Saturday, October 17, 2009

School spirit.

I used to have school spirit,I dressed up,cheered and even tried to help with the play and float. It annoyed me when some people who stood up there and complained the whole practice how nobody was doing anything.Telling us to stand up is pointless and won't suddenly grant us with the gift that is school spirit because you yell and kick us untill we stand(which I actually did have someone do.) Last year a group of friends and me signed up to help with the floats and wrote down our numbers.None of us got called or asked again to help. So,don't tell me to stop sitting in the bleachers and help when I offered and you didn't want it. I have personal reasons why I do not like this school,But I go because my friends and family are all in St.Helens. Isn't it a little rude to tell people to leave the school if they don't like it? (not very school spirit like if you ask me) Not everyone can help being here. I support the school in other ways. Like asking the new kid to sit with me at lunch and standing up for someone who is beaing teased. Are the actual students at this school worth less than the idea of school spirit?

1 comment:

  1. That is so true. I think that you put what people have been trying to say into well thought out comments. Kudos!!


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