Tuesday, October 6, 2009

*sigh* figures. Stoopid pics dont show up. How'd u do it Olivia? :$ I cant figure it out. Oh wait. :P it says add image... got it. So after school, (it doesn't need a picture, u all know what it looks like, (I hope)), Project Playlist!! Cuz I go on the computer after school, and my homepage is project playlist, cuz its my source of free music. (u can check my profile out, im coleson123).
Then comes School. Ugh, pics at the top, this is messed up. Whatever, Im done witht he pics.

K, so after school, comes cars. I like cars. They're cool. In case ur wondering, this ones called the Mazda Furai. Its my personal fav. Oh, wait, I got the school in the right place now. :P (u can drag the pics. :)

Then comes soemthing that I dont really care to write about or post a pic of right now, so Im done.Ya. dats mah totem. :P


  1. Oh, ti cut the car off. :(

  2. How does a car symbolize you?

  3. A car symbolizes him because in some ways, we are a concatenation of our preferences, our likes and dislikes. Those preferences are built by our experiences, and our sensory inputs and enjoyment or dislike of same -- which are also created in part by our experiences, as well as by our DNA. So the reasons Cole likes cars, whatever they are, show quite a bit about him, if they could all be analyzed and clarified. This is why it was perfectly reasonable for people to use their pastimes, their likes and dislikes, to represent themselves on their masks -- though I wanted to see other stuff, too.

    But Cole? Cars are actually really lame. I mean, that one's cool for a car, but that's like saying this rotten flyblown hamburger is tasty for garbage. I mean, what's so special about a hunk of metal and plastic that can move kinda fast in one direction?


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