially from my mom... She never seemed to want to play with me when I was little or anything, and now she hardly pays attention to me. My dad seemed to more when I was little, but now I'm a teenager and I feel like he just protects me to a severe degree.

I think the biggest challenge of my future is going to be convincing people I should be treated with the level of respect my education suggests. I mean, graduating a year early will mean I will have a high school diploma at the age of sixteen due to already being one of the youngest in my class. And that will make me seventeen my whole first year of college and my parents are holding that against me which I don't find fair. They won't let me go live on a college campus due to my age afraid I will do "stupid stuff", but in all honesty I don't think a year will alter my values. In fact I think being younger might help keep me away from trying things like alcohol when I'm in college because even taking four years with my undergrad I wouldn't be legally able to drink the whole time so it wouldn't be like it'd be "soon" so it just wouldn't seem like that big of a deal to me. So I'm being held back due to my age which is frustrating.

Really Behind on Posts

Topic #9 Battle of the Sexes

I think men are probably tougher because their bodies are just that way. But mentally and emotionally i think it depends on the person cause some women can be extremely tough and some men can we really weak in those areas. I think men are better at working with heavy objects or physical work because their bodies are built more for doing work and lifting things. I think women are better at organizing and planning things, and making everything happen just right. i think men are more dependent on women, because women teach the men how to do things other than the physical work, and men would just be lost if they didnt have women to keep them in line.

Topic #10 Hidden Wonder

I think there mysteries hiding in the world but I think that we just have to actually go out and find them. I think that people don't look for some of the things that are out there and they just pay attention to the things that are out in front of them and on the path infront of them. Sometimes you just have to step away from the path and explore the world that you don't know. I think a lot of the "hidden things" are right there but people just walk past them and aren't really looking for them so they don't see it even though it is right under their nose. I seem to beable to see things that other people dont and i do usually look at the mysteries and search for the hidden things because life is suppose to be about discovery.

Topic #11

I think my top three favorite subjects are What era would you rather live in and why?, Write a story about a death close to you, and Write about something that has truly changed your life.

I am going to write about the era one.
I would definitely rather be living in the 60's or 70's. I would want to live then because i feel like I fit that style anyway. I love the music of that time and I follow a lot of the peace loving beliefs that they followed. I also feel that those times are a lot better than now, I would like to live in a time that isn't so technologically advanced. I also love the style of everything back then, clothes, music, etc. I also think that the political stuff was ran way better.

Wait What?(11) - Grant P.

Im confused about this but i'll give it a go my favorite topics are: most memorable moment and free-write. I would also like to ad a blog topic of having to explain something simple done eveyday to a person who is trying to find fault with your explanation at every turn such as the classic "PB & J sandwich" how would you explain how to make one? I really like all of these topics because they allow for a broad spectrum of what you could do with it. =P

Waaaaaaaay Behind- Will L

Well, so far I have not done any of the blogs this semester, so here we go, trying to catch up on all of them.
Topic #1- Grading the Class

Well, this class likes to talk. A lot. But at the same time, it is a lot of fun when we all get involved, so overall I would give it a 7 out of 10. As a member of this class, I would give myself about a 5. I don't get involved in the conversations a lot and I feel like I talk too much, but I also do most of my work, not counting the blogs.
Topic #2- Favorite Element of Fiction

I always find myself paying attention to the characters in the book. At the beginning of a book, I always try to figure out how the character acts and what their personality is like. I don't exactly know why, but it is almost always the most interesting part of a book to me, because then I try to relate to the character. Unless I absolutely hate the character. Then I just get mad at them.

Topic #3- Movies
My all time favorite movie... I gotta go with Twilight. HA! Just kidding. No, I always like the feel-good movies, like It's a Wonderful Life. I love those kinds of movies.
The best movie I've seen in the past month or two is How to Train Your Dragon. Yeah, a little kid's movie, I know, but I still liked it.
My favorite action scene has to be when Optimus Prime takes on all of those decepticons in the forest with two swords. That was epic.
My favorite chick-flick scene is in The Proposal when the main guy chases down the girl after he figures out he loves her.
I have a ton of lines that I quote from movies. Honestly, I can remember them extremely well. The one that I use the most is probably anything that Forrest Gump says.
My favorite guilty pleasure movie is The Proposal.

Topic #4- Sports
In my opinion sports are a great thing. I do think that they benefit people, even if they are just watching them. People connect through sports, such as "Hey, did you see that game last night?" "Yeah, dude! Crazy, right?" So I do think that they benefit people.

Topic #5- Music
My favorite song right now is OMG by Usher. I will most likely hate it in a few weeks, though.
My favorite artist is hands down Relient K.
My favorite genre of music is probably alternative.

Topic #6- Cliques
I have absolutely no idea what clique I belong to. I guess I fit the jock category, but then I think about it and say that I am a nerd. So I guess I am somewhere between jock and nerd. A jord.

Topic #7- Spring
My favorite part of spring, honestly, is seeing all the flowers bloom. Sounds kinda weird I guess, but I love seeing all of the colors, especially after winter when everything is just gray. My favorite season would have to be autumn, though. I have no idea why, but I just love it.

Topic #8- Sorely Lacking
What is missing from my life? I don't know. I'm one of the youngest in my whole family, so I've never really had anybody to connect with on that level, I guess.
What do I myself lack? Again, I don't know. These are difficult questions. I think I lack telling people what I really think about them. Forgot what that word was called.

Topic #9- Battle of the Sexes
Women have it tougher than men, in general. But it's close. I won't go into great deal about this one.
Men are better at athletic things, and more dirty jobs.
Women are better at planning things out and being more mature about things.
Men would be worse off alone, I'm sorry to say. We would not last very long. And it would just be awkward.

Topic #10- Hidden wonder
I don't always see the hiding mysteries in the world, but I definitely believe they're there. They are in plain sight, and we just never notice.

Topic #11- But These go to Eleven
My favorite ones are"What do you want to do when you grow up?" and "The Adventures of Will and Brother Bear".
One day, Will and brother Bear were walking down the street. Suddenly, 85 ninjas rolled onto the sidewalk just ahead of them, all armed with some kind of weapon. Will and Brother Bear pulled out their ray "guns" and made quick work of them all. A crowd looked on in wonder as the two walked off into the sunset...
Yeah, that one is kind of an inside joke with Haven, Austin and myself.

Well, sorry to take up so much space, you guys. Really, I am. But at least I'm done now.

Topic 11

1.How exactly do you think that innocent bug feels when he or she’s going about their business and suddenly have a hand, foot, or flying object of choice end their life so suddenly when as far as they know they have done nothing wrong?
2.A story about someone close to you who has passed away, with your memories and experiences with that person.
3.An imaginative story in 3rd person.

I choose these 3 because:
For #1, I always think that! and then when i accidentally kill an ant, or kill it on purpose, I always have this horrible guilty feeling!
For #2, I like this topic because it lets me think of my sister who was murdered, and maybe if I write about it I can get all my feelings out and make it special
For #3, I love writing imaginitive stories without restrictions, like "lost computer files" or "procrastination" so this would be perfect!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Why is Oprah so Famous?

Ok, the questions that I liked the most were:

Is silence really golden?

Write from your enemy's point of view

How exactly do you think that innocent bug feels when he or she’s going about their business and suddenly have a hand, foot, or flying object of choice end their life so suddenly when as far as they know they have done nothing wrong?(Note: I'm not the only one that wonders this?!?!)

What journeys have your shoes been through?

The best summer of your life

You’re born from a waterfall; how is your life?(Note: For some odd reason, whenever I read this, I realize I picture the blue people from Avatar. Weird..)

Write about a relationship you’ve been in.(Note: Only because I have the worst relationship history, and they make for good stories)

The complete explanation as to why you’re wearing the socks you are.

