Thursday, October 1, 2009


Well truth itself is a lie. No one goes around and says the truth all the time. Why? Because that would be ridiculous. People tell little lies to keep from hurting others feeling. Essentially keeping the peace. Even if they wouldn't care, people don't go around saying hurtful truths. Now I'm not saying lie, lie, lie, lie. But, there are times to say the truth too. Like when someone looks ridiculous. You should probably tell the truth.. Probably.

You should probably tell the truth if your this guy..


  1. Nice image, Ryan. But I'm not sure wherer you were going with your post. Lying is inevitable, I assume, but that doesn't make it a good thing. I'm more curious about the idea that truth can be harmful and thus should be avoided -- should we lie more often, then? Spare the feelings of others at the expense of our own? Or is it the other way around: does lying make us feel better and other people feel worse? I suppose it depends on the subject and object of your lie; if I lie about myself -- tell you all that I'm a supergenius, for instance -- does that hurt you and help me? Or vice versa? Or neither? What if I tell my students the truth, that I don't necessarily have all the answers and don't always know what I'm doing in the classroom? Does that improve our relationship because it is the truth, or harm it because you lose confidence in my ability to teach you? Should I lie or tell the truth on that one?

    And by the way: why is it lie has a verb form, but truth does not? Is it because we lie so much more than we -- true? Maybe we should all true a little more.

  2. I agree... to some degree. You don't always lie. Some people are truly honest most of the time. I try not to lie but I really only lie to people who I don't know/like/care about or when I have to to stay alive... well not alive but when my older brother tried to punch me for stealing his cookie a few years back it was worth the lie to not get hurt.


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