Thursday, April 8, 2010

The gender blender that is society

Ok so here's what I think about the whole gender verses gender thing I actually do think women have it harder and yes I know I'm probably only saying this because I am a woman but well duh I'm not gonna talk about how guys have it harder cuse I wouldn't know so in light of that I'll stick to what I know. Women have it harder because for one we have always through out history been considered the weaker between the two sexes and given less power, whether it be voting or owning land etc., and it is unfair women and men should always be considered equal. Yes women may be weaker than men sometimes but everyone is a human being we all deserve the same rights and liberties. Two women have always been placed in the role of stay at home mom-quiet wife-soft-blah blah blah you get my point women aren't always like that, yes we tend to be more nurturing but hey someone has to be! I also find it funny when people make fun of a couple because the women may bring home more money than the man or has more of a say in what goes on around the house suddenly the phrase "Well we all know who wears the pants in this relationship." No you don't so shut up. It is perfectly fine for women to bring home more money than men and vise versa it shouldn't make one partner less than the other. Plus it puts pressure on people, and it's just unfair. Ok third sometimes I wonder if men really understand that women have allot of work to do when they have to carry a baby for 9 months and then have to give birth to it. I'm not saying all men don't understand but there are those out there who take it for granted. Men have the easiest role in child production, I'm pretty sure we all know that so I'm not gonna go into any more detail than that, so anyways I also would like to point out another gory detail I'm sorry it's kind of blunt feel free to read on if you would like to skip do not have to have blood come out of them every month...yes it's gross I know, but it's true it's part of nature get over it. Men don't have to deal with it, plain and simple. So anyways yes I do believe women have it harder than men do. thank you for reading my rant it's very late and I have to get up early to head off to Washington D.C. and I'm half asleep...maybe that's why this is a strange post hmm...anyways feel free to comment if you have objections to something I have said. I know the title is weird but I couldn't think of anything good lol. Thank you for reading : )

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