Yes, silence is really golden, but especially when you're that girl from the story, where, when she opened her mouth, it spouted out gold and stuff.

I'm going to bed.

Does anyone else think that, when they recorded the song
"No Handlebars" by Flobots, that they did it in their garage or something? Am I the only one that thinks that the trumpet solo thing sounds weird? Granted, I've been imagining music all day, so it could very easily just be me....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Humphrey Talk More Now!

Right: first off, my opinions on sexism and the differences between the genders.

The way I look at it is this: there are some basic differences between the two sexes, in terms of the way our bodies are made and how they work, chemical/hormonal makeup, physical attributes, and such, but those are basically irrelevant in modern society.  Sure, men are often physically stronger because they have an easier time building muscle mass and their muscles are more efficient -- but so what?  Machines are far stronger than both males and females of the human species, as are most animals of a comparable size.  Chimps can lift hundreds of pounds; over a thousand if they are excited or angry.  I'm not going to start worshipping chimps because of that, so why should I care that some guys can bench press more than me?  Or that some women can't? 

Unfortunately, the same holds for women's bodily functions.  Sure, sure, monthly menstruation is a hassle like men can't conceive of, but there is an upside: you get to bear children.  There is a magic there, a power that men do not have and can never know.  Labor hurts, sure, but you get to make a person.  You are the Creator of life.  And forever afterwards, your kids will wave to YOU whenever they are on camera; nobody ever waves and says, "Hi Dad!"  So that is, in my opinion, a wash. 

The real juice here is in GENDER differences, not sexual differences.  Gender is the socially created and defined aspects of being a "man" or a "woman;" it connects to physical differences, but it isn't the same thing.  Gender is where the discussion has a point and a purpose, because it is something we make not something we are -- I do agree with Elisa and all the rest who pointed out that being proud of the qualities over which you have no control is silly, but gender, unlike sex, is something we control.  Just ask a drag queen.  Just ask someone who is transgendered.  So whether it is conscious or not, you really do choose whether you are a man or a woman, regardless of plumbing, and that makes the conversation worthwhile.

That being said, I think women have it harder in our society because men are in control and women let them be in control.  I think men have some difficult responsibilities and expectations, but the freedom we get more than makes up for it.  Women are mistreated, and it's absurd, and it should be changed.  In terms of dependence, which again is gender related, not sex-related, I think women are more dependent on men because women are more social and men are more physical, and the physical needs are more easily met independently than are the social needs.  Though on the same subject, there is very little that is sadder than a man who meets all of his own physical needs and considers that enough, without meeting his social needs.  That would be my brother.

Anyway.  As for the mysteries of life, hell no we don't see them, and yes they are everywhere.  Guy Montag makes the point when he talks about the books, and the lives that are spent creating them, and the thought that goes into them -- and how he never had that thought before.  And Dr. Manhattan makes the point as well, when he tells Laurie that she is the impossible miracle he's been looking for, simply by the fact of her existence as her, rather than any other person she could be.  Think about that: think about everything that had to happen just so, so that you could be -- you.  Now think about everything that had to happen so that all the people around you could be themselves.  And everyone in history could be who they were, so they could build the world we live in.  It isn't just butterflies and thunderstorms that are miraculous -- it's the computer I'm typing on, and the shoes on my feet, and the bracelet on my wrist, and the plastic coffee straw sitting on the desk in front of my keyboard.  Everything -- EVERYTHING -- is miraculous and wondrous and worth really considering and examining and honoring.

I try to stop and look as often as I can, but I am as easily distracted as the rest of you.  I wish I could spend months just watching life unfold around me, but alas, I have responsibilities and expectations.  Someday I will not have those things, and I will sit and watch -- everything.

And if you didn't catch it, the interesting thing about that video is that the violinist is one of the greatest musicians playing today, and everybody just walked on by and never noticed, or cared.  It's very, very sad.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Mountain Man"

Well, as you can see, the mountain man topic is the first thing I picked. (Let me point out that I am very, VERY tired at the moment and I do not completely understand what we are supposed to be doing...Something about choosing the three things and writing about them I would assume...)

So, write a story with the title, "Mountain Man" Well..alright. I completely just forgot about what I was going to write about, so next one. Write a story about the first time you had chocolate. Lol, this one is interesting.

Up until I was 9, I was allergic to chocolate. When I first had it, I got a horrible rash all over my arms and legs. Of course, being a 9 year old, I ciouldnt care less. I always snuck chocolate when my mom wouldnt let me have any. But it was awful on Halloween because she made me trade with my siblings for stupid candy like Twizzlers and what not. >:/ Eventually, I ate enough of it to where it didnt effect me as much, and it dwindled away over time. Phew!

And the last topic: How do you think aliens will take over the world?
Honestly, I think someday they will just pop in and be completely friendly. Nothing to worry about, just kind and friendly aliens. But, knowing our Government, officials are going to want to speak with them, alot. Eventually, someone (Not saying any names GEORGE BUSH!!) is going to piss off the daughter of the leader of the aliens, and he is going to declare war on Earth. Then they will bring their high tech war crafts and what nots from the future..and we will be screwed. This is all part of my theory that Bush is destroying the world slowly but surely. Lol, Just kidding.

Topics topics topics

Well when I was reading the list a couple of them caught my attention:

What era would you want to have been born in?

I think I would like to have been born in the Victorian era or in one of the classical eras, and this is because things were a bit simpler back then and to be honest that would be nice sometimes. Ok so that's not the only reason the other reason is because I love the things they use to wear and the fashion of things was just so elegant.

How does a bug feel right before it gets stepped on?

This one made me laugh because I hate bugs and I always think about what they are thinking about before I squish them. It also made me laugh because sometimes when Monique, Aimee and I walk home we see little Woolly bears, you know the fuzzy orange and black caterpillars, crossing the road and all I see is Mo standing over the little thing and side swiping it with her foot so that it flies into the bushes. It's so funny cuse we talk about all the cuse words coming out of its little mouth as it goes flying through the air hahahaha ah its funny. I know I'm horrible.

I also liked the one, although very morbid, about the one person you really hate and telling how you'd kill them and giving names...hahaha I don't have anyone like that luckily but when I read it it made me laugh so I put it on here xD

I also liked the one about most embarrassing moment...with zombies. lol well I wouldn't know but this would make for a very interesting imaginative story hahaha I know I could have some fun with it.

Ok for the one I have to write a little about I chose the favorite cookie one because hey cookies, can't beat that. So my favorite cookie is the chocolate chip, what can I say I'm a conventional girl when it comes to sweets. I love chocolate chip because it is simple and tastes very good and if the chip to dough ratio is just right it is one of the best desserts in the world. The best is when they are fresh from the oven and the chocolate is still all gooey mmm so good xD oh and they are the best with a glass of milk to lol they are just good all around.

Rachael- Topic 10.

I do believe there is mystery and wonder throughout the world, but I think it is hard to find. I think that if more people payed attention to small details of other peoples lives, they would learn
alot more about the world. If people just took the time to look into things, then we would realize how complex the world is.

Rachael- Topic 9.

