Sunday, October 11, 2009

If ur reading this then ur cool.

Ok here's the thing, school spirit is all fine and dandy and I really don't mind dressing up for the events its kinda fun sometimes, but I personally really really don't like pep assemblies...I mean I could be home doing something else instead of standing in crowded bleachers with a bunch of smelly high schoolers, some of which don't know the meaning of the word DEODORANT, but then again if these things are mandatory, why not put a little participation into it? I'm talking about the people who sit for the assemblies right in the middle of the crowd...if your gonna sit at least sit in the back please so there isn't just one big gaping hole in the middle of sophomore section. And I know that its really annoying when "popular" people tell you to stand up, but for goodness sakes alive if you do it then they will shut up. So that's my view on the matter and again if you are reading this you my friend are an awesomely cool person (and you'd be cooler if you left a comment).


  1. I am leaving you a comment because i am awesome, anyway totally agree with this.

  2. im cool right? yep i knew it!!! anyway yeah we talked about tis before so i know what your talking about

  3. Wow i feel really special people are commenting on my post wait for it.....wait....yes I really do hear the hallelujah corus lol


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