Monday, April 26, 2010

i would love to write about... topic 11!

i love the spinal tap reference by the way! awesome movie! anyway, i would love to write about anything that has to do with making up a story because that is the most fun thing for me as a writer to do!! they may not be well written but i think i have some pretty crazy ideas that need to be written down on paper! or not... well i would choose to write a horror story just because that is the easiest thing for me to do! even when i try not to make my stories creepy and weird they end up that way! like my short story for example! i wanted it to be fantasy... yeah that didnt work out to well... but actually, that would be another topic i would write about! a fantasy story! or that one about zombies... im not sure what it means but it has the word "zombie" in it so it MUST be good!! ok this is turning into some weird rant...yeah those are the topics i would write about! but not on blogger where anyone from my class could read it... that wouldn't be good... at all..

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