First of all, I think that both sexes have tough problems, but they are different types. Men go through having to look buff for the ladies ;) They also have to seem tough and manly, which means they have the difficult task of shoving all their sweet, loving, and sensitive emotions the the back of their minds, and forgetting over time that they exist. Therefore, men in general turn out to be cold hearted and egotistical. On the outside. On the inside, there is still some hope for them. Just deep down. Very very deep down. Now, on the women. We experience puberty in middle school, going through peer pressure, constantly intaking images of beautiful (but fake) woman, that we in turn (to some extent) Strive to be. This creates meny self image problems, which can lead to other greater problems. So while men sit there and feel the need to work out because they want to get laid, woman worry about calories and dieting and being tan and having the perfect body. All in all, teenages expierence a wild self image roller coaster. In the grown up world, its very different. Men get to go to work, come home, sit down on the X box or watch football, have their wives make their dinner, and then crawl in to bed while their wives comfort them for their "Hard day at work." On the other hand, A womans day consists of something like this:

Wake up at 5:30
Make sure there are things for breakfast
Wake the kids up
Get them showered and ready for school
Make sure husband gets up
Feed everyone breakfast
Get everyone on the bus
Take care of self
Go to work
Work all day
Pick up kids for school
Take care of all childrens sporting events
make sure not to forget everything
Run errands
Make sure there are things for dinner
Come home, clean the house
Do all chores
Make dinner
stop kids from fighting
Kick husband off the t.v.
Try to have people help around the house
Make sure everyone gets their homework done
Listen to everyone bitch about their problems
Comfort everyone
Get all children into bed
Make sure there are supplies in the house for tomorrow
Make sure there are no other conflicts
Lay down in bed
Zero time to take care of self.


I think I've made my point.

Topic 11

1. Pick a sport and explain it and how it is played
2. What would you do if you won $1,000,000.
3.where is your favorite vacation space

Im going to do the first topic which is pick a sport and explain it because im choosing rugby its a realy foreign sport that not many people know how it works. So ill start off with scoring thier is four ways to score in rugby the first is the common try which is when you get the ball in the oppisite teams goal and touch down to the grass. After a try the team that scores is allowed to try to kick the ball throught the uprights from as far back as they want but it has to be on the same horizontal line from where the ball is touched down from. Another way to score for the oppisite team to have a penalty while your ball is in the try zone. you can also score by a penalty kick which when a penalty occurs the team has an option to go for points and kick the ball through the uprights and score three points. That is the ways to score and sorry if its kinda confusing.
Thier are two main sides on each team the forwards and backs their are eight forwards and seven backs.The forwards are usualy the larger of the two and scrum against the other team and the scrum half who is a back puts the ball in between the two team and they push against each other to try to gain possesion of the ball when the possesion of the ball is gain by a team the scrum half will usualy pick up the ball and pass the ball down the line of backs when the ball carrier tackled normally the forwards ruck for the ball which is where some of the forwards bind up and push against the other team to try to gain possesion of the ball again. when the ball carrier has crossed the try line he can place the ball down to score like i explained earlier rugby is pretty complicated so i hope This explanation wasnt to hard to understand.

Humphrey Talk Now!

I would like to respond to Jonah's post.  I was going to put it in a comment, but actually, I want to address the entire class for a moment.

Jonah, you said, "i think that this class is a tad ridiculous, ill only say one thing due to a need for other topics to be written, saying that you think we should make our own decision on whether or not to be functionable in the class and then (dont quote me on your feelings) be angry at us stupid teenagers for being stupid teenagers. maybe people would make more sound decisions if we had a little more stability and rule in our life."

You're right.  The class is a tad ridiculous.  It is somewhat absurd of me to allow you to make your own decisions about how much effort to dedicate to the class, and then get angry at you when you use that freedom to make the decision to be silly teenagers and talk too much and blow off your work.  But there are a few things you should know.

One: Not trying to sound all Hulk-ish or anything, but you all have never seen me angry.  At least, you've never seen me cut loose my anger.  It's intentional.  I don't like losing my temper, and it isn't fair to scream at an entire class when only a few people are getting on my nerves, so I don't do it.  I am also, as you point out, trying to give you folks the freedom to choose how serious you want the class to be. 

Two: you have to see it from my point of view.  This is an Honors class.  In high school.  If you folks know anything, you know that a certain amount of attention and effort is expected of you.  And what I see is a number of you messing about, and I bet you're all just waiting to see how far you can push it until I come down on you.  And you keep waiting, and you keep pushing.  But you know you shouldn't be doing that; you know it shouldn't be up to me to tell you when you're misbehaving when you already KNOW that you're misbehaving.  Is it really too much for me to expect you to act the way you already know you should?  Is it really my job to control your behavior?  Am I your conscience, or your English teacher?

Three: I have told you all before, I do not want to be your parent.  I believe that teaching you how to behave and enforcing proper behavior should be your parent's job, and for me to teach you that is stepping on your parents' toes, a rude act that I will not commit.  At this point in your lives, the only other person (This is separate from guardianship issues, of course) who should have a say in how you behave is -- you.  You act how you want to act, however you believe is right for you to act.  And for that choice, those actions, you suffer consequences.  In elementary school, those consequences were a punishment and a lecture from a teacher whose job it was, maybe, to help your parents teach you how to behave.  But now that you know, the consequence (Because a lecture from me is not really a consequence, and I am positive that, were I to give this class a lecture on behavior, some of you would snicker while I was doing it, because that's how teenagers respond to lectures from teachers.  And you're probably one of those people, Jonah.  Wouldn't you think?) is -- a class that's fairly ridiculous.  Presumably, a number of your peers who think you are annoying, or childish, or rude.  And a missed opportunity, at a class that might have been wonderful, that might have taught you a lot, but instead was just fairly ridiculous.  It's too bad, really.  But not that big a deal; there will be other classes that will probably teach you much more than I ever could, and hopefully in those classes, you folks will pay attention and participate and actually act the way you know you should.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

topics 1-11

all right sorry im such a lazy ass mr. humphrey but here goes for the 11 blogs that i haven't done

topic 1- class and me in class

i think that this class is a tad ridiculous, ill only say one thing due to a need for other topics to be written, saying that you think we should make our own decision on whether or not to be functionable in the class and then (dont quote me on your feelings) be angry at us stupid teenagers for being stupid teenagers. maybe people would make more sound decisions if we had a little more stability and rule in our life.Of course maybe i just feel that we need more rule because i grew up with none. and id probably give my self a 2/10 because like i said earlier im much too lazy but i do do some work

topic 2- elements

probably plot, not due to action although i love action, but more storyline that plays along in it. i need a good storyline or i feel like im just reading the same thing over and over again.

topic 3- movies

my favorite movie-i dont have a favorite movie, but plenty of movies that i love
favorite action tie between braveheart and gladiater (theres probably others but i cant think of them right now), romance- beauty and the beast, Hell yeah! (yes im totally badass for cussing its why i do it) quote- once more far too many so ill go with Tigger"weve got too much time to waste to stand around here doing things". guilty pleasure.... cant think of any movies that im guilty about watching,if you think theres a movie ive seen that id feel guilty about watching feel free to comment.

topic 4- sports

i think just being a past time and not being negative is enough to make it good, besides that at the very least it keeps you fit and healthy and that is good. i dont think the games are corrupt simply the people playing them, and the olympics i dont really have anything to say about because i dont watch them.

topic 5- music

once more too many good songs although i think that meaningfullness would probably make youth of the nation, wonderful,or scars of time win it. i cant say i have a favorite band although lately i have been listening to some of a band i found called dead and divine that i really like.
and genre....... i think ill just call the genre angry music.

topic 6- cliques

most of the time i just hang out with my family i rarely hang out with people outside of school because although i can act pretty immature, i really dont like people, they irriatate me.

topic 7- favorite part of spring break

definitely being away from school. gotta love the time off

topic 8- missing

definitly a child. id probably appreciate a wife. not going any further into it.

topic 9- mystery and wonder

theres plenty of mystery and wonderment in this world definitly worth finding and noticing although i really hate things i cant answer. they hurt me

switch 9 and 10 please

topic 10- men vs women

there are far too many differances and all that good stuff between us so ill simply state the two most common ones. men are TYPICALLY physically stronger and women are TYPICALLY more caring. dont freak out on me for stereotypes. that gets irriatating and its why i only said those two things. I would like to note however that in this day and age people seem to be angry at white straight males especially if they have opinions that are different than others.(although i have met a lot of them that are pretty stupid)

topic 11- living without

not to be sarcastic but people, because although they irriatate me, i think if im not already crazy i would probably go psycho if i was alone.

sorry i had short blogs ill try and actually keep up mr. humphrey
good night.

