Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fears and Tears

Dang. I've never thought about these next few weeks like that, Mr. H. You've now just succeded in depressing me.
Okay, things that scare me: Snakes. That's pretty much it. I can almost stand to look at/eat anything. (Found that out over the weekend..) All my life, I've been terrified of snakes, but last summer it was confirmed that snakes are terrifying, when I almost stepped on a coiled rattlesnake. I burst into tears and ran away. But that's pretty much all that scares me. Fear is sort of irrational.
I guess my most irrational fear(s) are/is: Being alone, but not being able to get away from humans at the same time, if that makes any sense. I'm also terrified of myself. I don't want to be forgotten, either.
I love to watch scary movies, and I looove to scare people. I really don't know what happened in my childhood to make me like things like that, but that's the way I roll.
I think that's all. Later!


  1. I have the same irrational fears as you. I hate to be alone and I hate to be surrounded by people even if that's just a few people in a room with me. Also most of the time I feel alone and the times when I feel the most is when I am with people... that sounds really odd.
    The thought of being forgotten scares the bologna and cheese(just don't comment on that I really don't know) out of me!

  2. i hate to have people think badly of me. even if its a rumor i usually get really sad and depressed because i always want to be known as the person that everybody likes or is ok with

  3. Because over the weekend... Not gonna elaborate. But snakes dont scare me, their poop just stinks like crap (facny that!) and gets all over ur hands. Ew!


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