Sunday, April 25, 2010

Topic #8 ~ Elisa

So, I feel pretty good seeing that at least one person was further behind than me because I was feeling pretty pathetic. I won't even lie about that one.

I think what I like in my life is feeling loved. And I don't mean that in like boyfriend-girlfriend love because, let's face it - despite everyone who claims to be in love during high school - one out of 100 couples will actually have high school relationships which last their whole lives. I mean like the love of your family. Like don't get me wrong, my parents don't not care about me, but I've never got the feeling from them that they loved me, well especially from my mom... She never seemed to want to play with me when I was little or anything, and now she hardly pays attention to me. My dad seemed to more when I was little, but now I'm a teenager and I feel like he just protects me to a severe degree.

I think the biggest challenge of my future is going to be convincing people I should be treated with the level of respect my education suggests. I mean, graduating a year early will mean I will have a high school diploma at the age of sixteen due to already being one of the youngest in my class. And that will make me seventeen my whole first year of college and my parents are holding that against me which I don't find fair. They won't let me go live on a college campus due to my age afraid I will do "stupid stuff", but in all honesty I don't think a year will alter my values. In fact I think being younger might help keep me away from trying things like alcohol when I'm in college because even taking four years with my undergrad I wouldn't be legally able to drink the whole time so it wouldn't be like it'd be "soon" so it just wouldn't seem like that big of a deal to me. So I'm being held back due to my age which is frustrating.

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