Sunday, April 25, 2010

Waaaaaaaay Behind- Will L

Well, so far I have not done any of the blogs this semester, so here we go, trying to catch up on all of them.
Topic #1- Grading the Class

Well, this class likes to talk. A lot. But at the same time, it is a lot of fun when we all get involved, so overall I would give it a 7 out of 10. As a member of this class, I would give myself about a 5. I don't get involved in the conversations a lot and I feel like I talk too much, but I also do most of my work, not counting the blogs.
Topic #2- Favorite Element of Fiction

I always find myself paying attention to the characters in the book. At the beginning of a book, I always try to figure out how the character acts and what their personality is like. I don't exactly know why, but it is almost always the most interesting part of a book to me, because then I try to relate to the character. Unless I absolutely hate the character. Then I just get mad at them.

Topic #3- Movies
My all time favorite movie... I gotta go with Twilight. HA! Just kidding. No, I always like the feel-good movies, like It's a Wonderful Life. I love those kinds of movies.
The best movie I've seen in the past month or two is How to Train Your Dragon. Yeah, a little kid's movie, I know, but I still liked it.
My favorite action scene has to be when Optimus Prime takes on all of those decepticons in the forest with two swords. That was epic.
My favorite chick-flick scene is in The Proposal when the main guy chases down the girl after he figures out he loves her.
I have a ton of lines that I quote from movies. Honestly, I can remember them extremely well. The one that I use the most is probably anything that Forrest Gump says.
My favorite guilty pleasure movie is The Proposal.

Topic #4- Sports
In my opinion sports are a great thing. I do think that they benefit people, even if they are just watching them. People connect through sports, such as "Hey, did you see that game last night?" "Yeah, dude! Crazy, right?" So I do think that they benefit people.

Topic #5- Music
My favorite song right now is OMG by Usher. I will most likely hate it in a few weeks, though.
My favorite artist is hands down Relient K.
My favorite genre of music is probably alternative.

Topic #6- Cliques
I have absolutely no idea what clique I belong to. I guess I fit the jock category, but then I think about it and say that I am a nerd. So I guess I am somewhere between jock and nerd. A jord.

Topic #7- Spring
My favorite part of spring, honestly, is seeing all the flowers bloom. Sounds kinda weird I guess, but I love seeing all of the colors, especially after winter when everything is just gray. My favorite season would have to be autumn, though. I have no idea why, but I just love it.

Topic #8- Sorely Lacking
What is missing from my life? I don't know. I'm one of the youngest in my whole family, so I've never really had anybody to connect with on that level, I guess.
What do I myself lack? Again, I don't know. These are difficult questions. I think I lack telling people what I really think about them. Forgot what that word was called.

Topic #9- Battle of the Sexes
Women have it tougher than men, in general. But it's close. I won't go into great deal about this one.
Men are better at athletic things, and more dirty jobs.
Women are better at planning things out and being more mature about things.
Men would be worse off alone, I'm sorry to say. We would not last very long. And it would just be awkward.

Topic #10- Hidden wonder
I don't always see the hiding mysteries in the world, but I definitely believe they're there. They are in plain sight, and we just never notice.

Topic #11- But These go to Eleven
My favorite ones are"What do you want to do when you grow up?" and "The Adventures of Will and Brother Bear".
One day, Will and brother Bear were walking down the street. Suddenly, 85 ninjas rolled onto the sidewalk just ahead of them, all armed with some kind of weapon. Will and Brother Bear pulled out their ray "guns" and made quick work of them all. A crowd looked on in wonder as the two walked off into the sunset...
Yeah, that one is kind of an inside joke with Haven, Austin and myself.

Well, sorry to take up so much space, you guys. Really, I am. But at least I'm done now.

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