Monday, April 12, 2010

!42! Topic #10: Hidden Wonder

In Chapter 3, Lily says, "I realized it for the first time in my life: there is nothing but mystery in the world, how it hides behind the fabric of our poor, browbeat days, shining brightly, and we don't even know it."
In Chapter 8, August tells Lily, "Some things happen in a literal way, Lily. And then other things, like this one, happen in a not-literal way, but they still happen . . . What I mean is that the bees weren't really singing the words from Luke, but still, if you have the right kind of ears, you can listen to a hive and hear the Christmas story somewhere inside yourself. You can hear silent things on the other side of the everyday world that nobody else can."

Do you see the mystery hiding in the world? If not, do you believe it isn't there? Can you hear the silent things on the other side of the everyday world? Are these things really hidden from us, or are they in plain sight and we just never notice?

Try this one. What about this video is interesting?

Here's the actual story.

So the question remains: do we see mystery and wonder, and just walk on by? Or is it hard for us to see? If it is hard for us to see, if it really is hidden -- why? Or, of course: is it just not there?

Please answer these questions as well as you can, by next Monday.


  1. I love this video my dad showed me it before and I find it interesting that this man, who I belive is world famous correct?, is standing in a subway or something and barely anyone notices him, and if you know the music you know its absoluetley beautiful anyone can hear that but you have to stop and notice it in the first place these people do not. They are so wrapped up in their own worlds that they dont even know there is beauty around them, it's sad really

  2. Wow. I read "the whole story" and that's kinda depressing... I guess they just can't recognize music that good when you never listen to bad music. Like, whener you listen to classical it's all great, so it's hard to tell the difference.

  3. I definitely think there is mystery in the world, its just that people with a strong enough will and passion to find out the mysteries are the ones that can see them in plain sight. people that are interested in only what they are doing are the ones that are missing things that just arent noticed.
    in the video its just like ive said if someone really wants to belive in seeing beauty in things that are in plain sight then it will be there otherwise its hidden and is nothing.


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