Monday, October 5, 2009

my totem

this is my totem above.
ok first of is this lovely picture/I dont even know thingy, and I think it pretty much sums up what my totem was going to be about so I just kinda put it there. don't worry though, I will find a picture/totem i just thought i would talk about this first. First of all I am shy!! not antisocial! and another thing is I'm only shy with people who are not my friends, but if you are one of my friends you are probably wondering why there is a shy sticker right above where I'm typing and im kind of doing this for the people that don't know me anyway so now on to my totem.
so first of all i chose it because its really cute an i couldn't NOT have it be my totem because it's adorable! It represents how I act at home when my parents arn't home i guess? I'm kind of outgoing and i play videogames ALOT, also it represents how random i can be at times. I mean come on!! I bet im the only one who will have a cute little ghost thing as their totem!! His outfit also resembles how i want to be carefree and do whatever i want to do but guess what? the shyness kicks the little ghost guy in the crotch and says "Girrrrrl I don't think so." so now you get a little taste of what its like to be me...


  1. So since you don't know what the thing above is its a shy guy which is funny considering the other picture you put on the blog.
    Also I know exactly what you mean when you say that your shy not antisocial because I am the same way.

  2. aww poor person who shall remain

  3. I'm just sorry that your outgoing adventurous self keeps getting kicked in the crotch. You know, sooner or later, there's going to be permanent damage. Then how will the shyness feel? Stupid bullying shyness.


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