Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I think my personal totem, would be a regular pole. Bland at first, until you approach it. Then it sprouts arms, and slaps you in the face. Not hard, just enough for you to be aware that you've been slapped by a pole. Sure, at first you're irritated - but then you laugh. Why? BECAUSE YOU JUST GOT SLAPPED BY A POLE. How is that not hilarious?

As insanely cryptic & random as this sounds, it means something. On the outside, I'm normal. Regular. Nothing to remember. But once you know me, I'm a pretty odd individual. The sort of person who laughs at pole-on-human violence. I can hurt people with my words & personality. This can alienate some, but most appreciate it. It makes me who I am, and it's not that bad of an injury.


  1. BEWARE of slappping poles! They can kill....well yeah anyways I found that really funny and random and I appreciate the humor, but now Im scared of telephone poles...thanks....

  2. I think it would be funnier if the pole licked you, and its tongue stuck.

    But I'm not recommending that you just start licking people.

    Though that would be an effective means of keeping them from getting too close.

  3. Yeah, that would be pretty funny. "Hey, what happened to your face?" "Well, I just got slapped by a pole." "... Seriously?"


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