Topic #11

1. Talk about a person in your life that has made a huge difference in how you act and feel.
           -I think a lot of people can relate to this.

2. You’re born from a waterfall; how is your life?
            -This is wierd, but I like it for some reason. 

3. Write about anything you wish, but you may not use the letter “e.”
             -I thought this would be fun to do :)
                                                                 Anything I Wish to Writ About!
                  I can tll this is going to gt annoying to m and I don't vn know I will b abl to undrstand this whn I'm don, but w will s! So, school today was prtty okay. I'm tird of spanish though, I'm not gtting it at all. I had a tnnis match today and w lost :( Oh wll though. This summr I am going to Alaska with my family. Thats going to b fun. Umm.. tomorrow is Wdnsday! I lik wdnsdays. Th classs ar shortr. I hav a soccr gam sunday, saturday I'm hanging out with a frind, friday I hav tnnis practic thn aftr that I'm hanging out with anothr frind! My wkknd is packd solid! I lik bing busy on wknds. Okay, I'm just rambling and I rally don't know what to writ about, and this is gtting rally annoying. So I think I am don, I think this is nough for a blog!   :)


It goes to 11 if he wants that extra kick in power

But couldn't you just make the amp louder.

Here's three ones that boomed into my head:

!1! Write about a strange or otherworldly experience that has happened to you.

$2$(Holla!)Write from your enemy’s point of view.

@3@ Free write.

And while I have had some pretty strange otherworldly experiences, thanks to the power of having a large planet about me, and substance abuse, and I love thinking about how the other guy feels, free writing will probably be the best way to end my night.

Since I was like 8 I've had such a fascination with John F Kennedy, and now I think I'm going to tell you why. When I was playing legos, my mom was watching JFK, and I was like OH HEY THAT LOOKS LIKE THIS GUY! And she was like "Yep!" So I was totally sitting there pretending I had the president's soul in a lego man. I reenacted his assassination with a perfect nice little open top lego cadillac and a grassy knoll, with a guy with a sniper rifle!

I wasn't a very regular child. Anyways, my interest in him was resparked when I found JFK: Reloaded. Now, you're thinking "Oh god Tony, you're horrible!" But hear me out. It's a simulation, where you shoot JFK in the most creative way possible. Points added for accuracy to the actual killing. Also points for making it look like an accident. It is horrible, but you know what? So is chasing down Hitler in wolfenstein, or having dreams about killing George Bush. But people can openly enjoy that? What the eff. Yes, I like killing virtual JFK. I'm not a violent person though! So I started writing my essay for the district about JFK being a robot, and terrorists stealing the schematics to him (lost files?) and building a new, combat effective JFK. And Pablo the janitor must stop him!

Babble babble babble, I assume that's what free writing is. Have a nice day!
Hello. Names Tyler Stewart if you didnt know.

Mountain Man (Ben Hurdrich)

I liked a lot of the alternative topics but I chose write a story with the title “Mountain Man” because in cross country Ben Hurdrich's nickname is mountain man and we make up stories of how amazingly tough and strong he is so I would already have three pages worth of stories in my head.

The Mountain Man was going for a run in the middle of the woods when suddenly a beaver got in his way so he skinned it alive with nothing but his fingernails and wore it's pelt as a shirt but making sure to cover his abs because as we all know Mountain Man's abs are so ripped that if anything saw them they might just die. he continued on his run with his beaver shirt then he realized the run he was on wasn't hard enough so he started picking up rocks and running with them to make it harder. after 10 miles he finally reached civilization where Ryan Byrd was waiting for him but then Ryan said a stupid "that is what she said" joke which angered the Mountain Man and a fist came out of his abs and instantaneously crushed Ryan's skull. As Mountain Man made his way to town where a catamount was causing havoc and killing small children so he ran over and tore the animal's head clean off. as he made his way home he decided to go up hamburger hill which is only like 2 1/2 miles long but it never gets below a 13% grade uphill. when he got to the top he scowled and journeyed home and was glad that it was an easy day.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Topics - Will C.

1. Write a persuasive essay about 7 Periods vs. Block - Because I like persuasive essays
2. Write an imaginative story in 3rd person - Because 3rd person is cool
3. Write about anything, but without using "e" - Because that sounds really fun. (17 e's so far!)

I'm gonna do the E one. In 3rd person.

Will got up at 6:30, and promptly thought that a thing wasn't right. Will didn't know what it was, so Will took a bath, hoping that it would go away. It did not. Worried, Will got food. Upon looking at it, though, Will thought that it was wrong. His box said "Chrios". Will couldn't think what it was that was dissimilar, but it was wrong. Anxiously, Will put it away and got a box of Raisin Bran. This was satisfying to Will. Shortly, Will was done and had a walk. Again, his mood of wrong was upon Will. Will saw that signs said things similar to: Gabl Road and Bachlor Flat. Running now, Will saw many things with typos. Will just didn't know what was missing from signs. Promptly, Will brought his run to a halt and saw Will's school. It said: St. Hlns High School. Out of his mind with worry, Will ran in front of a car and brought his worry to a halt.

Man, that was awful. Don't try that.

Topic #11

"The adventures of Will and Brother Bear"

Will had not been on a hunt in quite sometime, he had been quite busy. He carried his raygun in his left hand. In his other hand he held a Gemeeel caller. A Gemeeel was a large four limbed animal that ran around wreaking havoc on innocent Forrest animals. Will absolutely hated the little critters. Brother bear was sitting in the tree above watching wills back. Will was the bait. He lifted the call to his mouth and made a loud shrieking noise. From behind him he heard a stick snap and a flutter. Will turned but saw nothing. Brother bear had his raygun aimed at a shrubbery in the distance. Will looked and saw two red glowing eyes staring out of the bush. He used the call again and another loud noise pierced his ears. The bush shuffled a little and stopped. Brother Bear shot his raygun and the bush exploded a fiery red. But the Gemeeel was gone. They were very fast little critters. Will heard a growl from behind and turned immediately. There was a Gemeeel sitting in a bush behind him. He aimed his raygun but too late. The Gemeeel leaped shrieking and glaring its red eyes at Will. Will screamed and fell to the ground. The critter latched onto will and began biting at wills face. Will screamed again and called out to brother bear who was climbing down the tree. Two more of the creatures crawled out of the trees and began to crawl towards their fresh meal. Brother bear jumped the last few feet of tree and grabbed the Gemeeel attacking Will who was still screaming. Brother Bear grabbed it by the head and began squeezing until its brains exploded and sent juices flying all around them. Brother bear reached his paw down and helped Will to his feet. Wills face had been completely chewed off so that he could no longer see. Brother Bear could hear noises all around them, he looked around and saw thousands of Gemeeel with glowing red eyes grinning at them looking at their splendid meat. Brother Bear decided it would be best to stick to the original plan and leave Will for bait. He shoved Will down and ran up the tree as fast as he could. Will was confused and blind. He grabbed for his gun. He scratched at the ground until he finally found it. He leaned with his back against the tree. Will could hear the scurrying of Gemeeel feet around him. He began zapping everywhere with his raygun. he could not see anything so he was not very accurate. As the creatures got closer they began to jump on him and claw and bite him. Will screamed in pain as they began taking pieces of flesh off of his body. He was being literally eaten alive. Will started shotting up in the air madly. A stray bullet caught brother bear directly in the head. He died immediately and fell from the tree. The Gemeeel started a fire and had their feast.

The last time I shot up crack was actually this morning..... with my mother.


1. What would you do if you won $1,000,000 and why?
2.Write a short story of your choosing.
3.Write an imaginitive story in 3rd person.

