Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ok this is a perfect post for me! After much thinking i have came up to a soulution to my problem. If you know me then you know that i usually have a huge and HEAVY backpack that i carry all my stuff around in instead of putting it in my locker, because honestly im just to dam lazy. But when i go to Safeway, i always used to hate how much weight i was carrying around, and since its so big it's a lot of work to shove into a locker. So one day i decided to just drop it off in the middle of the commons unattended, and see what happens. I just walked by and left it by our big concrete support pole and walked away. I was sure something would happen, who wouldn't just rifle trough my stuff and throw it all over the commons while i was away? Well it turns out no one. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and not a single sole has opened a zipper. Honestly I still don't believe it, and i bet after i let the secret out with this post its going to get messed with, but its just two amazing not to share. So it's not that hidden, or that much of a wonder, but i really think its cool that for 2 weeks my unattended backpack has pulled off what i thought was the impossible.


  1. I do find that fairly interesting but in my experiance if you see something of value left in the open i would think it is being watched.

  2. But isn't that strange? That leaving it out in plain sight is probably the safest thing for it -- whereas if you hid it somewhere, say in a bush between here and Safeway, and someone happened to see it, wouldn't you bet they'd mess with it?

    Thsi implies that the more secure you try to be, the less secure you are. And that's an interesting concept.

  3. Ya well it turns out that its not all that secure now is it....... But i only have myself to blame for that, i knew somebody would mess with it once I posted this.


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