Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rachael- Topic 9.

First of all, I think that both sexes have tough problems, but they are different types. Men go through having to look buff for the ladies ;) They also have to seem tough and manly, which means they have the difficult task of shoving all their sweet, loving, and sensitive emotions the the back of their minds, and forgetting over time that they exist. Therefore, men in general turn out to be cold hearted and egotistical. On the outside. On the inside, there is still some hope for them. Just deep down. Very very deep down. Now, on the women. We experience puberty in middle school, going through peer pressure, constantly intaking images of beautiful (but fake) woman, that we in turn (to some extent) Strive to be. This creates meny self image problems, which can lead to other greater problems. So while men sit there and feel the need to work out because they want to get laid, woman worry about calories and dieting and being tan and having the perfect body. All in all, teenages expierence a wild self image roller coaster. In the grown up world, its very different. Men get to go to work, come home, sit down on the X box or watch football, have their wives make their dinner, and then crawl in to bed while their wives comfort them for their "Hard day at work." On the other hand, A womans day consists of something like this:

Wake up at 5:30
Make sure there are things for breakfast
Wake the kids up
Get them showered and ready for school
Make sure husband gets up
Feed everyone breakfast
Get everyone on the bus
Take care of self
Go to work
Work all day
Pick up kids for school
Take care of all childrens sporting events
make sure not to forget everything
Run errands
Make sure there are things for dinner
Come home, clean the house
Do all chores
Make dinner
stop kids from fighting
Kick husband off the t.v.
Try to have people help around the house
Make sure everyone gets their homework done
Listen to everyone bitch about their problems
Comfort everyone
Get all children into bed
Make sure there are supplies in the house for tomorrow
Make sure there are no other conflicts
Lay down in bed
Zero time to take care of self.


I think I've made my point.

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