Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Alrighty, time to make some things up in here.

First off, the sexism thing.
I'm not really towards either side having it tougher, I mean girls go through a lot of BS with their bodies from what I understand, but boys have a lot of mojo stuff going on. At least from what I can tell usually. I'm not actually the type of guy to literally do something to look better than the other guy, I might do so sarcastically. There's not much I can say about this really, it's not the way I think at all. So I'll say this: Girls are social critters, guys like to fight, one is tough, the other is great, that's my opinion.

Spring is a very dark, yet bright time for me. For very many reasons. Let's start with the cons: spring break! everyone just goes crazy and I hate it. People freak over going somewhere and getting smashed and then they brag about it. I don't like it. Then, I get hustled by jesus freaks and christians over not celebrating easter. Whaaa? I have a different holiday than you? get over it. It doesn't suck to not get candy, I just don't use a number of the month as an excuse to fatten up. It was a wiccan holiday to begin with anyways! to celebrate the spirit returning to the earth, not jesus. Quit stealin' holidays. But on subject, spring is a beautiful time of the year!

Sorely Lacking:
What am I missing in my life? Nothing really. I'm really content with how cinematic my life is currently, ranging from action films to indie flicks, things always seem to fit the stereotype of a movie. Maybe my life IS a movie. But to look at what it's lacking? Motivation! I could have so much more music made, so many more pictures drawn, so many more maps completed, and a lot more jelly beans, if I could just motivate myself to get them. Oh well, life goes on!

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