Tuesday, April 20, 2010

topics 1-11

all right sorry im such a lazy ass mr. humphrey but here goes for the 11 blogs that i haven't done

topic 1- class and me in class

i think that this class is a tad ridiculous, ill only say one thing due to a need for other topics to be written, saying that you think we should make our own decision on whether or not to be functionable in the class and then (dont quote me on your feelings) be angry at us stupid teenagers for being stupid teenagers. maybe people would make more sound decisions if we had a little more stability and rule in our life.Of course maybe i just feel that we need more rule because i grew up with none. and id probably give my self a 2/10 because like i said earlier im much too lazy but i do do some work

topic 2- elements

probably plot, not due to action although i love action, but more storyline that plays along in it. i need a good storyline or i feel like im just reading the same thing over and over again.

topic 3- movies

my favorite movie-i dont have a favorite movie, but plenty of movies that i love
favorite action tie between braveheart and gladiater (theres probably others but i cant think of them right now), romance- beauty and the beast, Hell yeah! (yes im totally badass for cussing its why i do it) quote- once more far too many so ill go with Tigger"weve got too much time to waste to stand around here doing things". guilty pleasure.... cant think of any movies that im guilty about watching,if you think theres a movie ive seen that id feel guilty about watching feel free to comment.

topic 4- sports

i think just being a past time and not being negative is enough to make it good, besides that at the very least it keeps you fit and healthy and that is good. i dont think the games are corrupt simply the people playing them, and the olympics i dont really have anything to say about because i dont watch them.

topic 5- music

once more too many good songs although i think that meaningfullness would probably make youth of the nation, wonderful,or scars of time win it. i cant say i have a favorite band although lately i have been listening to some of a band i found called dead and divine that i really like.
and genre....... i think ill just call the genre angry music.

topic 6- cliques

most of the time i just hang out with my family i rarely hang out with people outside of school because although i can act pretty immature, i really dont like people, they irriatate me.

topic 7- favorite part of spring break

definitely being away from school. gotta love the time off

topic 8- missing

definitly a child. id probably appreciate a wife. not going any further into it.

topic 9- mystery and wonder

theres plenty of mystery and wonderment in this world definitly worth finding and noticing although i really hate things i cant answer. they hurt me

switch 9 and 10 please

topic 10- men vs women

there are far too many differances and all that good stuff between us so ill simply state the two most common ones. men are TYPICALLY physically stronger and women are TYPICALLY more caring. dont freak out on me for stereotypes. that gets irriatating and its why i only said those two things. I would like to note however that in this day and age people seem to be angry at white straight males especially if they have opinions that are different than others.(although i have met a lot of them that are pretty stupid)

topic 11- living without

not to be sarcastic but people, because although they irriatate me, i think if im not already crazy i would probably go psycho if i was alone.

sorry i had short blogs ill try and actually keep up mr. humphrey
good night.

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