Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The mysteries of life

I like to think that I can see the mystery in things most of the time, but sometimes it is really hard to, I get caught up in my life sometimes and I can't see much outside of my bubble...I try to listen to the things on the other side of the everyday world as much as possible, it's good for people to step out of their bubbles and listen to things, just listen. I like to sit sometimes and just let the sounds of the world soak into my veins. Like listening to the rain hit my roof or I like going out in the woods when I can and listening to the sounds of nature...it's just good for the soul. What I find interesting about the video Mr.Humphrey posted is that this man is playing some of the most beautiful most complex music in the world and so many people just walked by not even giving him the time of day. It's sad really but people do it every day, they are so focused or so painfully oblivious to what goes on around them that they can't even notice the things that aren't even hidden. The hidden things in life bring me joy, it makes me feel human and it makes me feel closer to the world around me. The mysteries of life aren't huge all the time sometimes it's the simple stuff.


  1. It's sad really that no one will stop and read this...then again I don't always read other people's posts either sigh what can you do?

  2. That's not true, Amy, I'm reading this. :)
    I think that we all have a chance in our lives where we can be open-minded and stop to listen or see something we haven't before. A tree is just a tree, until you look at it and examine every detail and every beauty about it. People just take it for granted because there's more "exciting" things out there that are man-made, like computers, phones, etc. Also, I think that a lot of people take things for granted until it's gone. I myself am guilty of that.

  3. yay! someone read my post! I feel so greatful :D

  4. and yes I totally agree Kryssy people dont realize what they have till it's gone or it is changed then they actually step back and go "woah I had it really good I never realized that." and it's true now a days people are so busy in the electronics that they hardly notice the things going on around them...like the other day I was at the white house and the street was blocked off and they were trying to keep people off the walk way and half of them couldn't hear cuse they had their ipods in and couldn't hear the police officers it was crazy cuse there was like 15 people who all did the same thing sigh what can you do? It's kinda sad though


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