Friday, April 23, 2010

Why is Oprah so Famous?

Ok, the questions that I liked the most were:

Is silence really golden?

Write from your enemy's point of view

How exactly do you think that innocent bug feels when he or she’s going about their business and suddenly have a hand, foot, or flying object of choice end their life so suddenly when as far as they know they have done nothing wrong?(Note: I'm not the only one that wonders this?!?!)

What journeys have your shoes been through?

The best summer of your life

You’re born from a waterfall; how is your life?(Note: For some odd reason, whenever I read this, I realize I picture the blue people from Avatar. Weird..)

Write about a relationship you’ve been in.(Note: Only because I have the worst relationship history, and they make for good stories)

The complete explanation as to why you’re wearing the socks you are.

Yes, silence is really golden, but especially when you're that girl from the story, where, when she opened her mouth, it spouted out gold and stuff.

I'm going to bed.

Does anyone else think that, when they recorded the song
"No Handlebars" by Flobots, that they did it in their garage or something? Am I the only one that thinks that the trumpet solo thing sounds weird? Granted, I've been imagining music all day, so it could very easily just be me....

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