Wednesday, October 28, 2009

High School...

If you all haven't noticed when I get bored I rant on here, but anyway high school big topic i know. Lately I have realized how annoying high school can be. One thing that drives me nuts, is labels, labels are the stupidest thing ever it seems like some people come up with ideas of what they think of us before they have even spoken to us. It's like a comfort thing or something they give you a label so they know "what" you are. It annoys me because its like come on we are not a freaking grocery store where we are all in our places by title or food label.

My next thing is gossip, people feel like that just because the two people sitting next to them are talking about something, that they need to know it too, which they don't. And most of the time it's someone that you don't even know. Next thing you know everyone knows and by the time the 300th person knows the story is so twisted around. People always feel a need to be in others people's business, or they think they know what is better for you in certain situations when they don't even know half of what is going on.

Lastly is people aren't unique. Everyone is always following new fashions or fads that come along to "fit" in. Personally I hate being a crouwd follower, I am different, and I don't say it because of the everyone trying to be different. I do what I like if its something other people are doing then cool, if not then that's awesome too. I have some pretty funny lines that i like to use so that just leaves one thing...

Amy quit stealing my lines!!!!


  1. GO Kelsey!! It's fun to be bored!

  2. Labels: Yeah, you Honors student-artistic-athletic types always have problems with those. My advice is to mock the label. If there's one that particularly annoys you, do something that is the complete opposite of the stereotype, and then let people realize how poorly the label fits you. Like me: I used to get labeled a hippie, but I'm strongly against drugs and very up front about that; I smell nice (or at least not bad, so long as you don't mind stale coffee breath); and I'm WAY too mean to be seen as peace and love-y.

    Gossip: the only solution is for people to -- and I hate this phrase and never use it, but it's entirely appropriate here -- get a life. If you have your own thing going on, then it doesn't matter what other people are doing. Though sometimes, the things you overhear are just interesting, and that makes you want to know more. I know that happens to me sometimes. Though I also hear things I NEVER wanted to know. But our society as a whole is very gossip-oriented, with our celebrity obsessions and our tabloid journalism, so it's understandable that teens would do the same -- monkey see . . .

    Everybody IS unique. Which means everybody is alone. Which is scary, so people try to escape that by connecting to other people. But to connect you have to open yourself up, and that's scary too, because people can hurt you then. So it's easier to connect in some superficial way, like fashion. It's lame, but there it is.

    I just wish popular fashions weren't so dang ugly. Tight jeans? Flat hair? Hoodies? Yick, yack, and YARF!

  3. Nicely said Mr Humphrey...good advice...although i just dont care if i get labeled, its their time that they waste not mine.


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