Saturday, October 17, 2009

School spirit

I can't say how much I hate school spirit. I swear to god every pep assembly makes me want to die. The reason is that everyone makes such a fucking big deal about it. I mean really there's people saying they hate it and people saying that the people that hate it are losers. People say it's so fun and fucking argue with you at the assemblies. They should just turn around and do their own shit because I can't stand them. And then they're all oh wow your so cool for not cheering thinking that that would embarrass you into cheering when all it does is make you want to piss them off by staying in your seat because it's hilarious watching them try to come up with a second insult that isn't as retarded as the first. I forgot about this till like 10 minutes ago when I was lying in bed. It's 11:43 so yeah it's on time.


  1. haha agreed school spirt blows :P

  2. watch the language mister!! this is a fancy school assignment and you just killed me a little inside by cussing! :( but i agree with you anyway about not thinking school spirit is awesome cuz its not! i found out that all you can do is just do what they say so you don't look like a jerk and it doesn't kill you to stand up does it?

    seriously pat. it makes you want to die. i had to stop reading after that because it was too much.seriously pat its just a pep assembly. stop freaking out


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