Friday, October 23, 2009

Really long ongoing commentary

OK I'm going to do this all in one post first the questions. Starting from the first question up. What is the most important truth that I know? it has to be just my religious beliefs because I'm LDS "mormon" so most of my truths come from that. What exactly is reality? this is a hard one because you can always argue against one oppinion but mine is that reality is all things existing in the past present future all matter and material in the space time continuum and yes i know what that is, so i hope that answers that somewhat fuzzily. Who's my favorite author? well i don't like to read so i'll just say Conor Kostick. What is the best book i've ever read? don't laugh i don't read a lot but hatchet. The biggest thing that has influenced my life? probably it would have to be my friends because i'll admit it i give into peer pressure. How many crispy chicken wings for 28 men at a party? first why aren't there women there and second 168 that is about 6 per person plus dipping sauce and drinks. What i want my legacy to be? well i didn't read that whole blog so i don't know what she ment but i'd like my legacy to be a good and prosperous one you know like a book would say about a king. If i could do anything for the world what would it be? well just live my life and help in small ways because no one person can change the world except superman he can do anything. Would i rather be a geek or nerd? easy nerd one i'm already one and nerds are usually smart and get to be good at video games. what other blogs do i like to read? i don't like blogging so none. What annoys me the most? well i am fine with a lot of things but one thing is when people think they're being smart but they are acutally horribly wrong. I'll answer my question what is the most impactful thing in my life? probably would be when i moved here when i was 5 years old because otherwise i wouldn't be in St helens..... maybe that is a good thing. what has gotten me to where i am here today? well probably just the box answers my family friends religion and where i actually am like where i'm living. what is the best advice i've ever gotten who from and why was it so impacting? probably from my mom to do a little work all the time so when a project is due or something i don't have a lot of work at one time just the same little amount. who has influenced my life the most? it has to be my mom well first she gave birth to me and second she has taught me a lot of what i know and also takes care of me snirf snirf. what is the most painful injury i've ever had? i know it is lame just a sprained ankle from twisting it in a pot hole it lasted about a week that is it. what do i believe in, why, when did it start, what do i know that supports it, can it be scientifically proven, does that mean it is or isn't true? I believe in my religion my parents have had me going for well since i've been born but i haven't really truly believed until a few years ago what supports it is that it has beliefs similar to other religions but it has all the holes or questions filled in or answered no it cannot be scientifically proven but it doesn't mean it is wrong a lot of stuff can't be proven like how anything, exists. when do i start looking at the positive? when the negative is so bad that the positive is the only place to turn and there is a difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny. would i fall in love if i knew my heart was going to be broken? yes just because it is a way to pass the time. what is my favorite music/genre/artist,band/song? country the rascal flatts and me and my gang. what is my biggest downfall? i would say my social abilities which are not great. what is my most embarassing thing that has happened to me and why was it embarassing? i really don't get embarassed i do get nervous but that is different. what experience has taught me the most? not really one thing but schooling in general because that is what we do here we learn at least some of us. why do guys wear girl pants? i know this isn't really appropriate but i think it is them imagining the girl in those pants having their vagina where there penis is. worst memory every? when i got a really bad sunburn on a vaccation which completely ruins it. Is there a god? yes. did we really land on the moon? yes. If i could have anything in my life what would it be? just a normal life with some surprises thrown in but hopefully a majority are good surprises. what motivates me to put forth my best effort? well i don't put forth my best effort so nothing i guess i don't know. why people think they are awesome at something when they aren't? to make (themselves) feel better (themself or themselves). tour the U.S. europe or asia? easy asia. best burger i've ever had? definetely these homemade ones i made once. well i think that was all the questions.
truth and lies: i chose loathing in st helens. well his i partially agree with since you sometimes have to lie. ryno's i agree also since lying is necassary but i disagree on that it is needed.
totems: i chose tiffany's well that is strange that she would want to be a whale to just float there and do nothing but that is fine i guess also the music note ah i cant really say. also i chose nicole larson's she picked her family soccer band and school well i guess that pretty much takes up all day every day for her except i'm sure she probably finds time to spend with friends.
School spirit: i chose will c.'s and i agree that i don't want it to apply to me but i disagree that it is good for anyone. also i chose no bones tony! and ya he is pretty much right on the whole pep assemblies subject so i really don't need to add anything.
So there are my commentaries sorry for the quality degrading i did this all in one sitting and well it got boring.


  1. for some reason if anyone were to do this... it would be you

  2. wow thats kinda scary and im not even going to try and find my answer in there........all i can say is wow...and don't fall asleep in health class lol


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