Monday, April 19, 2010

!42! Topic #11: But These Go to Eleven.

I have here a list of all of the alternate topics you and your fellow Honors students suggested for the Schoolwide Writing Assessment. I would like you all to go through these, and then respond to the list. Pick out the ones you like best -- one or three or five or ten or fifty -- and list them; then use one of your favorites as a blog post. So in other words: if your three favorites are "A title," "A persuasive topic," and "Free write," list those as your favorites, and then write about one of them. Answer the prompt, don't just explain why you like the topic -- though explanations are always welcome. This does NOT need to be a full formal essay; you're doing one of those already in class this week. Just put down your thoughts, as if the prompt were the blog topic for this week. You are also welcome to criticize the topics that you think fall short, but please don't just make fun; state clearly why the topic wouldn't work for you on an essay test.  You don't have to do this last part: just the favorites list, and one blog-style response.
I changed these as little as I could; hopefully they are clear enough. If they aren't, blame yourselves, not me.
I'd also welcome more ideas for topics, if you have any.  Comment on this post and add some new ones -- only serious ideas, though; I think we've pretty well covered the goofy stuff.

Alternate topics:

Write about a strange or otherworldly experience that has happened to you.

Tell of a favorite memory.

Is silence truly golden?

Write an imaginative story about the time Santa came to town in spring.

Write a persuasive essay on why we should have the block schedule instead of 7 period days.

Write a story about the first time you had chocolate.

What era would you rather live in and why?

What would you do if you won $1,000,000?

What do you want to do when you grow up?

Talk about a person in your life that has made a huge difference in how you act and feel.

Write about someone who completely changed your life.

Something that you could never live without.

Write from your enemy’s point of view.

What are your views on stereotyping?

Should animals be treated like humans, like those mega-pampered pooches?

How exactly do you think that innocent bug feels when he or she’s going about their business and suddenly have a hand, foot, or flying object of choice end their life so suddenly when as far as they know they have done nothing wrong?

Do you think iPods and cellphones should be allowed in school? Write a letter to the principal convincing him of your opinion.

Write a letter to an acquaintance telling him/her of your hobby and try to convince him/her to try it too.

Write a brief history of something of your choice.

Write a story with the title “Mountain Man”

Favorite type of cookie and why.

Do you think students should be required to type their assignments? Why or why not?

Pick a sport and explain how it’s played and the rules of the game.

The most memorable moment of your life.

When were you lazy?  (Go on -- guess whose topic this was.  Here's a hint: it's not from your class, but the other one.)

Write a story with the title, “Santa, The Man”

Write a persuasive essay about what is wrong with US health care.

Write a story about a time when you had to do something you didn’t want to do. Preferably something your parents made you do.

What is the worst injury you have ever acquired?

Write a story with the title “Lethal Enema.”

What journeys have your shoes been through?

Write a story about a death close to you.

College. What do you think?

The best summer of your life.

A story about someone close to you who has passed away, with your memories and experiences with that person.

What are your plans for the future?

(1)Required P.E., (2)Required reading, (3)Methods of election. Right or wrong?  (Humphrey's note: these are three individual topics: Is any one of these three things right, or wrong?)

Favorite cookie and why.

Write a story with a specific title.

Essay form. (Humphrey's note: I have no idea what this one means.)

Write about a time you “saved” or helped someone in a bad situation.

Write a short story of your choosing.

Write an essay about a story you’ve read, explaining why you liked it/what you liked about it.

An imaginative story in 3rd person.

A title  (Humphrey's note: no clue on this one, either.  Make up a title and nothing else?  Write a story for the title "A Title?"  Got me.)

What you wished you learned in school.

Free write.

Explain what makes you who you are.

Persuade us why a band you love is better than a band you hate.

Write about the time in your life you were most angry.

How would you make a PB&J?

Explain how aliens will eventually take over our planet.

Do you think aliens will attack us? Why?

Talk about a topic that you’re passionate about.

Talk about a favorite trip.

Talk about whether you should be in school or not.

Write about something that truly changed your life.

Make up the history to an old famous song (“Twinkle, Twinkle;” “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt;” etc.)

Heroin dealers in NYC.

You pass a huge accident. What do you do?

You’re born from a waterfall; how is your life?

The adventures of Will and Brother Bear.

Your most embarrassing moment . . . with zombies.

One man who can do everything extraordinary, but nothing normal.

Write an imaginative story starring Chuck Liddell, Gloria Estefan, and a panther.

Detail a graphic murder you would commit against someone in the school. Be specific. Use names.

Write about anything you wish, but you may not use the letter “e.”


Make up a story

A persuasive topic

How did you like the previous topics?

Write an open story.

Write whatever you want without the letter “e.”

Where is your favorite vacation place?

What’s your preferred weather?

Do you have a role model? If so, who?

Write about a relationship you’ve been in.

Fantasy story


Bad experiences

Write a movie documentary about something

What’s the happiest moment of your childhood?

What do you want to do? Why?

The first time you shot up crack.

The complete explanation as to why you’re wearing the socks you are.

Write anything of your choice.

Describe the most important time in your life, and explain why. (Narrative)

Write a story about how one student can change a school.

Write a persuasive essay explaining whether you think people as a whole do or do not have a bright future. Explain why or why not.

Write an excerpt from a made-up story where there is at least one character, and a conflict/plot.

Write an essay based on a quote. Here are a few . . .

Write an essay on what the future will be like.

Write about dreams.

Write about the craziest day you ever had.

Write a horror story.

Write about anything you want.

Make a fiction story about something positive that happened to you.

Persuade your parents to give you a later curfew on school nights.

Inform students about a topic you love.

How do you like high school?  How is it different from middle school?

Make a story about your best memory.

Argue why the high school should or should not have limitations/boundaries on lunch privileges.

1 comment:

  1. I like to pick a topic that i know i can write a lot about as an essay. the topic id choose to write about would be "what would you do if you won 1,000,000?" because i know what id do with that kind of money and it would be easy for me to write about.


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