Tuesday, April 6, 2010

If you have, give. If you lack, seek

In my life right now, what is missing, and for ever will be in my mom. Lately I have been watching home videos, and seeing a picture is one thing but hearing her voice really takes me back. It obviously doesn't bring her back but it brings part of her back so that I can remember her more clearly. I am missing the full house that i used to have, it has gone from four people to two, and it is very lonely sometimes.

Something I am lacking in friends, I don't have that big of a group of friends, and when planning my birthday party i felt pretty lame not being able to come up with that many people.

I think the biggest obstacle i deal with is that i get sick very easily. I used get sick 6 to 8 times a year. I would get full blown sinus infections, so i got my tonsils removed, in hope of not getting sick anymore and now it hasnt even been two months since i have gotten them removed and i have been sick twice.

A mental obstacle though is that I am pretty shy and I have started to keep to myself with certain things because i am always afraid of being hurt, so i don't let people in very easily.

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