Sunday, November 1, 2009

Scare me to death

I'm what people would call a big scaredy cat....I absolutely hate anything that gives me the willies. I don't enjoy being afraid and I don't know how any other sane person would friends like it, one of them has a name that says it all, zombieshavemorefun. I mean I don't mind if people tell me about the scary stuff, but I just can't actually see it otherwise the images get stuck in my head. If I see something scary I could probably remember more about it than anyone else could, because stuff like that just gets wedged into my brain and I can't stop remembering it. Yet I'm fine passing out candy on Halloween because I know the little creepers in masks aren't I don't know.....maybe it's just movies.

I hate spiders with a deep passion......I also hate their webs because if I step through one than I think there is a spider on me and that freaks me out so much!!!!! I don't mind looking at them, but if they touch me I freak out and they die a very horrible death, and then flush....... just like my Goldfish flipper. Oh and fake spiders don't scare me so don't try anything, and if you bring a real spider I want to let you know that you are a horrible person and I hope something eats you.
When I worry about something rational normally it's something like "I wonder what will happen when I grow up, will I be happy?" or " When my parents die will I be all alone?", but I just have to tell myself to not worry about it right now because when the time comes everything will work out in the end.

For the record I like things like Vampires, Witches and Werewolves, but they aren't real, and when people made them up, they made them up to be scary, but now that there are so many books about these kinds of things it's hard to look at them as being scary anymore. Like if I see something related to vampires I automatically think "Wow that's cheesy." or "Eric would totally say that." (from a book, if you know the series).

So that's my view on the subject and I think this is the longest entry I have written on the blog so yeah if you want to talk to me about something leave a post, oh and I figured out how to do the picture thingy finally!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. lol! you jump at loud noises too!!! like at the movies!


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