I think the 3rd person one would be great, because it would really make me think, and challenge me as a writer. I've never written in 3rd, so it'd be a new experience. We should sometime.

!42! Topic #11: But These Go to Eleven.

I have here a list of all of the alternate topics you and your fellow Honors students suggested for the Schoolwide Writing Assessment. I would like you all to go through these, and then respond to the list. Pick out the ones you like best -- one or three or five or ten or fifty -- and list them; then use one of your favorites as a blog post. So in other words: if your three favorites are "A title," "A persuasive topic," and "Free write," list those as your favorites, and then write about one of them. Answer the prompt, don't just explain why you like the topic -- though explanations are always welcome. This does NOT need to be a full formal essay; you're doing one of those already in class this week. Just put down your thoughts, as if the prompt were the blog topic for this week. You are also welcome to criticize the topics that you think fall short, but please don't just make fun; state clearly why the topic wouldn't work for you on an essay test.  You don't have to do this last part: just the favorites list, and one blog-style response.
I changed these as little as I could; hopefully they are clear enough. If they aren't, blame yourselves, not me.
I'd also welcome more ideas for topics, if you have any.  Comment on this post and add some new ones -- only serious ideas, though; I think we've pretty well covered the goofy stuff.

Alternate topics:

Write about a strange or otherworldly experience that has happened to you.

Tell of a favorite memory.

Is silence truly golden?

Write an imaginative story about the time Santa came to town in spring.

Write a persuasive essay on why we should have the block schedule instead of 7 period days.

Write a story about the first time you had chocolate.

What era would you rather live in and why?

What would you do if you won $1,000,000?

What do you want to do when you grow up?

Talk about a person in your life that has made a huge difference in how you act and feel.

Write about someone who completely changed your life.

Something that you could never live without.

Write from your enemy’s point of view.

What are your views on stereotyping?

Should animals be treated like humans, like those mega-pampered pooches?

How exactly do you think that innocent bug feels when he or she’s going about their business and suddenly have a hand, foot, or flying object of choice end their life so suddenly when as far as they know they have done nothing wrong?

Do you think iPods and cellphones should be allowed in school? Write a letter to the principal convincing him of your opinion.

Write a letter to an acquaintance telling him/her of your hobby and try to convince him/her to try it too.

Write a brief history of something of your choice.

Write a story with the title “Mountain Man”

Favorite type of cookie and why.

Do you think students should be required to type their assignments? Why or why not?

Pick a sport and explain how it’s played and the rules of the game.

The most memorable moment of your life.

When were you lazy?  (Go on -- guess whose topic this was.  Here's a hint: it's not from your class, but the other one.)

Write a story with the title, “Santa, The Man”

Write a persuasive essay about what is wrong with US health care.

Write a story about a time when you had to do something you didn’t want to do. Preferably something your parents made you do.

What is the worst injury you have ever acquired?

Write a story with the title “Lethal Enema.”

What journeys have your shoes been through?

Write a story about a death close to you.

College. What do you think?

The best summer of your life.

A story about someone close to you who has passed away, with your memories and experiences with that person.

What are your plans for the future?

(1)Required P.E., (2)Required reading, (3)Methods of election. Right or wrong?  (Humphrey's note: these are three individual topics: Is any one of these three things right, or wrong?)

Favorite cookie and why.

Write a story with a specific title.

Essay form. (Humphrey's note: I have no idea what this one means.)

Write about a time you “saved” or helped someone in a bad situation.

Write a short story of your choosing.

Write an essay about a story you’ve read, explaining why you liked it/what you liked about it.

An imaginative story in 3rd person.

A title  (Humphrey's note: no clue on this one, either.  Make up a title and nothing else?  Write a story for the title "A Title?"  Got me.)

What you wished you learned in school.

Free write.

Explain what makes you who you are.

Persuade us why a band you love is better than a band you hate.

Write about the time in your life you were most angry.

How would you make a PB&J?

Explain how aliens will eventually take over our planet.

Do you think aliens will attack us? Why?

Talk about a topic that you’re passionate about.

Talk about a favorite trip.

Talk about whether you should be in school or not.

Write about something that truly changed your life.

Make up the history to an old famous song (“Twinkle, Twinkle;” “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt;” etc.)

Heroin dealers in NYC.

You pass a huge accident. What do you do?

You’re born from a waterfall; how is your life?

The adventures of Will and Brother Bear.

Your most embarrassing moment . . . with zombies.

One man who can do everything extraordinary, but nothing normal.

Write an imaginative story starring Chuck Liddell, Gloria Estefan, and a panther.

Detail a graphic murder you would commit against someone in the school. Be specific. Use names.

Write about anything you wish, but you may not use the letter “e.”


Make up a story

A persuasive topic

How did you like the previous topics?

Write an open story.

Write whatever you want without the letter “e.”

Where is your favorite vacation place?

What’s your preferred weather?

Do you have a role model? If so, who?

Write about a relationship you’ve been in.

Fantasy story


Bad experiences

Write a movie documentary about something

What’s the happiest moment of your childhood?

What do you want to do? Why?

The first time you shot up crack.

The complete explanation as to why you’re wearing the socks you are.

Write anything of your choice.

Describe the most important time in your life, and explain why. (Narrative)

Write a story about how one student can change a school.

Write a persuasive essay explaining whether you think people as a whole do or do not have a bright future. Explain why or why not.

Write an excerpt from a made-up story where there is at least one character, and a conflict/plot.

Write an essay based on a quote. Here are a few . . .

Write an essay on what the future will be like.

Write about dreams.

Write about the craziest day you ever had.

Write a horror story.

Write about anything you want.

Make a fiction story about something positive that happened to you.

Persuade your parents to give you a later curfew on school nights.

Inform students about a topic you love.

How do you like high school?  How is it different from middle school?

Make a story about your best memory.

Argue why the high school should or should not have limitations/boundaries on lunch privileges.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Topics 1-10

Topic #1

I don't think our class does that bad. I think we could do better but Compared to some of my other classes the English class really isn't that bad. We should probably try to be better because I like the discussions that we have in class. Overall I think I would probably give our class about a 7/10

Topic #2

I don't think I am an element of fiction. I think I am an element of fact. I think that I would probably be like some sort of science fiction placed in the near future or something. That just seems like the kind of person that I am. Either that or like medieval fiction or something like that.

Topic #3

favorite movie: Pulp Fiction
Best movie in last month or two: Avatar
Favorite action scene: Hot fuzz in the end when they fight the town people.
Favorite romantic: True Romance
Favorite line to quote: "You get your ass out there and you find that ******* dog! -Billy Madison
Guilty pleasure: Dead Alive

Topic #4

I think sports are good because they get people active and keep people healthy. I think that sports shouldn't be as competitive as they are, i feel like they should be more for fun than to really get serious about. I think sports are a good use of time and a good way to get out and have fun.


Favorite song: Float by Flogging Molly
Favorite Genre: Alternative
Favorite Musical Artist: Nirvana


I belong to all sorts of cliques but the main one is probably the cross country/ soccer group. I don't really know if thats is a clique but that's the group that a hang out with the most. I know that are specific cliques that people go into but I feel like I am a part of a lot of them.

Topic #7

My favorite part of spring is probably tennis because it is my favorite sport and it occurs during spring. I think that when it starts to get warmer after winter is sort of what shows that spring is coming. I feel like spring is kind of the interlude between winter and summer. My favorite season would of course have to be summer.

Topic #8

I don't really feel like there is anything missing in my life. I feel like things could be better but nothing is really missing in my life. I feel like I need to do something more though. I feel like I need to do something crazy in order to live a truly satisfying life.

