Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Mountain Man"

Well, as you can see, the mountain man topic is the first thing I picked. (Let me point out that I am very, VERY tired at the moment and I do not completely understand what we are supposed to be doing...Something about choosing the three things and writing about them I would assume...)

So, write a story with the title, "Mountain Man" Well..alright. I completely just forgot about what I was going to write about, so next one. Write a story about the first time you had chocolate. Lol, this one is interesting.

Up until I was 9, I was allergic to chocolate. When I first had it, I got a horrible rash all over my arms and legs. Of course, being a 9 year old, I ciouldnt care less. I always snuck chocolate when my mom wouldnt let me have any. But it was awful on Halloween because she made me trade with my siblings for stupid candy like Twizzlers and what not. >:/ Eventually, I ate enough of it to where it didnt effect me as much, and it dwindled away over time. Phew!

And the last topic: How do you think aliens will take over the world?
Honestly, I think someday they will just pop in and be completely friendly. Nothing to worry about, just kind and friendly aliens. But, knowing our Government, officials are going to want to speak with them, alot. Eventually, someone (Not saying any names GEORGE BUSH!!) is going to piss off the daughter of the leader of the aliens, and he is going to declare war on Earth. Then they will bring their high tech war crafts and what nots from the future..and we will be screwed. This is all part of my theory that Bush is destroying the world slowly but surely. Lol, Just kidding.

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