Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Topics topics topics

Well when I was reading the list a couple of them caught my attention:

What era would you want to have been born in?

I think I would like to have been born in the Victorian era or in one of the classical eras, and this is because things were a bit simpler back then and to be honest that would be nice sometimes. Ok so that's not the only reason the other reason is because I love the things they use to wear and the fashion of things was just so elegant.

How does a bug feel right before it gets stepped on?

This one made me laugh because I hate bugs and I always think about what they are thinking about before I squish them. It also made me laugh because sometimes when Monique, Aimee and I walk home we see little Woolly bears, you know the fuzzy orange and black caterpillars, crossing the road and all I see is Mo standing over the little thing and side swiping it with her foot so that it flies into the bushes. It's so funny cuse we talk about all the cuse words coming out of its little mouth as it goes flying through the air hahahaha ah its funny. I know I'm horrible.

I also liked the one, although very morbid, about the one person you really hate and telling how you'd kill them and giving names...hahaha I don't have anyone like that luckily but when I read it it made me laugh so I put it on here xD

I also liked the one about most embarrassing moment...with zombies. lol well I wouldn't know but this would make for a very interesting imaginative story hahaha I know I could have some fun with it.

Ok for the one I have to write a little about I chose the favorite cookie one because hey cookies, can't beat that. So my favorite cookie is the chocolate chip, what can I say I'm a conventional girl when it comes to sweets. I love chocolate chip because it is simple and tastes very good and if the chip to dough ratio is just right it is one of the best desserts in the world. The best is when they are fresh from the oven and the chocolate is still all gooey mmm so good xD oh and they are the best with a glass of milk to lol they are just good all around.

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