Monday, April 12, 2010


I dont really think that life is mysterious. It's just life. Sure, there are mysterioes in it, but it's really pretty simple, the stuff that's complicated, is non-important stuff. Non-life stuff. Non-soup stuff. I believe there is some mystery, but life is pretty straight forward. The future, is definitely mysterious though. Because we dont know half a thing about it.
I don't hear silent things, so no. It's kinda like, if a tree fell in the forest, and no one was there to hear it, would it make a noise? Or even better (got this from a tee shirt), if a fat kid tripped and fell in the forest, and no one else was there, would the trees laugh?
I think in our modern world, it's hard for us to notice the small things, and that's the wonders. The small details and objects. Billboards are big, and we notice them. Bugs are small and we step on them.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. I try so hard not to step on those little bugs, though! Hehe. But I agree. I don't think we can hear things that aren't there, but I think that we can twist things a certain way in our mind to make it what we want to hear. Like someone tapping their fingers. To us it's just "tap tap tap", but to them it might be a whole song played out with the instruments they have available.


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