Topic #9

Between men and women I do not think one or the other is better. There isn't really anything that would make either one better than the other. I think that physically men are stronger than women in most cases which i guess might make them tougher. but I have seen some really strong women before that i would not care to mess with.

Topic #10

I do not know what the mysteries in this world are but i'm sure they are pretty cool. Maybe everyone will discover them when we die. I don't really know what kind of mysteries we're exactly talking about here but It sure would be cool to stumble on one.

What I hear

Mystery-anything that's not a fact
How do we find fact, or conclude that something is fact? Why, through our five senses: hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching. To quote Mr. Humphrey exactly, he said"Do you see the mystery hiding in the world?" so, technically, if we can see it, then it isn't a mystery, it's a fact. I don't really hear anything from the other side, mostly I make up stuff in my head, and I prove to myself that it's just in my head. I don't think that anything is hidden, it's really all just in our head. You can read the same book multiple times, and you'll pull out different things every time you read it, because of your state of mind.

About the video. I think that it's really sad that no one noticed him. If it was, oh say, Justin Bieber, or Lady Gaga etc. anyone would know who it was, and there would be an instant crowd. Humans are naturally a visually oriented people. If his picture was being broadcasted throughout the tv, people would reckognize him, and thus it would have been a pointless experiment. But since we just have stupid pop singers, and dumb people who are having affairs that no one cares about(*coughcough* Tiger Woods..) We have to actually make an effort to find out who these amazing people are, and we don't because we're FAT, LAZY people. It's ridiculous! But I don't want to get into that conversation. There are hidden things, and the people who take the time to look at it will be so much better!


There are mysteries everywhere! You just don't know it because some you don't even know exist. Just like Lily and the bees she didn't know that when you listen to bees hum you can hear whatever you want. In this case it hadn't been hidden from her, she had heard bees hum before she just didn't realize she could hear what she wanted to.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Everyday mysteries

I'll be honest. I don't think this topic makes a lick of sense. Mystery is just what happens when a person doesn't know all the details of a situation. So then yes, there is mystery in our everyday world. Most everyday mysteries have average, boring answers - once all the facts are gathered.

It's the facts that seperate an everyday mystery, from the great written mysteries. In real life, facts are usually fairly easy to find. Evidence is usually plentiful, and with modern science, there are few mysteries outside the grasp of solution. But a written mystery has the advantage of being able to strategically place the evidence around, and play with reality to make a better story.

Friday, April 16, 2010

topic 1 way late

I would give this a good grade of a class i would say i have major problems paying attention in the class sometimes but i feel most of the class does have its moments. I realy like this class because its set up well.

Elements of fiction

I would say the most important element for me is plot. I can barely sit and read so on the long discussion parts in a books get boring fast for me. I like alot to happen. I also think that charecters are important you need someone you can connect with in a way so those are the things i think are the most important part.
My favorite movie is probly 50 first dates or happy gillmore I like these because they are both funny i have watched these both quiete a few times and they havent gotten old.

My favorite actor is adam sandler His movies are always funny and good

My favorite guy flic would be the new bat man movie's

I realy dont have a favorite chick flix
i cant think of a guilty pleasure movie either but if i think of one for one of the two i couldn't figure out ill edit them.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Topic 10 - Grant P.

I think that everyone is close minded and we should stay that way if everyone were to stop and see what's on the other side of that fence or were that weird road goes we'd never stop doing it, we would just continue on walking down a long and winding set of paths until we come across something we've already seen and at that point we would've forgotten what we should have been doing in the first place.
Ok this is a perfect post for me! After much thinking i have came up to a soulution to my problem. If you know me then you know that i usually have a huge and HEAVY backpack that i carry all my stuff around in instead of putting it in my locker, because honestly im just to dam lazy. But when i go to Safeway, i always used to hate how much weight i was carrying around, and since its so big it's a lot of work to shove into a locker. So one day i decided to just drop it off in the middle of the commons unattended, and see what happens. I just walked by and left it by our big concrete support pole and walked away. I was sure something would happen, who wouldn't just rifle trough my stuff and throw it all over the commons while i was away? Well it turns out no one. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and not a single sole has opened a zipper. Honestly I still don't believe it, and i bet after i let the secret out with this post its going to get messed with, but its just two amazing not to share. So it's not that hidden, or that much of a wonder, but i really think its cool that for 2 weeks my unattended backpack has pulled off what i thought was the impossible.

Mysteries of the World.

I believe that there are various mysteries in the world that only the open-minded can sense, and only if they're attuned to it. What I'm saying is that some people go around only using their senses; smell, sight, taste, touch, sound. There are more things to it, however. I believe that we, as humans, were given the ability to detect things hidden in everyday life and make them what we want them to be. If someone walks around, all they hear is the crunching of their shoes hitting the ground, while others hear the beat of a song or tune.
I myself am one of those people, who make things out of sound. You can discover things using other senses, too, though. Like if you look at a cloud and see a rabbit or a plane, that's looking at it through a different perspective. Other people would think that it was just a cloud. So, if you don't take things in such a literal way all of the time, and sense things that remind you of other objects, then you yourself can find your own mysteries of the world, as everyone is different.

Mystery and Wonder - Will C.

I read the whole story, and I'd like to explain it to people who didn't: This guy is the best violin player in the world, playing the best violin music in the world, on the best violin in the world. He just did a concert that was $100 for the crappy seats. 1070 people walked by, and when called later didn't even remember him. One of the like 3 people who stopped recognized him, so that doesn't count. That leaves 2 others, who both took violin lessons when they were younger, and so they realized how good he was. Nobody else. My explanation is that maybe they don't realize it's so good because they've never heard bad classical music. The only way to listen to it is from proffesionals live or on CDs. Maybe they just assume it's the norm. Maybe not.
I'm not sure. What I do know is that you have to be looking for it to see it. I think the prime example is photography. You could just walk by something and not give it a second glance, but if you have a camera in your hands, then you see those little hidden beauties and capture them on film. You just gotta be looking. Like Clarrise from Farenheit 451.

Mystery and Wonder

I feel for the most part we just walk by now a days where busy and are mines arent on lets just go out and relax and look at the world we have new technology that hinders are sight like ipods and phones for me i would say i walk by 99% of the time

male vs female

I think females probly have it harder when it comes to the work force men have more chances for jobs in factories and things like that. I feel men are generaly stronger and more athletic. we both need each other equally

Mystery and Wonder

Do we see mystery and wonder, and just walk on by? for most people I'm pretty sure this is an accurate statement because there are so many amazing things in this world and people just take it for granted and go about their daily life.
It is also just plain hard to see some of these things sometimes with everything we have from ipod's to video games to TV's coming out every other week we are so used to seeing wonders and mysteries for example the computer everyone uses it but has no idea how it works and really doesn't care either.
Finally sometitmes there isn't really mystery or wonder or if there is no one cares about it like a blue T-shirt there isn't anything that amazing about it, now you can tell me some stagering statistic about like it takes 52 gallons of oil to produce that shirt from the factory but no one really cares about that now do they

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The mysteries of life

I like to think that I can see the mystery in things most of the time, but sometimes it is really hard to, I get caught up in my life sometimes and I can't see much outside of my bubble...I try to listen to the things on the other side of the everyday world as much as possible, it's good for people to step out of their bubbles and listen to things, just listen. I like to sit sometimes and just let the sounds of the world soak into my veins. Like listening to the rain hit my roof or I like going out in the woods when I can and listening to the sounds of's just good for the soul. What I find interesting about the video Mr.Humphrey posted is that this man is playing some of the most beautiful most complex music in the world and so many people just walked by not even giving him the time of day. It's sad really but people do it every day, they are so focused or so painfully oblivious to what goes on around them that they can't even notice the things that aren't even hidden. The hidden things in life bring me joy, it makes me feel human and it makes me feel closer to the world around me. The mysteries of life aren't huge all the time sometimes it's the simple stuff.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I dont really think that life is mysterious. It's just life. Sure, there are mysterioes in it, but it's really pretty simple, the stuff that's complicated, is non-important stuff. Non-life stuff. Non-soup stuff. I believe there is some mystery, but life is pretty straight forward. The future, is definitely mysterious though. Because we dont know half a thing about it.
I don't hear silent things, so no. It's kinda like, if a tree fell in the forest, and no one was there to hear it, would it make a noise? Or even better (got this from a tee shirt), if a fat kid tripped and fell in the forest, and no one else was there, would the trees laugh?
I think in our modern world, it's hard for us to notice the small things, and that's the wonders. The small details and objects. Billboards are big, and we notice them. Bugs are small and we step on them.

