Saturday, October 3, 2009

I think that truths are the way to go, when i think about it i can't really even come up with a good reason to lie, exept maybe to save yourself from dying, but everyone dose it. when i lie, its mostly because im to lazy to tell the truth. did you do your homework, yes, when i actualy didn't and am just saying that because if i had said no than i would have actually had to get up off my lazy butt and do something. and that is a horrible reason to lie! as for omitting the truth, i think that's totaly ok, unless your asked directly and just avoid the question thats not ok. i think it almost has something to do with that poam we read in class. if you tell the whole truth, some people might get blinded by some of smaller deatials and miss the real point. these are my opinions.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with these opinions. Though I'm unclear on the difference between leaving out details and lying. Don't you think you can lie by omission? And how do you tell between truth that is slanted, as the poem described, and truth that is lying all the way on its back? In mathematical terms: what is the proper angle for the truth?


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