Thursday, October 8, 2009


My totem.... what would my totem have on it. I would definitely have family on it. I love my family and they are part of what make up who I am, also no matter what you say or do your family is there. Seriously that's pretty awesome to me. I would also have some activities I do on the totem so a soccer ball and a music note or treble clef sign or anything like that. Those two things make me feel good when I am upset. I would also have to have something to represent school because when I am not playing soccer or doing something band related I'm at school or doing homework. Finally I would put a blurred picture of someone doing a random dance representing that I am a total dork and the picture would be blurred because it shows movement.

1 comment:

  1. I like the blurry random dance, but you should have the totem pole dancing. Like one of those sound-activated dancing flowers.

    I think people should break into random dance more often. Or random song for those people who can't dance. I would like to live in a bad Broadway musical.


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