Sexism Nuff said. Check it out.

No, not really, but you should still check it. It's outrageous how sexist this guy is, and it's all for real. I think that girls have it tougher. Because they have to care about their looks, and they have to have periods, and carry purses (which is way hard, as well as wearing heals), but most of all they, have to have the baby. Ouch.

So watch the video on the front page of that site. It's ridiculous. Anyways, men are better than women at physical labor, sports, and driving. Not asking for directions though. ;)
Women are better at chores (I know, I know, but it's true.), and raising kids.

!42! Topic #10: Hidden Wonder

In Chapter 3, Lily says, "I realized it for the first time in my life: there is nothing but mystery in the world, how it hides behind the fabric of our poor, browbeat days, shining brightly, and we don't even know it."
In Chapter 8, August tells Lily, "Some things happen in a literal way, Lily. And then other things, like this one, happen in a not-literal way, but they still happen . . . What I mean is that the bees weren't really singing the words from Luke, but still, if you have the right kind of ears, you can listen to a hive and hear the Christmas story somewhere inside yourself. You can hear silent things on the other side of the everyday world that nobody else can."

Do you see the mystery hiding in the world? If not, do you believe it isn't there? Can you hear the silent things on the other side of the everyday world? Are these things really hidden from us, or are they in plain sight and we just never notice?

Try this one. What about this video is interesting?

Here's the actual story.

So the question remains: do we see mystery and wonder, and just walk on by? Or is it hard for us to see? If it is hard for us to see, if it really is hidden -- why? Or, of course: is it just not there?

Please answer these questions as well as you can, by next Monday.

boys and girls

ok i really dont want to get into this a whole lot because i think boys and girls both have the same amount of advantages and disadvantages. i think girls dont get treated as fairly as boys do but at the same time, when you think of a creepy rapist pedophile what do you think of? a man right?! yeah thats what i thought...i think women get accused of being crazy more often then men do or some women are "sluts" or "hoes". well men can be those things too you know?! i know of a couple!! anyway thats about what i think of that topic...

topics 7 8 9

topic 7: My favorite part of spring is when the clouds go away and the temperatures reach at least 70 unfortunately that hasn't happened yet so im going to have to go with rugby season !

topic 8:hmmm kinda stealing your idea but i would have to say that im missing my xbox which broke 4 months ago and do not want to save up 2 hundred dollars to get it fixed:/
as far as obsticles i usually try to face them as they come so i cant really say im facing any right now.

topic 9: Hopefully no girls read this beacause they are emotionally unstable....... which is one of the main reasons men are better than women! Also there stronger which is kind of a given due to the scientific make up of human beings. According to studies men also are smarter than women. so basically women are good at giving birth and making sandwiches......hahaha thats mean jbf!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Boys and Girls.

I've always hated this debate. It's the height of elementary-school-playground debates. "Who's better, boys or girls?" It's been the basis for countless TV shows, movies, books, and half-assed school competitions.

Maybe I just hate unoriginality. It's a competition so obvious, I hate when people bring it up. But it has, and will continue to rage on for all of time. While the civil rights issues of the 50's and 60's for females may have made such an arguement relivant back then, it's just not that big of a problem anymore. Basic discrimination is low, and unlike most other issues, gender equality is actually making progress. So stop talking about it. The only people who still moan about it are either feminists, or brainwashed ultra-conservatives who still think women shouldn't even drive.

Both of those parties have an interesting link back to one of our earlier topics - pride. Both sides are clearly in love with, and take pride in, their gender. And as it's been pointed out, taking pride in something you have zero control over (nationality, family, etc.) is a little stupid. So gender should fall into the same camp. Female and don't support feminist causes? You shouldn't be expected to. Male, and not a fan of the expected "head of the household" role? Same deal. In extreme cases, you can even switch genders completely. As a result, the battle of the sexes grows more and more irrelevant.

So can we now just shut up about it?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Topic 9

Oh wow this is a big topic. I think that it really depends, because I mean a lot of women depend on men to make their life whole, and some men depend on women too. I mean you can't really say a lot when you're only one gender; I can't say women have it tougher, because I've never been a man, so I have no idea. I would only think that women have it tougher, because I AM a woman.

Topic 8

What I'm missing from my life is my father. I mean he's not really gone, but I don't see him a lot. Ever since my parents divorced and we moved, I only get to see him 3 times a year. So I guess I'm missing a father figure in my life most of the time..

In MY opinion...

Honestly, I really don't know. I don't think that we should know, but or make an ultimate decision or anything, but whatever. My thoughts.

Are guys better?

Not to be rude, but guys are more...simple. They see less color, they reckoginize less facial expressions, they can't distinquish between as many tones, not as many thoughts, they can't talk face to face (literally) etc. But that might be a good thing when you think about it. They're more physical people, and girls are more emotionally centered.(DUH!) Getting to the point, guys are closer to the original...something. And in my opinion, everything is better in the original. Like, chips, the originals are a pretty safe bet if you don't know what you're going to get. I wish I could make a Star Wars reference here, but I can't. But you get my point. Guys should be better, since they're closer to our original..things. I'm so not going to hear the end of this...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sexism - Will C.

Well, First off, I'm going to point out an error in one of the earlier posts. Somebody said that men are stronger physically and women are stronger mentally. That's not true. If they had actually bothered to research it, then they would have seen that when all the IQs in America were averaged, men were just slightly smarter than women. Of course, lots of girls still get better grades because they tend to be more motivated.
In another post, they were saying it's harder on girls because in the past they couldn't vote or own land. Ok, well, that no longer applies. It's called the past for a reason. Anyway, now that I'm done smashing other people's posts, I'm going to get on with my own.
I did some research at an unbiased source (, and here's what I got: First off, men are obviously stronger than women. Physically more so than mentally, but there it is. Men are also more emotionally stable. (By the way, I actually didn't get this from that site, although it does exist.)
Women on average are slightly less intelligent and weaker than men. They have nervous breakdowns and mood swings, and are just kind of emotionally fragile. It seems like that kind of sums it up. Just because they have to go through birthing and stuff, doesn't mean they're superior. (I respect how hard it is, but does that really make you better?). I'm not saying that there aren't some injustices out there, but the truth of it is, men are better. (Is that sufficiently controversial, Humphrey?)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The gender blender that is society

