Tuesday, October 6, 2009

MY TOTEM. (Totems are delicious :P)

Mah totem would prolly just have stuff that consumes my time in it, soo..
school. (who would've guessed right?)


  1. Well there must be something more to you than just school. I know you are in band, you play tennis, etc.. just don't try to say that there is nothing to you because that's not possible.

  2. I dunno -- I've never actually touched Cole. Maybe he's just a hologram. Or hey, maybe he's actually Will's clone! Maybe they were once one person, and they got blasted by the demon wand that Xander got hit with on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and they've divided into separate beings, each with one side of the personality of the original Willcole. So Will is the outgoing one, and Cole is the quiet one. Right? Wait, no . . .


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