Ok so here's what I think about the whole gender verses gender thing I actually do think women have it harder and yes I know I'm probably only saying this because I am a woman but well duh I'm not gonna talk about how guys have it harder cuse I wouldn't know so in light of that I'll stick to what I know. Women have it harder because for one we have always through out history been considered the weaker between the two sexes and given less power, whether it be voting or owning land etc., and it is unfair women and men should always be considered equal. Yes women may be weaker than men sometimes but everyone is a human being we all deserve the same rights and liberties. Two women have always been placed in the role of stay at home mom-quiet wife-soft-blah blah blah you get my point women aren't always like that, yes we tend to be more nurturing but hey someone has to be! I also find it funny when people make fun of a couple because the women may bring home more money than the man or has more of a say in what goes on around the house suddenly the phrase "Well we all know who wears the pants in this relationship." No you don't so shut up. It is perfectly fine for women to bring home more money than men and vise versa it shouldn't make one partner less than the other. Plus it puts pressure on people, and it's just unfair. Ok third sometimes I wonder if men really understand that women have allot of work to do when they have to carry a baby for 9 months and then have to give birth to it. I'm not saying all men don't understand but there are those out there who take it for granted. Men have the easiest role in child production, I'm pretty sure we all know that so I'm not gonna go into any more detail than that, so anyways I also would like to point out another gory detail I'm sorry it's kind of blunt feel free to read on if you would like to skip do not have to have blood come out of them every month...yes it's gross I know, but it's true it's part of nature get over it. Men don't have to deal with it, plain and simple. So anyways yes I do believe women have it harder than men do. thank you for reading my rant it's very late and I have to get up early to head off to Washington D.C. and I'm half asleep...maybe that's why this is a strange post hmm...anyways feel free to comment if you have objections to something I have said. I know the title is weird but I couldn't think of anything good lol. Thank you for reading : )

Battle of the Sexes

I think that women have it harder then men.
Society doesn't really take women seriously. You see a man and women working society thinks the man is in charge. Plus women are judged much harsher the men. An actor gets old, he is distinguished and can play an older love interest. An actress gets old, she is just considered old. The actress gets to see the guy that was once her love interest in movies play the love interest of her granddaughter. How is that fair?
Women are also considered to be more loving.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Girls/Boys or Boys/Girls pick which one is more poitically correct

The tougher gender are males, at least physically, they are tougher because that is just the way their body is, it is stronger and bigger. The only thing men are better at then women are things that require a lot of strength besides that they are about equal. The only thing that makes men better at those types of things is that most women are incapable in becoming strong enough to do these tasks. Women are better at things that require constant thought because I heard that women are able to keep their train of thought going longer than men and things dealing with emotions because most guys have no clue. I'm not sure which gender is more independent or which one is worse off without the other because both of them are better at different things and they work well together.(By the way I realize there are always exceptions to these)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

whats missing from my life...

whats missing from my life? well my drivers permit for one... and freedom is another thing!! my mom keeps me too sheltered which is why it amazed me when she let me go to the anime convention a couple days ago!! i was really nerding out at that... you dont even want to know... anyway yeah im lacking freedom... and money which sucks because that means i have to leech off my mom and i dont want to

topic 7 spring!!

ugh sorry i havent had access to a computer lately... for some reason my mom doesnt want me on here... anyway spring!! well i dont really like spring... it sucks more that winter because atleast winter gives you snow and snow is fun! but i like fall the best because its not too hot yet you can still go outdoors and do stuff!


I would like to start off with the fact that I think this is one of my first on time blogs that doesn't make up any older ones I missed this semester WOO!
Genders, i think that women have it tougher, i can't think of much that I as a man have to endure because i am a man. Even social pressure seems less than that of a girl, or maybe thats just me. I will say that guys are better in sports. Look at times, heights, distance, or whatever, the numbers don't lie. Not to say that there aren't plenty of girls out there who could kick my a$$ and do just about anything i can do better, but if your similar in age, or hight, ect. then i think the guy would win.

If you have, give. If you lack, seek

In my life right now, what is missing, and for ever will be in my mom. Lately I have been watching home videos, and seeing a picture is one thing but hearing her voice really takes me back. It obviously doesn't bring her back but it brings part of her back so that I can remember her more clearly. I am missing the full house that i used to have, it has gone from four people to two, and it is very lonely sometimes.

Something I am lacking in friends, I don't have that big of a group of friends, and when planning my birthday party i felt pretty lame not being able to come up with that many people.

I think the biggest obstacle i deal with is that i get sick very easily. I used get sick 6 to 8 times a year. I would get full blown sinus infections, so i got my tonsils removed, in hope of not getting sick anymore and now it hasnt even been two months since i have gotten them removed and i have been sick twice.

A mental obstacle though is that I am pretty shy and I have started to keep to myself with certain things because i am always afraid of being hurt, so i don't let people in very easily.


Well spring is suppose to be when the flowers start to sprout, the birds come out, and all the animals have their babies, etc. But here in Oregon spring is when it rains rains rains and never stops. I know its spring when it's beautiful like one day out of the week and rainy the rest. I wish that it was bright and sunny like it is suppose to be. But what i do like about spring is that it is that much closer to being summer, and it is when my favorites sports are so i enjoy getting out to play and watch them. My favorite season would have to be either summer or winter, i like the heat and sunshine but, i also enjoy the cold and snow very much, so I like having both.


Alrighty, time to make some things up in here.

First off, the sexism thing.
I'm not really towards either side having it tougher, I mean girls go through a lot of BS with their bodies from what I understand, but boys have a lot of mojo stuff going on. At least from what I can tell usually. I'm not actually the type of guy to literally do something to look better than the other guy, I might do so sarcastically. There's not much I can say about this really, it's not the way I think at all. So I'll say this: Girls are social critters, guys like to fight, one is tough, the other is great, that's my opinion.

Spring is a very dark, yet bright time for me. For very many reasons. Let's start with the cons: spring break! everyone just goes crazy and I hate it. People freak over going somewhere and getting smashed and then they brag about it. I don't like it. Then, I get hustled by jesus freaks and christians over not celebrating easter. Whaaa? I have a different holiday than you? get over it. It doesn't suck to not get candy, I just don't use a number of the month as an excuse to fatten up. It was a wiccan holiday to begin with anyways! to celebrate the spirit returning to the earth, not jesus. Quit stealin' holidays. But on subject, spring is a beautiful time of the year!

Sorely Lacking:
What am I missing in my life? Nothing really. I'm really content with how cinematic my life is currently, ranging from action films to indie flicks, things always seem to fit the stereotype of a movie. Maybe my life IS a movie. But to look at what it's lacking? Motivation! I could have so much more music made, so many more pictures drawn, so many more maps completed, and a lot more jelly beans, if I could just motivate myself to get them. Oh well, life goes on!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Gender war? - Grant P.

I can say without hesitation that both males and females are similar anatomically with the exception of a few key compnents, but generally speaking we both have similar organs, skin, and brains. To me however society preassures the diffrent genders to act, behave, think, and life diffrently. In turn I thnk most of the prejudice directed towards men and women are GENERALLY true of corse with exceptions here and there. Such as men are stronger, women are more caring, men are more driven, and so on.

Sorely Lacking - Grant P.

What's lacking in my life is the incentive to do something or at least the guts to go out and do it. Im also missing an imagination my flew out of my head and into the sky to evaporate to the clouds when I was about 10 or so just around the time I grew out of lego's and moved toward electronics which by the way I belive are ruining our society By getting rid of just that our imagination. I understand this is not completely accurate but for the average joe or jane doe, it's just providing us with one less thing to do each time a new piece of "Must Have" technology reaches the masses. Back on topic an obstacle that I'm facing in the not to distant future is the financial black whole: College... I've saved up a whopping 0$ and I have no job experiance so far and that's going to make it difficult for me, or at least that's my guess.

Spring - Grant p.

i'm catching up on lost time here so bear with me. My favorite part of spring is the transition from winter to summer, I'm not to fond of the season itself as much as the wheather changes that occur. The way I know it's spring is due to the time leap forward or backwards or w/e all my clocks auto correct themselfs anyway =P My favorite season has to be either winter or Fall. My main draw to both of these are the changing color of leafs and the gradually colder wheather.


Well first off, i think women have it tougher.
They have to have babies! hah. Also its tougher for women in the working world.
Men are generally better at physical strength then women. Typically women are more caregivers then men. Women are also more dedicated. Sports wise men are better, usually.
When it comes down to who is more dependent, or who is worse off alone i have no idea.
Thats hard to say.